Video: Aikman on Concussions, Injuries, QB Rules


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Aikman on Concussions, Injuries, QB Rules

By dcfanatic, December 4, 2009 1:41 am

Troy Aikman was one of the toughest QB's to ever play the game...


The concussion rules are very good for the game. It's sad when you see a guy who's been retired for 10 years and he's having brain seizures or trouble speaking. Head injuries are the last thing you want to screw around with and I would hope these players don't fall into that 'I am too tough not to play' game. I would make sure my players know that if they have a concussion and don't alert the team of this condition they will be fined or even suspended.

These QB rules are straight ridiculous. You barely touch the QB's facemask and it's a 15 yard penalty. You hit him anywhere besides a 4" by 4" square on is gut and you get a 15 yard penalty. You hit him a millisecond after he releases the football and it's a 15 yard penalty.

Put a dress on them already.