Unbiased Assesment


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Not that I am an expert and have coaches film, but I am pretty unbiased and and have looked at games from this year and last on Tv taped games. Honestly, everyone deserves some criticism, but coaching is #1, followed by Romo, then O Line and then Receivers at the end.

Owens - T.O has a couple of major football problems that I see.
  • He breaks off routes early to improvise. I think he saw Polomalu cutting off the out route underneath and he tried to go up. His biggest plays this year have been on improvised scrambles (See SF game). This works well when the QB is in a groove, but does not work well in tough and tight games where the QB is being hurried, wind etc. I think this could be corrected by coaching and discipline. I believe TO can be that disciplined, but he is trying for the big play
  • The other is fundamental, he catches the ball too close to his body. Every drop is when he lets the ball get into him. The Interception at Washington where he was hit wouldn't have bounced so high to be an interception if he would put his hands out like Fitzgerald. He hasn't dropped as many this year, but even on some deep throws (GB?) If he would jump with his arms above his head, he would catch more or at least make the Int harder. Jumping with your elbows on your hip bone doesn't make you taller.
  • I don't think he "gives up" ala Moss, but he can be "taken out of the game" if he is not part of it, he gets frustrated and his fundamentals start to erode.
  • Mentally may be another story, but I will lay that off on the coaching (later).
  • I really do not think age and skill erosion is an issue yet, what I do know is that TO is much more adept at running a timing route. The WR screens are basically worthless. He is not strong at stoppin and starting and cutting. Those routes are for S. Moss, S Smith and W Welker. 1 out of 20 may go for a long gain, but most of the time this is Garrets way of "getting him the ball"
Roy Williams -
  • Hard to judge, but he has been open and had a few ballsgo too high or left and right. This is to be expected since he has 4 games with Romo
  • However, I believe he does have a beef about looks. The Steeler game he had one pass go way high in the end zone while he was triple covered, another in the end zone was double covered and almost picked, the third in the end zone he was alone in the corner for at least 5 Romo steps before Romo saw him and tried to throw left handed. If you are running to the sideline and do not see the guy closes to you because you are looking in the middle of the field, you are not ""seeing" the field.
  • Been mostly non-existant
Crayton - No more than a number 3
  • Good hands, no Juke or speed.
  • He has been open and doesn't get looks often whether it be due to pressure or game plan.
  • Had a better year last year, hasn't said much until now.
Witten - Great TE, injured
  • Witten has become the "go to" receiver. This may be good and bad depending on the situation.
  • Other teams are notincing and are collapsing on him the moment they see that the pocket is collapsing
  • He is always the "hot route" guy. Other teams know this. He runs great routes and has great hands, but he is not fast and doesn't break tackles. The injuries have slowed him a little, enough to where it would benefit everyone to utilize Bennet or a bunched formation to make a receiver the "hot" guy
Bennet - NIce potential
  • Caught everything Romo has thrown I believe I saw in the Stats.
  • Rookie obviously doesn't have same rapport w/Romo as Witten, but should be used more. Always catches it and is not injured
Romo - Has had a little different year. Something is a little off.
  • I can't quite place it, but some thows have not been there or the reads are just amazingly bad
  • The Ints this year seem to be more from forcing into double coverage from the getgo rather than an "off throw" or a disguised coverae. Just like the ending INT in the Giant playoff game.
  • The scrambles are gone. That has released all LBs into zone as opposed to having to keep one in as a spy.
  • Missing RW in the corner of the end zone (that he was scrambling TOWARDS) was the telling point.
  • He does have ann issue holding the ball. The tuck rule has saed him at least 4 more fumbles
  • Still, he is a top 5 QB, but it is completely different.
OLINE - Average.
  • Been pretty dissappointed in the OLINE more than anything (other than backup QB). They have been consistently inconsistent. And the seem to be good at eitther run blocking or pass blocking in a game (not both).
  • Proctor is terrible. Holland and Kosier aren't even in the same state when it comes to talent in comparison
  • Resigning Flozell was a mistake. He is better than average, but somtimes you have to let older guys go (see Phil). Bigg is not having as dominant a year.
  • I think since Arizona, when Romo got hurt and killed through the game, it was the wekest link.
Coaching - My top culprit
  • First two games were great. However, The D was beginning to get exposed and Romo began the killer turnover issue (end zone fumble, int) in Phil. T.O however, only had a couple of long catches in each. There were not as many throws to him early on.
  • The GB game began to eat at TO. Thats when the WR Screens started poping up. There have been few and far between quick slants and 5 yd crossing routes (until last week which TO ran for a 1st down). It was the increased reliance on the "bomb"....Miles Austin. I can't tell if TO was open alot or not, but Austin was open because of TO.
  • The big play has caused everyone to be less disciplined and crisp on the shorter plays. Breakin off routes, floating passes (that gets Witten killed), etc. The began to expect Felix Jones runs, Marion Barber reception in Az, etc., but fundamentally they could not always sustain long drives (until 2nd Washington game)
  • When you get later into the season, The reliance on the big play makes the chances of succes go down. That has been the number issue for this team for years.
In summation, I think you have an inconsistent Oline that has been a problem juxtaposed with the "new Tom Brady - style" Romo. The early succes of the bi play has made the coaching want to call 30 yd routes and shotgun draw plays about 70% of the time - Even last week. Romo is not seeing the field as well this year and the throws (esp to the WRs since the are further down field) are off.

