Recap: Troy Aikman Show 11/2 - Ticket FM


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  • I can relate to the Rangers. We had the kickstart in '91. Little bit different considering how quickly the Rangers turned it around. But it does bring me back to 92, 93 and 95. It takes you back to that moment and I'm sure I speak for all my teammates. It's an amazing feeling in professional sports. The goal is to win a World Championship. I had goosebumps watching it, really happy for the Rangers.
  • For us, there was never any doubt we would win a championship.
  • Other than the actual celebration on the sidelines, the parade was the most fun part. Except for the end. Hopefully the fans will keep this one under control.
  • My team growing up was called the Red Sox in California before I moved to Oklahoma. I was on that team for 3 years in California before moving to Oklahoma. Still keep in touch with some of the coaches and players. So I was a big Red Sox Fan... Lynn, Yastremski, Rice, et al.... I'd stay up and watch those World Series games. I went to a Yankees/Dodgers games in the 70's and its when Bob Welch struck out Reggie Jackson in the end. I had great memories of baseball, I thought I was going to go on and play. I don't follow it as much as football now, but baseball was my first love, so watching the Rangers win it all was exciting.
  • This is a big game. It was bigger prior to the Eagles losing, but still obviously a huge game. This is the type of game the Cowboys seem to win that puts them right back in middle of it.
  • Eagles have a touch stretch of games coming up. SF, KC. But they end up with favorable games in the end, opposite for Cowboys.
  • I wouldn't draw any big conclusions from Rams and Chargers game. But I do think Cowboys are starting to find their stride. And it doesn't seem like the Eagles have played their best football yet and still trying to find themselves.
  • When the Eagles lost to Tampa in Playoffs, we had that game on Fox. They didn't look very good. Needed to throw it better. But next season in week 2, I was shocked at how improved they were, more importantly how improved Jalen Hurts was. I can only imagine the amount of time he put in during offseason to get better. Of course, he went on to the Super Bowl. But yes, people early on questioned if he was the guy. But he's a terrific leader, he's well respected in the locker room, love how he goes about his business. Those things matter. I'm a big fan of his watching his development. He's been very dedicated to his profession.
  • I have the Jets game. I still think it's a longshot we will see Aaron Rodgers at some point. Even without Aaron Rodgers, the Jets are one of those teams that people want to see. They've won 3 games in a row. It looked like they were done. I'm curious to see how they do.