UFC 151 Cancelled

Ya it sux. Im a huge bones fan. Pretty lame everybodies trying to blame him. Even though i wish he would've taken the sonnen fight. If the whole card wasnt garbage besides this fight it wouldnt of had to been canceled. Ufc and danas fault mostly not jones or hendos.
StarBoyz83;4681992 said:
Ya it sux. Im a huge bones fan. Pretty lame everybodies trying to blame him. Even though i wish he would've taken the sonnen fight. If the whole card wasnt garbage besides this fight it wouldnt of had to been canceled. Ufc and danas fault mostly not jones or hendos.

Agreed. I wish there would be less PPV's so we could have bigger fights on each card rather than spreading them around.
I don't understand why everyone is mad at him. He just fought the guy and knocked him out in the 2nd round a couple months back. He has been spending all his time training for Henderson not Sonnen. I don't blame him for turning down the fight. Someone else should get a shot at Jones, and he should be given adequate time to train for that person.
So Jones will fight Machida in 3 weeks?

If that's the case, thank God Jones declined to fight Sonnen.
Hoofbite;4682174 said:
So Jones will fight Machida in 3 weeks?

If that's the case, thank God Jones declined to fight Sonnen.

Yes and that card is pretty stacked
Why in tarnation would Sonnen get a title shot at a higher weight class after getting demolished by Silva so recently? Dana is an idiot for offering that fight, especially since he JUST SAID Sonnen couldn't talk his way into a title fight at 205.

I refuse to believe Dana is that stupid. All he's doing is putting a ton of pressure on Jones to take the Machida fight. When has Dana ever cancelled an entire card because of one fight?
TheCount;4682680 said:
Why in tarnation would Sonnen get a title shot at a higher weight class after getting demolished by Silva so recently? Dana is an idiot for offering that fight, especially since he JUST SAID Sonnen couldn't talk his way into a title fight at 205.

I refuse to believe Dana is that stupid. All he's doing is putting a ton of pressure on Jones to take the Machida fight. When has Dana ever cancelled an entire card because of one fight?

Sonnen didn't get demolished by Anderson. He won the first round 10-8 and then failed to land a spinning backfist. It wasn't like a total domination. And to answer your question, he got a title shot because he was the only one who had the sand to take the fight on 8 days notice. Say what you will about Sonnen, but he'll fight anybody anywhere.
dana white and chael sonnon/teram quest thinks fans are stupid. and sadly, mostly they are.

chael knew of the hendo injury a couple weeks ago. jon jones did not.
in fact chael has been openly campaigning for a couple weeks.
time he would have spent training with hendo had hendo been able to train.

the ufc sent hendo to specialists and they gave him the opinion that he could fight. he chose not to because it would be silly to waste a title shot not being 100%. every blurb and ufc release continues to make the injury look worse than it is. it is an MCL sprain, not a tear. he isn't having surgery at all.

chael has done zero to deserve a title shot. he is 5-3 in the UFC. he has testosterone replacement issues and he is moving to a new weight class but should get the frankie edgar treatment? ridiculous. he is 27-12 as a fighter.

but jones should take this unworthy fight on a week's notice? that's what 3 days of watching tape, 2 days of working out, then heading off to vegas for media and weigh-ins.... no way should he do that.

the ufc got caught with its pants down because this was a terrible card. they literally couldn't sell the card without jones. so now dana is a whiny baby over it. dana should have pushed hendo for a decision more quickly. hendo admits the injury occured a couple weeks ago. all this ufc scrambling behind the scenes without telling bones was necessary if he stayed the course.

the ufc puts tons of time demands on fighters in that last week. they have to sell the fight and meet media galore.

if chael can beat forrest griffin at a much lower salary then he'd get fighting bones he can enter the queue at 205. he just needs ot shut up and beat people at that weight.
revospeed;4682736 said:
Sonnen didn't get demolished by Anderson. He won the first round 10-8 and then failed to land a spinning backfist. It wasn't like a total domination. And to answer your question, he got a title shot because he was the only one who had the sand to take the fight on 8 days notice. Say what you will about Sonnen, but he'll fight anybody anywhere.

the reason no one else stepped up is because jones has already beaten everyone else.

chris wiedman and chael both offered. and why not. both had zero to lose. a lose would never hurt their career in any way. a free title shot at a different weight class and main event billing? of course sign up these non-champs.

but chael wasnt just stepping up. he has been angling for this for a couple weeks. he has known about the injury.
That's a shame.

I don't blame Jones at all but I would have loved to have seen him take the fight and beat Sonnen all the same.
revospeed;4682736 said:
Sonnen didn't get demolished by Anderson. He won the first round 10-8 and then failed to land a spinning backfist. It wasn't like a total domination. And to answer your question, he got a title shot because he was the only one who had the sand to take the fight on 8 days notice. Say what you will about Sonnen, but he'll fight anybody anywhere.