This has not worked well w/ TOs childlike personality. He does believe that if he touched it every play, that they would be undefeated. He has issues, but coaching and more disciplined practice and play ccalling would have mitigated alot of this before it started. He had a few issues last year, but the play calling and execution were better (duh 13-3).

The question is "can it be corrected?" Well, if any part of "Boys will be Boys" book is true, this team doesn't have half of the distractions the Dynasty had. They do have less leadership both on and off the field.

My vote is - Sunday will tell all. I remain optimistic. BTW, the Saints lost, so that helps if we were to end up 10-6. By Sunday night, we might be able to say a win almost guarantees us a place in the tourny


Hoping to be half the man Tom Landry was.
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My unbiased opinion (ok, probably not true) is that Owens complains and whines all of the time and usually when the ball is thrown his way, he is not open. You can say you are open all you want but how many interceptions or near ones have we had when they tried to force the ball to him.

In fact there was an article this week that showed that he has had more balls thrown at him than Whitten has by more than a few. He isn't getting away from the defenders and that is on him if you ask me. The games where they don't play him tight, he does really well. But if they try to take him out of the game, the do. It is consistent and he can't beat it. He will keep seeing these things until he beats it. IMHO I think he is not as open as he THINKS he is. I don't know how you can say he isn't losing anything yet because this is the first year he can't beat the D. Watch the games......they aren't doing anything special but jamming him and rolling a safely over.

Romo is definately off this year but I suspect the injury has alot to do with it. My guess is the hand isn't all of the way healty and the cold weather and wind were more than he could overcome. He was throwing awlful in that Pitt game. I don't believe that he is throwing to Jason only. Watch the games, he has thrown to everyone and especially TO.

The coaches have to be responsible. It is there job to keep the team working together and focused. We have been anything but focused this year. My case is made :D


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I am not arguing he throws more to TO. My point is that his throws to TO are less % passes.

In basketball terms, he is taking 60% of his shots from 3pt land (TO) and 40% from the block/layups (Witten). I argue there are no mid-range fade away jumpers (crossing patterns, slants).

Also, if a guy is doubled as you say, then you have to get others involved. The GB game was a perfect example. If you watch the first Austin Post route, the safety and the linbacker shifted to TO at the moment Austin broke to the middle. He was wide open. They did not adjust from that game plan and they got trounced. From that point on, It has been TO or Witten. How do explain the RW lack of involvement. Whether it is tunnel vision on Witten OR TO, you can double both and have 3-4 others in man or zone. Which is Why RW was baking a cake in the end zone.

