Turn out the lights, this team is dumb! - 12/21/08


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Turn out the lights, this team is dumb

From the first dumb interception from Romo to the last gasp dumb play call on 4th and 2 you saw just about what you saw all season long. A dumb football team that was unprepared, undisciplined, uninspired, unmotivated and unwilling to find a way to win the game once again.

Why it takes the offense 31/2 quarters to find a rhythm is beyond my realm of thinking. Why the defense decides to quit playing football in the last five minutes of games is beyond my realm of thinking. Why Bruce Read is still coaching the special teams of the Dallas Cowboys is beyond my realm of thinking.

You know what I did last night after the game? I wondered why I was so confident going into this game that this dumb football team was going to win.

All season long this team has flopped around the field on offense with mistakes upon mistakes upon mistakes so why would they be able to have success against a dominate defense like the Ravens?

Playoffs? Should I even hope this team gets to play in the post season? They have to win in Philly and then have a whole bunch of other things happen for the playoffs to even be a possibility. Yes, I did just say they have to win in Philly.

Wade and the entire coaching staff. I said a month ago I didn't want any of them back and of course I still don't.

Wade is a nice guy, but he's a not a leader and he's overmatched here as the Cowboys head coach. He may be a very good defensive coordinator and right now that's really what he is for this team. He doesn't care what the offense is doing and that's a serious problem because that side of the football is dreadful right now. Being the head coach his responsibility is to get the entire team prepared for games and clearly the offense was not prepared for the Ravens.

And for the 1300th time. Why is Bruce Read still employed by the Cowboys?

Jason Garrett. Forget being the next head coach, I don't even want him back as the OC. What's with all the cuteness? It's 3rd and 1 at a crucial time in the game and you run a play that maybe got 10 reps in practice this entire season? How about you just man up and hand the ball off to the RB and let him go get the yard Garrett! His play calling is so out of whack he often has his own players confused. This offense hardly even seems to find a rhythm, they just come up with a big play every now and again to stay in the game. That style will not win any championships in the NFL.

And no the players don't miss out on the blame either. The offense stunk for just about the entire game.

Romo knew going in he wasn't supposed to turn the ball over. So what does he do early in the game? He chucks one up so Ed Reed can fair catch it. That's undisciplined football. Then he compounds it again later in the first half by doing it again. That lead to a FG which gave the Ravens the lead going in at halftime. I am tired of excusing Romo for this BS because he does some magic at the end of games.

Maybe the reason Romo was looking like he didn't even want to be out there for most of the night was because he was getting knocked around like a pinata play after play after play. This isn't only the biggest offensive line in the NFL, it's the dumbest. Half the time they had no idea who they were supposed to block. The other half of the time they were jumping offsides. And if Andre Gurode isn't the stupidest Center in all of football then I will call him and apologize ASAP once I find out who is. How many times do we have to see him snap the football when Romo isn't ready for it? It's become so common I now think it's part of the gameplan.

Jason Witten. One word, warrior.

Terrell Owens and Roy Williams. Three words, can't get separation. When Marshall Faulk and Deion are literally diming you out again and again because they tell us that from their vantage point in the stadium press box that neither of you two can get enough space between you and the CB's for Romo to feel comfortable in throwing you the football then I believe it. Why would I not?

And yes, I do know that Jason Garrett is doing a terrible job in finding ways to set them up by not calling plays which suit their skill sets. What happened to the quick slants Jason Garrett? What even happened to some comeback routes which big WR's thrive on in the NFL?

I hate the fact that I am not going to blow up this defense. Why did you give me this ammo defense?

For weeks now I have been loving this defense. They have been playing smash mouth football. They have been everything I had been looking for over the past few seasons. But even in those weeks I have said I was a little worried about their play at the end of games.

I didn't like the way the 49ers and Seahawks were able to still sniff some opportunity for a miracle comeback at the end of those games because the defense let up just a bit. More so against the 49ers than the Seahawks.

Then I was devastated watching the Steelers march right down the field at the end of that game when they hadn't done anything in the first 53 minutes. We know how that ended.

The Giants game was ok, but I said it right after the Giants game that they were not playing for anything so they didn't really have any fire in their gut during that entire game.

The Ravens were playing for their lives last night just like us. I said it on DCFanatic Radio Friday that this was going to be a much tougher game because of that element. So to see the defense playing well all game and then watching the offense finally come alive when it counted I had all kinds of confidence we were going to win when the score was 19-17. Why wouldn't I have confidence based on what I watched in the previous 56 minutes of this game?

