TO should get he ball.....


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SF, Phila ....why could they get him involved consistently, yet we cant....double teams arent new to him....yeah, I know 15-16 drops, why throw him the ball.....why did we get him, 10 million dollar decoy....throw him the ball, lets makes plays....Firts pass thrown his way was with 4 minutes left in 2nd qtr??? whats with that.....I just feel we havent figured out how to use him, or maybe its just BP not wanting him to excel THAT seems he runs the same ol routes, not much creativity.....any hitches yesterday, crossing routes, where is that out of the backfiled play????

I am not a TO fan....I believe he has talent, agree that he has NOT made some catches I would have liked to have been made, BUT I still thik we havent used him to our full advantage.....PHILA and SF did...why can't we....


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dcjules;1260506 said:
SF, Phila ....why could they get him involved consistently, yet we cant....double teams arent new to him....yeah, I know 15-16 drops, why throw him the ball.....why did we get him, 10 million dollar decoy....throw him the ball, lets makes plays....Firts pass thrown his way was with 4 minutes left in 2nd qtr??? whats with that.....I just feel we havent figured out how to use him, or maybe its just BP not wanting him to excel THAT seems he runs the same ol routes, not much creativity.....any hitches yesterday, crossing routes, where is that out of the backfiled play????

I am not a TO fan....I believe he has talent, agree that he has NOT made some catches I would have liked to have been made, BUT I still thik we havent used him to our full advantage.....PHILA and SF did...why can't we....

I agree and have been consistent about that. He needs to be focus on offense. He has to catch those balls though. He is a rhythm WR. You gotta get him involved early.

Think about it... if you spent the first 25 minutes of a game running routes and not seeing the ball come your way... its gonna get him out of his game before he gets in it....

That drop down the left sideline was big though... you can expect perfection from Romo but he needed to put more on that one... with that said TO needs to catch those


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you assume his number was'nt called till late. but maybe it was and he was covered? the two balls he dropped where huge. one puts us in the red zone the other a first down to continue a drive.if t.o. is doubled then someone else has to have single coverage. thats who you throw to, but it would be a tad bit easier to find the open guy if the oline could block just a little bit

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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conner01;1260514 said:
you assume his number was'nt called till late. but maybe it was and he was covered? the two balls he dropped where huge. one puts us in the red zone the other a first down to continue a drive.if t.o. is doubled then someone else has to have single coverage. thats who you throw to, but it would be a tad bit easier to find the open guy if the oline could block just a little bit

Dude. I don't care if he's double covered or not. Ar receiver of his stature will get open and when he's even slightly open you try ti fit it in because he will go get it and make a defense pay. There's absolutely no excuse for it having taken 27 minutes for him to get the first ball thrown to him which, by the way, was caught, and gained about 5 YAC with 4 eagles tied to his back.

People are so quick to point out the drops as if no receiver ever drops a ball. Yet, the same people don't point to the positive stats he has amassed thus far while playing through some nasty injuries (namely the broken hand, dislocated finger).

Get him the ball early and good things will happen. History has proven this point.

Parcells should get off of his high horse and start coaching TO up. Parcells should want this guy to be more vocal on the field. Yet, he sits back and takes potshots here potshots there. TO isn't the only one taknig potshots. BP does the same thing. There should be better communication between TO and Parcells. As the head coach, I fault Parcells for the lack thereof.


Hoping to be half the man Tom Landry was.
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I'm tired of hearing this argument. he was not playing hard yesterday. He was running out of bounds on almost every play. If he caught the ball it would not matter because he runs down the line each play and they push him out of bounds. Madden talked about this in the first Philly game and he is still doing it 10 weeks later. When he had the ball thrown at him, he dropped it. Then on the INT. Did he try to be a defender and defend it? NO! He just trotted and watchted the D catch the ball. Tell me he could not have made a difference on that play all you want. You do not know because he did not try!

TO was paid $10 million to come here and make a difference in our games. In big games he has not and it is not because of Romo not throwing it to him. Romo is more than willing to throw to TO and he has a series of reads on each play and if TO were in a position to catch the ball he would be getting it. No more excuses. Anyone is great when EVERYTHING is laid at their feet.


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FLCowboyFan;1260539 said:
I'm tired of hearing this argument. he was not playing hard yesterday. He was running out of bounds on almost every play. If he caught the ball it would not matter because he runs down the line each play and they push him out of bounds. Madden talked about this in the first Philly game and he is still doing it 10 weeks later. When he had the ball thrown at him, he dropped it. Then on the INT. Did he try to be a defender and defend it? NO! He just trotted and watchted the D catch the ball. Tell me he could not have made a difference on that play all you want. You do not know because he did not try!

TO was paid $10 million to come here and make a difference in our games. In big games he has not and it is not because of Romo not throwing it to him. Romo is more than willing to throw to TO and he has a series of reads on each play and if TO were in a position to catch the ball he would be getting it. No more excuses. Anyone is great when EVERYTHING is laid at their feet.

You wanna talk, lets talk. I am a TO supporter and I do bash him for the drops.... but get off of the "he has to go through his reads".. there are gonna be games where it is a play from the huddle and everyone has to make it happen.... O-line, QB, WR etc.... Do you really think that Romo will be able to go through a progression of reads on every play, uh NO!

I keep seeing this quick slant or whatever it is from Grossman to Berrian... that works like a charm... I keep seeing Romo and TO's name on it... yet we dont do it....

Its like having a Ferrari and leaving it in garage then rolling out to the street and going around the block and then putting it back in garage....

We are not using these plays to the strengths/potential