Things to never say to a cop

Reverend Conehead

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I'm sure there's lists on this topic, but I want to share one that I know comes from real life. When my niece was only 16, and was a very inexperienced driver, a cop pulled her over for speeding. She said, "Well, my daddy said that they deliberately set the speed limits way too low, and they do it just to pick on people." LOL. The cop wasn't very pleased and ripped her a new one.
So, if there was any doubt, now you know. Don't say that to a cop. Your turn. If you know of something that someone has actually said to a cop, but is a bad idea to say, please share. Thanks.
If you get the wrong cop, this could be bad:

I stopped in a sobriety checkpoint once. The cop comes up to my window and asks, "Anything to drink tonight?"

Just out of reflex I said, "No thanks!"

Fortunately, he thought it was funny.
My oldest brother blew through a stop sign, with my other brother in the passenger seat.

The other brother: "Uh oh."

Older brother: "No, really?"

Other brother: "Yep."

So he just pulls right over, and the cop comes flying out from the side road, almost driving right by him. The cop backs up behind him and walks up to his window.

Older brother rolls down the window, and starts wagging his finger at the cop, and exclaims, "YOU KNOW WHAT I PULLED OVER FOR, DON'T YOU???"

The cop laughed so hard he let him go.
My oldest brother blew through a stop sign, with my other brother in the passenger seat.

The other brother: "Uh oh."

Older brother: "No, really?"

Other brother: "Yep."

So he just pulls right over, and the cop comes flying out from the side road, almost driving right by him. The cop backs up behind him and walks up to his window.

Older brother rolls down the window, and starts wagging his finger at the cop, and exclaims, "YOU KNOW WHAT I PULLED OVER FOR, DON'T YOU???"

The cop laughed so hard he let him go.
Ha ha ha ha ha, that's hilarious.
I could give more stories about my brother and cops. Here's another one. Circa 1982.

He and a few friends decided to drive his van down the railroad tracks, into the woods... with a keg in the van, and getting drunk. While trying to get back off the tracks, he got the van stuck against a signpost. They all got out to push it, and after about 10 minutes, they got free. As they were rocking the van, he noticed a cop, just sitting on the road where he first got on the tracks.

Once the van could move again, he turned around, went back to the road and nonchalantly put his turn signal on and turned onto the road. Naturally, the cop pulled him over immediately.

He told my brother to step out of the van, and performed a sobriety test. He said, "Put your arms out to the sides, and walk heel-to-toe on the line."

My brother started giggling, and said, "I don't even see the line!"

Believe it or not, he told my brother to drive home and don't let him see that van on the road again that night.
My oldest brother blew through a stop sign, with my other brother in the passenger seat.

The other brother: "Uh oh."

Older brother: "No, really?"

Other brother: "Yep."

So he just pulls right over, and the cop comes flying out from the side road, almost driving right by him. The cop backs up behind him and walks up to his window.

Older brother rolls down the window, and starts wagging his finger at the cop, and exclaims, "YOU KNOW WHAT I PULLED OVER FOR, DON'T YOU???"

The cop laughed so hard he let him go.
I may try that line one day. A laugh for no ticket. :laugh:
I got pulled over by a cop when I was a teen. He asked me if I knew what he pulled me over for?

It was a 15 mph zone near the beach so I said speeding? He said nope.

I said rolling thru that stop sign back there which I did. He said nope.

I said I give up. He said my registration sticker on my back license plate was scraped off. Someone must have tried to steal it.

Advice... don't volunteer info.
A friend of mine said this to the cop when the cop pulled him over for going 85mph in a 55 mph
Cop: I pulled you over going 85
Friend: Well I got here as fast as I could.
One time at a check point a police officer asked if there were any weapons in the vehicle...I said...just my wife.

One time I was behind a cop that made around four turns without using a blinker.
We just happened to be going to sheetz at the same time as my normal morning stop when going to work.

I got out of my car and told the officer that he might want the mechanics to look at his car since his blinker does not appear to be working.
1. What's your name and badge number?
2. I want a supervisor!
3. Take off that badge, bloke and you'll find out.
4. I know the law! I know me rights!
5. I'm just trying to get home.
6. What's your probable cause, Sweetie?
7. I'll reach in me pockets if I want to.
8. I will have your job!
9. Can you prove I didn't stop at the sign?
10. Here's a quid, go buy you a donut, Barney.

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