WCS Game V: A New Hope

Very early but Cliff looking good, still way to early to know if he is on...but looks like good control...knock on wood, as Lee breaks some wood.
Alright, lets wake up Bats, put Lincecum out of this early and lets get some momentum going.
Geez, young just missed that. Good start though, to hard hit outs keep batting smart.
If Hamilton is the MVP he needs to get on, whether thats a BB or a HR or something in between.
i really hate san fransico batters and their fouling off so many freaking balls, or maybe im just jealous...rangers used to do that a lolt better not sure what happened, got cold and choking i guess.
as much as I want to say cliff is throwing at his best level tonight i just dont think he is (as the count goes 2-0 then 3-0) need to get through this inning and the next and i think he will settle down a bit. going to be extremely dissapointing if lee does not win this tonight.
i have no idea what happened to our offense, we went from a team that can play small ball to a team that is relying completely on the HR. I mean Wash, this is real BS, you have your 4 and 5 guys going up there and swinging at 1st pitches on a pitcher that was struggling a bit with the strike zone, start using your head hitters geez.
Poor AB, decent AB, Poor at bat, awful at bat, awful ab, decent ab...thats our night.
these glee commercials are stupid, I guess the Ranger hitters have been watching them.
NOW PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, can we start using our heads at the plate?
yup what can you do murphy when the ump is calling strikes off the plate you got to swing at that, another piss poor call.
lol, here we go with another ump that changes his strike zone with every batter, who cares what the strike zone is, but what is annoying is how it changes.
why is our #9 hitter our best hitter right now? andrus why are you swinging at balls at your shoulders? dumb, stupid, and choke.
Im telling you lincy does not have this great of stuff tonight, he is good but the rangers are making him look like a world beater with their inpatient poor abs. There you go young, take a note hamilton, now get out there and and move hamilton over, goodness know vlad wont
joe back has to put his foot in the mouth on that one, aren't you dissapoited joe.
good job hamilton, thanks for giving us a preview of what vlad will be doing, swinging at pitches in the dirt....

sorry vlad but won't be sad to see you go after your playoff performance.

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