This team will struggle to win 8 games


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
After 4 games, I have seen enough to declare that this just is a bad football team. They have absolutely nothing they do well (aside from Aubrey kicking field goals).

I don’t know why I am so surprised though. Everywhere you look on this roster they are pretty much average to below average.

On offense we only have 1 real skill position player in Lamb, and all of our linemen are struggling outside Tyler Smith. Cooks’ age has finally caught up with him and he appears to be washed. To top it all off, we are trotting what might be a historically terrible group of RBs out there every game.

On defense our interior linemen are among the worst groups in the league, getting absolutely manhandled at the point of attack. At DE all we have is an aging DLaw and a rookie still figuring it out. Parsons is getting mugged every play since no one has to respect any other pass rushers. Our safeties are consistently out of position and struggle in coverage, LB is average, and at corner we have a good but overrated player in Diggs and then a pile of JAGs.

If the threadbare roster isn’t enough, the coaching is an abomination. McCarthy’s offense is static, predictable, and does nothing to help scheme our players into favorable situations. Zimmer has obviously had the game pass him by and this year will probably be kiss of death for his career as an NFL coach. This group is going to get 40-burgered a few more times before the season is out.

The team has taken a huge step back when compared to the last few years, but everyone outside of Jerry and Stephen saw it coming.

I can’t help but feel we are on the cusp of reliving the 2010-2013 era of Cowboys football. Those rosters were patched together much in the same way the current group is built and the uninspired coaching is all too familiar. We’re also in a very inflexible position when it comes to the cap in the next few seasons. Welcome back to purgatory fellas.