Hi Paul. My name is Vaquero and I'm a Cowboysaholic.
It started when I was a young. I grew up with Landry and Staubach and everyone in my family told me how great the legend was. They just won Super Bowls and were America's team!
Then I started watching the 90's Dynasty and boy were they dominant! Fun football! No one could withstand our force! And more Super Bowls!
Then Jerry got rid of Jimmy. ***??? But I couldn't help it, I was addicted. I should have stopped at that Barry Switzer Super Bowl. That was almost all Jimmy's boys. But I told myself I could stop at any time.
I hit my low during Dave Campo. Kept telling myself at every 5-11 season, they could still do it! They could still win Super Bowls!
I got better and reformed during the Parcells years. Cleaned my act up, realized what real football was again. But I crashed hard that night that Romo bobbled the snap.
And from then on it's just been a year after year thing.... no matter who the Head Coach or QB is, always telling myself this is the year... only to see them choke again in the Playoffs.
Some fans say I should pick up another habit, like the Ravens. But I love my Cowboys highs, so I'll keep doing this every year and thinking this is the one.