10-8? It was a 10-9 round first of all, during which time neither guy did any damage. I never said anyone was "dominated" either.

Secondly, saying Chael wasn't demolished because he missed an attack and then got his clock cleaned is like saying if a guy could stay conscious with no blood going to his brain, he wouldn't have been submitted.

That's the game.
TheCount;4682958 said:
10-8? It was a 10-9 round first of all, during which time neither guy did any damage. I never said anyone was "dominated" either.

Secondly, saying Chael wasn't demolished because he missed an attack and then got his clock cleaned is like saying if a guy could stay conscious with no blood going to his brain, he wouldn't have been submitted.

That's the game.

At least one judge had the first round 10-8. I would hardly call that being demolished. Anderson Silva proved he is the greatest of all time, but saying that he demolished Chael when Chael won 5 of the 7 rounds that they fought is stupid. Yes, he finished him in both fights, but they were both closely contested bouts in which Anderson proved to be the better fighter, but it was by no means a demolishing.
revospeed;4683353 said:
At least one judge had the first round 10-8. I would hardly call that being demolished. Anderson Silva proved he is the greatest of all time, but saying that he demolished Chael when Chael won 5 of the 7 rounds that they fought is stupid. Yes, he finished him in both fights, but they were both closely contested bouts in which Anderson proved to be the better fighter, but it was by no means a demolishing.

He was already the greatest of all time before he stepped in the ring, and any TKO is getting demolished in my opinion. Choose whatever verb that pleases you, I'm not having an argument over word choice.
Hendo's trainer today admitted the injury was 3 weeks ago!!!
So the UFC gave Hendo 3 weeks to decide if he could fight and gave Jones 8 days notice?

Dana White is garbage. No way he should be spewing that nonsense Bones' way.
Machidas out vs jones at 152 jones is now fighting belfort. They say never count anyone out ummm no im counting belfort out 110% jones is the man and will dominate him.
jterrell;4683755 said:
Hendo's trainer today admitted the injury was 3 weeks ago!!!
So the UFC gave Hendo 3 weeks to decide if he could fight and gave Jones 8 days notice?

Dana White is garbage. No way he should be spewing that nonsense Bones' way.

People fight on 8 days notice in MMA. It's not like this is the first time this has ever happened.

The only difference is that everyone else steps up and takes the fight. Jones didn't.

I understand why he didn't but none the less the guy is going to have to live with being hated for it.

It's not like the guy only had 8 days to get in fighting shape and prepare to fight. He's the champ and the champ takes on all challengers.

Except Jon Jones.

StarBoyz83;4692131 said:
Machidas out vs jones at 152 jones is now fighting belfort. They say never count anyone out ummm no im counting belfort out 110% jones is the man and will dominate him.

Yes he very likely will dominate him. Jones is a special talent. He's not as special as he apparently thinks he is but he's still a special talent.

I'll be in the minority at this point but I'll still be cheering for Jones regardless of anything else.
The biggest factor was Jones' brother.

Fighters fight to make money. Now that his brother is a millionaire also, there's less of a responsibility for him to provide for friends and family.

Success has also hurt the UFC. PPV killed boxing as we knew it. Originally, it was a boon but eventually high end boxers made so much that they didn't have to fight constantly to provide. Mayweather can be financially comfortable for the rest of his life whether he steps into the ring with Pacquiao or not.

Now that MMA fighters a making more and more, we'll start to see the same sort of thing there.
BraveHeartFan;4696821 said:
People fight on 8 days notice in MMA. It's not like this is the first time this has ever happened.

The only difference is that everyone else steps up and takes the fight. Jones didn't.

I understand why he didn't but none the less the guy is going to have to live with being hated for it.

It's not like the guy only had 8 days to get in fighting shape and prepare to fight. He's the champ and the champ takes on all challengers.

Except Jon Jones.

Yes he very likely will dominate him. Jones is a special talent. He's not as special as he apparently thinks he is but he's still a special talent.

I'll be in the minority at this point but I'll still be cheering for Jones regardless of anything else.

sorry but that take is garbage. typical moronfan speak.

fighters do take short notice fights but greg jackson fighters arent fighting someone without even the chance to gameplan.

because of media obligations that a headliner has for media that 8 days notice is really 3 days as greg jackson noted.

dana white is trash for even going that route. he gave hendo 3 weeks to decide if he'd fight or not. he was given the option not ruled out by doctors. he decided to wait and get healthy. nothing wrong with that but you can't then hate jones for not accepting a guy who started begging for the fight weeks ago and knew about the injury.

and champs dont take on all comers. anderson silva wont go up and fight bones though he has fought at 205 plenty of times previously and cleaned out 185 a few times now. gsp has no interest in going up to fight silva either.

dont be weak-minded holmes.

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