Romo was way off in the 1st Washington game and especially in the Az game, pre OT injury.). However, speaking of the Az game. Fitz was shut down most of the game until that 4th quarter prayer from Warner he jumped up and snagged. That is TOs deficiency. He would not have gone up arms extended. (Also, Breston had 100 yds that game).

TO has a point, but he is an ***. His "assness" could have been mitigated by leadership and coaching/play calls that were more well-rounded.

I do watch the games, apparently more than you


New Member
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I'll give you ONE unbiased opinion.

On that Pitt punt, that unlucky bounce accidentally hit Tra Battle...otherwise, we would have gotten GREAT field position, and would have put the game away.

Ultimately, none of these 100's of cockamamie anti-TO/Romo/Wade threads would have even existed.

To quote Denny Green..."They ARE who we THOUGHT they WERE, but WE LET THEM OFF THE HOOK!!!!".


No Quarter
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good read overall... it is pretty much spot on to what people (not in denial) have been noticing.

romo stole a few extra wins last year also (BUF, DET at least) making our collapse since last Dec. that much more frustrating (even though it should not be surprising).

real leadership starting with strong football guy/gm & coaches would have us in a much better position than we are sitting at.


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You are absolutely right. That was 3 points and would have made Pitt go for it instead of kick a FG at 13-3 to make it 13-6

Actually, That loss didn't bother me all that bad. It was heartbreaking, but that punt kinda showed that it would be a wierd game.

I was dissappointed in 3 plays...missing a wide open RW, the 1st Int (TO or Romo) and the last series after the Int for a TD (esp the witten throw on 4th).

It was because he just threw a INT for a pick 6 and came right back with a similar Witten route (Romo or Garrett).

Anyway a win this week and everyone is back to "we're gonna make a run to the SB"


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Boysboy;2484889 said:
I'll give you ONE unbiased opinion.

On that Pitt punt, that unlucky bounce accidentally hit Tra Battle...otherwise, we would have gotten GREAT field position, and would have put the game away.

Ultimately, none of these 100's of cockamamie anti-TO/Romo/Wade threads would have even existed.

To quote Denny Green..."They ARE who we THOUGHT they WERE, but WE LET THEM OFF THE HOOK!!!!".
why on a punt that we are not even trying to field, fair catch or return would ANYBODY be blocking. When you see little things like this happen over and over it confirms that we have dumb players...and it also confirms we have dumb coaches. Because the coach should REMIND guys at every stage of the game about the little things if they KNOW the players are dumb. Not wait until after the game...like the Arizona game and ask "the guy blocked the right guy the whole game, then on the last punt he decides to NOT block the guy".


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I think he saw Polomalu cutting off the out route underneath and he tried to go up

I think he saw that there were 3-4 guys in that area and just thought that there was no way that Tony was going to throw the ball there.

Really, it was a piss poor decision. Furthermore, it was another terrible play call by Red.

I don't know how many times I have said it now but it is absolutely INSANE to have TO running routes where he is pinned up against the sideline. Its ridiculous. Everyone knows that he is best when he is in the open because he can create separation. NO DB can keep up with TO in the open.

I will never understand how Jason can constantly call plays that keeps Owens from hitting top gear. Its dumb. There isn't much else to be said about it other than it is dumb.

The out route is not a route that TO should be running often. It doesn't allow the guy to get to full speed and even if he catches the ball he has nowhere to go. I've seen it called so many times that I almost wish that Garrett would have taken another job last offseason.

I think everyone knows that TO isn't the best route runner. He just isn't. Crayton runs better routes than TO and isn't close. Witten does as well. Where TO makes his money is by creating separation by getting to top speed and leaving people behind.

That route just doesn't allow for that to happen.

Redball's job is to put his players in a position to have the most success. Pinning TO up against the sideline and making him work in a confined area doesn't do that.

TO needs to be in motion and working routes in the middle of the field.