Willis McGahee. He hadn't done a thing in weeks for this team. Fluke play? Yeah, that was a fluke is what I told myself.

Can this offense battle back again? Jason Witten baby! Wow. Here we go. The fluke is out of the way and now we stuff them on three runs and get the ball back for Romo to work his magic once again. All I saw again and again in my head was 27-26, final score. Once again, Nick Folk is the hero!

Ken Hamlin. That was as piss poor of an effort as I have ever seen at tackling a big man. Can someone go tell him that the way to take a big man down is to take out his legs please. You would think he would know this by now after being in the NFL for all these years. Maybe no one coached him on it yet.

Marcus Spears. People continually try to convince me that Spears is a great run defender. Where was he on both of these huge runs? I will tell you where. On the first one he got pushed about 7 yards off his base as the DE which opened up the running lane. On the second one he was again pushed out of the way and wound up flat on his belly watching the final result. But I am supposed to buy the BS about him being a 'great run defender'. How about just being a smart one when it counts?

Bradie and Zach. You picked a great time to forget how to shed a block and make a tackle.


Now let me say this before I wrap this thing up.

This entire football organization is equally to blame. No one part more the other.

They win as Dallas Cowboys, so they lose as Dallas Cowboys.

Now a message from DCFanatic.

When you begin an NFL season with the slogan of 'Learn How To Finish' in training camp and then you just about finish off your season with that piece of turd last night to close out Texas Stadium I can only say this...

This team hasn't learned anything all season. They make the same dumb mistakes they were making in training camp. They have the same sloppy habits on both sides of the football as they have had since the first Skins game. They are still the highest penalized team in the league. And once again they come up short in the December game right before Christmas.

They just don't know how to do anything else. It's time for Jerry to understand this and make some drastic changes.

And no I am not confident everything will fall into place and we will find ourselves in the playoffs. I can barely stomach the idea of us having to win in Philly, nevermind sitting around hoping and praying for other teams to lose.

I could not be more disappointed right now.


1st Round Pick
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Im with you on everything except fire Wade.

Getting rid of Wade is a Al Davis / Dan Snyder move all the way.

I'll be extremely worried about this franchise if we start the coaching carousel.

Like you said... This is a dumb team. They need to stick with what they know and not start over again.

Saying all these drastic changes need to be made is just emberassing.

A play here and a play there and we would have a 1st round bye. It doesn't mean drastic changes need to be made because of a few game changing plays.


No Quarter
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Sticky this write up.

CATCH17;2513233 said:
Im with you on everything except fire Wade.

Getting rid of Wade is a Al Davis / Dan Snyder move all the way.

I'll be extremely worried about this franchise if we start the coaching carousel.

Like you said... This is a dumb team. They need to stick with what they know and not start over again.

Saying all these drastic changes need to be made is just emberassing.

A play here and a play there and we would have a 1st round bye. It doesn't mean drastic changes need to be made because of a few game changing plays.
You sound like Jerry's [insert support group for addiction] sponsor.

Well done fluffing!

Some of us have been extremely worried and embarrassed about the way this franchise is run for quite some time. You saw the reason last night.


New Member
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CATCH17;2513233 said:
A play here and a play there and we would have a 1st round bye. It doesn't mean drastic changes need to be made because of a few game changing plays.

But that is exactly the point. This team doesn't make those plays. Instead, this team gives the opponent the chance at the big play by mentally melting down.

Drastic changes needed are a new coaching staff other than Wade staying on as DC (being demoted). This team drastically needs a motivator for a head coach. Not many will argue against Bruce Read's firing, and Garrett is squandering the best offensive roster this decade other than last year's Patriots and the Kurt Warner Rams team. He is squandering it badly.

There needs to be a few drastic player moves if possible. Getting rid of perennial boneheads like Flozell regardless of what you think they bring to the table is one example. There is a mentality with this team that can only be fixed by identifying players like Flozell who simply cannot stop their bad habits, and removing them. Flozell is simply incapable of correcting his false start problem. He just simply can't help it. Replace him with someone who may have slightly less overall talent, but is more disciplined. I know it sounds like I am picking on FLozell. He is just an example for sake of discussion.


