Toyota Yaris: Anyone have and how much?


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I'm thinking of downgrading from a truck and the Yaris looks nice. I think I could sell my truck and pay off the Yaris pretty much right off. You like the car?

Anyone have any luck with getting one below the MSRP/Sticker? Some cars will go way below, others won't budge.
Their resale value is next to nothing. In my brief stint in car sales I loved seeing them come in because we'd give you nothing for it and it was a great pre-owned vehicle to sell because the margin was pretty nice.

Let me know when you're about to buy and I'll give you some negotiating tips from the sales side of things. I could not believe how much you could save on a purchase of a new motor vehicle if you know how the game is played from the dealership side.
SaltwaterServr;4736021 said:
Their resale value is next to nothing. In my brief stint in car sales I loved seeing them come in because we'd give you nothing for it and it was a great pre-owned vehicle to sell because the margin was pretty nice.

Let me know when you're about to buy and I'll give you some negotiating tips from the sales side of things. I could not believe how much you could save on a purchase of a new motor vehicle if you know how the game is played from the dealership side.

My mother worked for GM for years and was able to purchase cars for a couple hundred above cost. It really opened my eyes to sticker prices. The best part was not having to haggle with car salesmen. She could check the price that she had to pay and tell them how much they would take. It took the hassle out of buying a car.
That's funny you say that because I've been thinking about getting one for months now. I've always driven so-called "nicer" used cars but there's something appealing (to me anyway) about a simple, very reliable car that gets great gas mileage. I bet you've seen that youtube of the guy that put like 300,000+ miles on his Yaris in just a few years and as he rolls over 250k he celebrates by going like 110 mph down a Florida interstate. Supposedly all he ever had to do to it was oil and belt changes. So it's a good car, not some junky car like an early Hyundai... It's just simple and basic.

Just curious, I wonder if you're like me and wonder if you'd truly be happy with the "downgrade", so to speak. But you know, I really think I would once I got one.

Hope you'll keep this thread updated.
I was thinking Yaris because that's what my rental car was today. I'm also looking at the Honda Fit. I'm actually leaning toward that more now.
I've never owned one, but I worked as a rental car agent for four years and my dad works for Toyota.

The Yaris was the workhorse of our subcompact fleet, but I would never buy one. I, personally, am extremely uncomfortable driving one and I felt sorry for the customers I had to rent one to. It feels like the car is going to tip over if you have to take a turn to hard or swerve suddenly. Even the higher end packages are extremely basic. And as someone said before, they have nearly no resale value. Plus if you get hit by anything larger, you're probably done for.

They're good for limited cars to take you from A to B, or as a rental car short term. But long term, I think you'll end up being very unhappy.

I'd go one step up and get a Corolla. They're much nicer and roomier inside, safer to drive, similarly priced, and close to the same gas mileage. The handling is like night and day compared to the Yaris, as you don't feel like the car is going to rip apart around you. It will last you much much longer, you'll get more for your money, and it'll be easier to get out of when you decide to move on. You can't go wrong with one of those.

One of the biggest complaints I got from customers about the Yaris was the gas mileage, believe it or not. If you're doing long distance, a lot of freeway, or any hills, your gas mileage is actually going to go DOWN, because the car has to work harder for it. You won't have that issue in the Corolla.

Do yourself a favor, treat yourself right, and grab a Corolla or something more on that tier. You'll be much happier. The Mazda 6 and Honda Civic are also good buys. So would a Chevy Cruze or Cobalt, but I'm not as big a fan of those as I am the Corolla when it comes to gas mileage and reliability.
CowboyMike;4736240 said:
I've never owned one, but I worked as a rental car agent for four years and my dad works for Toyota.

The Yaris was the workhorse of our subcompact fleet, but I would never buy one. I, personally, am extremely uncomfortable driving one and I felt sorry for the customers I had to rent one to. It feels like the car is going to tip over if you have to take a turn to hard or swerve suddenly. Even the higher end packages are extremely basic. And as someone said before, they have nearly no resale value. Plus if you get hit by anything larger, you're probably done for.

They're good for limited cars to take you from A to B, or as a rental car short term. But long term, I think you'll end up being very unhappy.

I'd go one step up and get a Corolla. They're much nicer and roomier inside, safer to drive, similarly priced, and close to the same gas mileage. The handling is like night and day compared to the Yaris, as you don't feel like the car is going to rip apart around you. It will last you much much longer, you'll get more for your money, and it'll be easier to get out of when you decide to move on. You can't go wrong with one of those.

One of the biggest complaints I got from customers about the Yaris was the gas mileage, believe it or not. If you're doing long distance, a lot of freeway, or any hills, your gas mileage is actually going to go DOWN, because the car has to work harder for it. You won't have that issue in the Corolla.

Do yourself a favor, treat yourself right, and grab a Corolla or something more on that tier. You'll be much happier. The Mazda 6 and Honda Civic are also good buys. So would a Chevy Cruze or Cobalt, but I'm not as big a fan of those as I am the Corolla when it comes to gas mileage and reliability.

Got my wife a 2010 Corolla after she totaled her 2000 Caviler with a whopping 60k miles on the dam thing. I got fleet pricing and the nice thing is you have a knee airbag if you are the driver and side airbags by the Window.

It handles nicely and gas millage is good and a real comfortable ride

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