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That could be on the players, sometimes that can just be a fluky play. If you are 20 yds from the line of scrimmage on a punt, I wouldn't think the odds were great that the ball was going to hit me 4 seconds after the snap


The Duke
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chinch;2484901 said:
good read overall... it is pretty much spot on to what people (not in denial) have been noticing.

romo stole a few extra wins last year also (BUF, DET at least) making our collapse since last Dec. that much more frustrating (even though it should not be surprising).

real leadership starting with strong football guy/gm & coaches would have us in a much better position than we are sitting at.


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McLovin;2484774 said:
Owens - T.O has a couple of major football problems that I see.
  • He breaks off routes early to improvise. I think he saw Polomalu cutting off the out route underneath and he tried to go up. His biggest plays this year have been on improvised scrambles (See SF game). This works well when the QB is in a groove, but does not work well in tough and tight games where the QB is being hurried, wind etc. I think this could be corrected by coaching and discipline. I believe TO can be that disciplined, but he is trying for the big play
  • The other is fundamental, he catches the ball too close to his body. Every drop is when he lets the ball get into him. The Interception at Washington where he was hit wouldn't have bounced so high to be an interception if he would put his hands out like Fitzgerald. He hasn't dropped as many this year, but even on some deep throws (GB?) If he would jump with his arms above his head, he would catch more or at least make the Int harder. Jumping with your elbows on your hip bone doesn't make you taller.
  • I don't think he "gives up" ala Moss, but he can be "taken out of the game" if he is not part of it, he gets frustrated and his fundamentals start to erode.
  • Mentally may be another story, but I will lay that off on the coaching (later).
  • I really do not think age and skill erosion is an issue yet, what I do know is that TO is much more adept at running a timing route. The WR screens are basically worthless. He is not strong at stoppin and starting and cutting. Those routes are for S. Moss, S Smith and W Welker. 1 out of 20 may go for a long gain, but most of the time this is Garrets way of "getting him the ball"

Great post on TO. I think you've made some very good observations, especially in the first two bullets on your list. The big one, though, is the fact that he catches the ball with his body. This is the main different between him and Roy Williams. Roy Williams runs good routes but he has exceptional hands - the one handed catch he made thrown by Brad Johnson a few weeks back was sensational. He ALWAYS catches the football with his hands, whereas TO tends to catch it with his chest - couple that with a big hit, and the ball is bound to pop out. Additionally, it leads to more drops when you say he "lets it get too close", whereas hands-drops usually occur when the receiver takes his eyes off the ball too soon, i.e. "you gotta catch it before you run, son!" (every coach I've ever played for, haha).

Good observations. Problem is Jason Garrett nor anyone on that staff has the gall to do anything about it.


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Hoofbite;2484967 said:
I think he saw that there were 3-4 guys in that area and just thought that there was no way that Tony was going to throw the ball there.

Really, it was a piss poor decision. Furthermore, it was another terrible play call by Red.

I don't know how many times I have said it now but it is absolutely INSANE to have TO running routes where he is pinned up against the sideline. Its ridiculous. Everyone knows that he is best when he is in the open because he can create separation. NO DB can keep up with TO in the open.

I will never understand how Jason can constantly call plays that keeps Owens from hitting top gear. Its dumb. There isn't much else to be said about it other than it is dumb.

The out route is not a route that TO should be running often. It doesn't allow the guy to get to full speed and even if he catches the ball he has nowhere to go. I've seen it called so many times that I almost wish that Garrett would have taken another job last offseason.

I think everyone knows that TO isn't the best route runner
. He just isn't. Crayton runs better routes than TO and isn't close. Witten does as well. Where TO makes his money is by creating separation by getting to top speed and leaving people behind.

That route just doesn't allow for that to happen.

Redball's job is to put his players in a position to have the most success. Pinning TO up against the sideline and making him work in a confined area doesn't do that.

TO needs to be in motion and working routes in the middle of the field.

TO is not a very good route runner not because he just doesn't run them, but he cannot break and cut as well as other receivers. As you've stated in your last point, he's best when put in motion and allowed to run cross-field to catch the ball in space and then run. He's most dangerous when he's caught the ball and then able to pop down into his final gear and drive off of the defender, a la the TD catch where he dragged two guys into the endzone.