New Member
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This team is full of hot air - they can't back up their words with actions. Their speeches and talk all ring hollow. It makes it tough wearing gear because I HATE rooting for idiots. Some coach needs to tell ROMO he needs to study film - because it's obvious nothing sinks in - I wish Staubach would coach him on how to "control" a game and pick your spots.


Well-Known Member
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this is a dysfunctional team, and romo will never control a game. you guys that fell in love with the gambler, well there you go, look at what we have now


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30yrheel;2516035 said:
this is a dysfunctional team, and romo will never control a game. you guys that fell in love with the gambler, well there you go, look at what we have now
Bingo!right on the money.


1st Round Pick
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30yrheel;2516035 said:
this is a dysfunctional team, and romo will never control a game. you guys that fell in love with the gambler, well there you go, look at what we have now

That same guy was picking apart the Ravens at the end of the game.

We lost in bonehead fashion but our QB was trying to get it done in the clutch .


Active Member
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I agree DCFanatic. I said last night that this team was filled with dumb people and they need to go. Ware, Witten, Choice, Barber and Felix can stay. :p


Well-Known Member
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I totally agree DC, and what i have been saying since training camp, refering to camp marshmellow and camp cupcake last year.

You play how you practice, if your lacking in practice you show it on the field.

Granted wade is a pretty good defensive coordiantor, but thats it. Just look at wades past history, wade has never won a playoff game in 4 tries. Wade's offenses with all those teams failed, why?

We were shutting down the ravens in 1st quarter with man to man defense, thats what are cornerbacks can play, then all of a sudden the defense is switched back to zone. Then the ravens started completing passes on the cowboys.

At the end of the game, the ravens rip off a big run for a touchdown. There is aboiut 1:24 seconds left, your defense just let the opposing team run for a huge touchdown run, what do you do, good ole wade, you kickoff and let them run on you again. If anything you should have tried a onsides kick, there wasnt enough time to march down the field for a field goal. Need I remind you wade, that their punter was punting the ball 60 yards, if your defense did stop them.

On the fake field goal, you looked totally surprised, did you prepare your team for such a scenario. You asked a reporter that what was wrong with the cowbys at midseason, and one of the first things he told you out of 4 things was that your special teams have been pitiful even since your days at Denver. Even Jimmy Johnson told you this wade, and why do you stll have a special teams coach on your team that cant coach a pee wee football team?

Like DC said your team is the most penalized team in the league, that goes back to discipline,and you not being hard on the players good ole wade.

Your offensive leaders, Romo, T O, Crayton, Bennett, Curtis, Flozell, Gurode come out flat in the game, with no urgency or fire why good ole wade?

Your starting center now 2 big games has presnapped the ball, almost resulting in another safety, luckly romo saw the ball snap before gurorde was suppose to snap the ball, why Wade, what are you teaching in practices and on film study wade.

Your offensive team, even romo said so, that they had a hard time adjusting to the ravens defense blitzes, it took till the 4th quarter, that should have been done by haltime good ole wade, why?

Your way isnt working good ole wade, time you had better smell the roses, because this is your last chance as a head coach, you had better wake up and quit being nice guy to the players, and kick some players, make them accountable, yourself and some coaches.


Junior College Transfer
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CATCH17;2513233 said:
Getting rid of Wade is a Al Davis / Dan Snyder move all the way.

By all means, let's keep The Clown Wade Phillips and meet here again next year and discuss why this team went from 9-7 in 2008 to 8-8 the next season.


1st Round Pick
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GimmeTheBall!;2516464 said:
By all means, let's keep The Clown Wade Phillips and meet here again next year and discuss why this team went from 9-7 in 2008 to 8-8 the next season.

Ah because thats how it works.

How does any coach keep a job with a mediocre record?


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CATCH17;2516201 said:
That same guy was picking apart the Ravens at the end of the game.

We lost in bonehead fashion but our QB was trying to get it done in the clutch .
and the 3 1/2 quarters worth of bonehead interceptions and overthrows?...Romo, or the entire team for that matter are'nt ready to take the next step...period...too many mistakes, too many times, too many ways...and counting...Witten looking to hang is hat on how tough the team was battling until less than four minutes remained in the fourth quarter to score a touchdown is politically correct but is a poor rebuttle to an inexcusable performance on an occasion that demanded sixty minutes of effort on BOTH sides of the ball.


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The defense was obviously worn down in the final minutes. Romo and the offense can't play like crap for 95% of the game and expect to win.