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I agree Hoofbite,

The routes he runs most of the time are not playing to his strengths. Having him Run a 12 yd out to the sideline is not a strong suit.

Does it mean he should work on it, yes, but most of the sideline routes that he catches are not as successful as the posts and crossing routes.

I think that was his point. The quick WR screens and 8 yd digs are just not what he needs of the time.

He has become more accostemed to the out and up or go. He made his bread and butter on shorter routes in the middle of the field.


The Duke
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chinch;2485186 said:
i forgot, your GM of the last two decades is in charge.

Thank heavens. I shudder to think who you think we should have.


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Excellent post, excellent.
I have been saying for the past 2 yrs that Romo has been locked in on T.O. and Witten too much and that he needed to hit the other guys that are wide open, so open we would have a lot of Yac TDs.

Yes, we have fell in love with the big play, and it has come back to haunt us. But that is understandable with all the weapons we have.

The OL,definitely fell off big time, last season we mauled any and everyone up until Dec. We even mauled those 3 teams we lost to. And yes i agree resigning Flo was a mistake, I okay, if we had let him go, and of course I was okay when we kept him. still cannot understand his offsides problem.
Parcells signed Colombo to be Flo's replacement, anyone else remember that besides me? But BP's two busts, Rodgers & Petite, could not hold down the right side so we moved Colombo there and therfore Flo was safe, we should have just let him go and spent money to bring a better LT. Now, we can correct that mistake and move Colombo to LT, in the offseason and let the current guys along with an FA or two, draft picks, or sign some good young LTs that will be FAs/RFAs and Draft one.

I have said since day one in 2006, that T.O was not being used right, we knew why BP would not do it, because he wanted to prove a point, in which that point gave him his walking papers. But Garrett should know better and he does really but he is in love with the big play(I love that) but use your most explosive weapon correctly. T.O. has been saying one thing that that all the coaches should have listened to, there is 11/12 yrs of tape on him, it would take no more than 5 minutes to see, that slants, crossing routes, Posts, but mostly the first two are T.O.'s bread and butter, Cisco and Philly, you do not have to run the west coast offense to run those patterns, any system has those patterns, and of course he can get deep as well, but they need to tell him that he runs to close to the sideline at times on his deep routes. Yes, he lets the ball get into his body too much, that is a habit from those patterns he ran in the west coast offense, when we do run those patterns Romo is often late or too early, and that comes from them not being in sync, staying late after practice would sove that quickly. But if you got a high priority girlfriend I guess you no longer have the time to stay late, I'm not hating or coming down on Romo, I know how a woman can get into your head.

Romo, has been off all season long, since the first game, I noticed it, but since we had no problem, I did not think much more on it, it seemed he was a little better the second game, and the third, I would have to go back and look at my tapes again. But that first Commanders game, Romo was waaay off, he threw at T.O. 17/18 times and T.O. caught 7, dropped 2, the rest were not catchable, they were too high, behind, too far ahead or too low. also that game he threw at Witten 15 times and Witten caught 8, the rest were uncatchable.

In your post you reminded me of something that I heard from one of the pregame radio guys after the Arizona lost, he was talking about Romo's body language, he attiributed to an unname source very close within the organization who said that the coaching staff had been pressuring Romo to be more Aikman like and not improvise,run, scramble etc., but then I heard later on that Romo himself wanted to be more Brady like and stand tall in the pocket and it looked good the very first game of the season, the OL gave him on an average of 7/8 secs to look over the field. I want the guy that took over for Bledsoe that Monday night and proceeded to torch teams spreading the ball around as well as dancing away from rushers and using his feet to pick up first downs, and he held on to the ball back then, it seems.
He will be alright, it is a process, and he will make it thru and step into his greatness.

Love Witten, he runs great routes and is always getting open as well as catching the ball with people all over him, now I will admit he cannot shake the tacklers, but he tries hsi best.

Our WRs, especially Owens and Williams do not immediately shake the jammers, they are so big that it is easy for the jammers to getinto their chests andslow them up, but they are strong and they do get rid of the jammers as quick as they can, not in T.O.s case they have a LB or a Safety waiting on him once he gets free, so if the OL holds Romo can hit him and Roy in those small windows as soon as they get rid of the jammers before the get to the next level of coverage.

Our DBs are all amn to man guys, but that problem seems to be fixed since Wade took over the defense.

We have a 3 headed monster that should have been used all season, maybe Felix would still be active. Our Coaching staff seems to be growing and maturing along with our team, but that does not excuse them, especially Wade.

Injuries, this is a big big problem, and I want to say is the root of all the mess that has been going on all season, we have had some pretty healthy seasons in the past.

The inury bug and we have been struggling to deal with it, and it has literally been a test for this team and coaching staff, we have stayed afloat, but the last 4 weeks it seems that we have learned to dog paddle, and last Sunday I saw us learn how to swim under water, this week and Sunday (when we beat the giants) it will show everyone and most importantly the team that they have finally learn how to swim and no matter how deep the water is.

Once again that unbiased assesment was an excellent post.


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Thanks for the dialogue.

Another thing I have noticed about the play calling is that there are few and far between 3 or 5 step drops. It tends to be shotgun, play action, or roll outs. shorten the routes a little and that will open up the double moves more

Also, I keep hearing about the jams, but I haven't see a whole lot of replay showing it. I have seen double and triple coverage on TO or Witten. Not having to spy Romo anymore allows that middle rout to be more clogged.

it mostly comes down to coaching and play calling. There is not much ingenuity. I remember TO in the back field going on wheel routes, lined up at TE, etc. Now pretty vanilla. The reverses and pitches are worthless without establishing the diversion. The Brad Johnson experience was inexcusable. Training camp proved it. There was no upside

The Oline shares some blame also for not being able to establish the run at all in some games (Wash #1 and AZ), but Procotor is soooo bad it is almost comical.

Funny part is that this team is 8-5 and 20 other teams would love to have our problems. The frustrating part is that most people know something is wrong and all we are told is that we are wrong. Its one thing to get outclassed, its another to get out played and coached.


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McLovin;2485786 said:
Thanks for the dialogue.

Another thing I have noticed about the play calling is that there are few and far between 3 or 5 step drops. It tends to be shotgun, play action, or roll outs. shorten the routes a little and that will open up the double moves more

Also, I keep hearing about the jams, but I haven't see a whole lot of replay showing it. I have seen double and triple coverage on TO or Witten. Not having to spy Romo anymore allows that middle rout to be more clogged.

it mostly comes down to coaching and play calling. There is not much ingenuity. I remember TO in the back field going on wheel routes, lined up at TE, etc. Now pretty vanilla. The reverses and pitches are worthless without establishing the diversion. The Brad Johnson experience was inexcusable. Training camp proved it. There was no upside

The Oline shares some blame also for not being able to establish the run at all in some games (Wash #1 and AZ), but Procotor is soooo bad it is almost comical.

Funny part is that this team is 8-5 and 20 other teams would love to have our problems. The frustrating part is that most people know something is wrong and all we are told is that we are wrong. Its one thing to get outclassed, its another to get out played and coached.

Doc, you are good. I could talk football, especially Cowboys with you all day.
My wife says people always says to her why am I so quiet, she tells them start talking about sports, but if you really want to get to know him talk Dalls Cowboys.


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Anytime, my friend.

You have some great insight. I haven't posted much because most people want to cut someone or fire someone as soon as they hear something negative.


Well-Known Member
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McLovin;2485819 said:
Anytime, my friend.

You have some great insight. I haven't posted much because most people want to cut someone or fire someone as soon as they hear something negative.

I try not to get into a lot of those negative discussions, but sometimes I cannot help myself. some of these people are so way off , you are (I) am compelled to see if I can help them understand.

When I first started posting on this board, back In 97, I used to get into a lot of posting wars(back then the board had a different name, Now I cannot remember it).

We should have a place where we all can meet anually or somethin like that. I believe it is hard to get some to understand thru posts, because some cannot get what they are truly trying to convey, in here, or some do not want to have real long posts.