We should have had 4 in a row


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Lest we ever forget that the cheating 49'ers cost us 4 Super Bowls in a row:

December 1, 2000 (NHS) -- After two years of allegations, investigations, denials, innuendo, bickering and compromising, THIS is what we're left with?
Sure, it's fantastic that the NFL has finally stepped up and vindicated us 49er-Haters. After all, we've been saying for years that something was fishy up at Niner Central when it comes to the salary cap. We know it's hard to remember now, but it was only a couple years ago that the 49er Facade of class was so rock solid people used to dismiss us as conspiracy theorists, but now it's official: no matter how much the pathetic Whiner fans want to hide from it, the fact is ...
... the 49ers are cheaters.

Certainly, their legacy is forever tarnished. Did the 49ers buy their fifth Super Bowl? Can you really call them a dynasty if the team they fielded should never have been there if not for cheating? Never mind your personal answers -- the fact that questions such as these are even up for debate, in itself, is enough to quickly shut up any Niner apologist -- especially one who used to regurgitate the ludicrous company line of "winning with class".

Unfortunately, our elation at the Niner establishment scarfing down a healthy helping of crow is soured by the pathetic manner in which the whole thing went down. Once again, the truth played second fiddle to the good ol' boy system that favors the 49ers. Once again, the usual suspects that we've soundly criticized over the years played their part to shelter and protect the interests of the poor lovable Whiners.

Let's begin with the NFL itself, which did everything in its power to downplay the violations, including such time-tested media tactics as leaking the story early and releasing it late on a Friday so that its news impact would be minimized.

But the main bone to pick with the NFL is the lack of a punishment befitting the crime. The 49ers received nothing more than the classic slap on the wrist. They were fined a paltry $300,000 (which is a drop in the bucket for an NFL franchise) and deprived of a couple "valuable" draft picks -- their fifth-rounder next year and their third-rounder in 2002. When you stop and look at just how little the Niners gave up after intentionally and egregiously sidestepping the salary cap -- the system that the NFL has established to maintain competitive balance in the league -- it's completely laughable.

After all, consider the fact that when Bill Parcells wanted to opt out of his coaching contract a year early and move from the Patriots to the Jets, New York had to surrender draft picks in EACH of the first four rounds --and that was compensation for a perfectly legal move! Earlier this year, the Pittsburgh Steelers were docked a third-rounder for one (again, that's one) cap violation. The Niners rack up two, three, four -- who knows how many violations? -- and their added punishment is all of one more forfeited pick, and a somewhat meaningless fifth-rounder, at that. Amazing.
If this is what the NFL considers justice, somebody get the Viagra, because they are redefining the epitome of impotent.

Over the years, we have maintained, in the face of stark criticism, that San Francisco receives preferential treatment from the league. Well, here's yet another blatant example those Niner fans can try to ignore. From overlooking injury report violations to making dubious calls on the field to practically condoning cap shenanigans, the NFL front office has always been partial to the 49ers, and this latest "punishment" is no exception.

NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue may argue that his hands were tied and that he could not penalize the Niners any further under the existing rules (to wit: the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement). Yet it's interesting to note that, as part of the settlement agreement in this case, the NFL is magically authorized to hammer any teams that cheat from now on to the tune of two first-round picks and big money. Yep, the Niners get off with a halfhearted rebuke, but any future transgressors will pay heavily.

Carmen and Dwight: Another amazing element of the settlement are the fines levied on "master capologist" Carmen Policy and his pissboy, Dwight Clark. In his tenure with the Niners, Policy was lauded time and again by fans and the media for being a genius at manipulating the numbers and keeping the Niners at or near the top (read: the usual overrated tripe we are accustomed to with 49ers). Now, we find out what we suspected all along -- like most things Niner, Carmen was hype, not substance -- and that "genius" was actually "cheating".

However, note that the beauty of the settlement -- it includes no admission of guilt from any of the parties involved! Yes, people are being punished right and left, yet at the same time, they can hide behind the lack of a guilty statement and remain unaccountable. "I steadfastly maintain that I did not intend to violate any of the provisions ... nor do I feel that any of my actions amounted to a violation," Carmen said. "I cannot envision myself as an adversary of the NFL, especially in a situation involving litigation. A courtroom victory against the league would be the equivalent of winning a battle but losing the war."

Wow, so you see? He's just an innocent victim! But even more, he's a martyr, too! Boy, we're having a tough time discerning between Carmen and Jesus Christ!

Yes, such a complete load is an insult to decency and perfectly in step with the nauseating subhuman character of Policy. Worse is that the NFL's lack of sack has let him get away with it again, and the spineless media fails to call him on it.

Superagent Leigh Steinberg, the little twerp that tells his clients "every player should have the chance to play for the 49ers" (according to Gary Plummer), is forced to give $350,000 to charity for his part in this scheme. Sure, it's satisfying to see him get stuck a bit, but it's far too little, too late of a comment on his role with the 49ers over the years. Steinberg and the Niners have been bed-buddies, resulting in many top free agents "surprisingly" signing to play for the 49ers for less than market value. Often, it appears Steinberg is more loyal to the 49ers than his clients. For example, see the Kevin Greene fiasco, and especially this case, when he allowed his clients to get sucked into the Niners' salary schemes.

The NFL Players Association had yet another insulting take. It "denied there were any undisclosed agreements" that violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement, then turned around and stated, "What is important to us is that the players will retain or be paid all moneys that the team owed them."

Huh? Hey, morons, if there were no undisclosed agreements, how come the players were "owed" moneys? Brent Jones, Steve Young and others were promised to be paid untold hundreds of thousands of dollars more than the Niners reported on their salary cap sheets. Now they are going to get that money, what, out of the kindness of the 49ers' hearts?? Noooo, there was an obvious commitment for that money -- a.k.a. an undisclosed agreement. Do they really think us fans are stupid enough to buy their rhetoric to the contrary?

All the NFLPA is trying to do here is save the character of Jones, Young and the other beloved Whiners. So instead of someone flat out asking, for example, Young to his face on national T.V. if he is in fact a sleazy cheater, he gets to keep his squeaky-clean, fake 49er image unquestioned.

Which finally leads us to the media, which historically provokes a healthy degree of ire among Niner-Haters, and their coverage of this event was same old, same old. Just take a look at the article penned by AP News:
  • 1. Headline: "Policy, Clark pay $600,000 in NFL salary cap settlement".
    2. Lead (opening sentence): "Cleveland Browns president Carmen Policy and team vice president Dwight Clark ..."
    3. Then, should you choose to read all the way down to the 5th paragraph -- down past Carmen's blather that "there are many legal and factual differences of opinion over many of the issues" -- you'll finally read that the 49ers were penalized.
Basically, this tactic is nothing less than pandering to the 49er spin of the issue. Look at the message that AP News is trying to send its readers:
  • A. Policy and Clark are paying fines to settle something about the salary cap
    B. Policy and Clark are Cleveland Browns
    C. There's a lot of confusion in this salary cap thing, sounds like maybe they are being railroaded by the NFL for some stupid technical violation.
    D. Apparently it started back when they did something when with the 49ers.
Where in that summary is the message that this cheating was done on the behalf of the 49ers? That the 49ers directly benefited unfairly? That the 49ers deserved to be punished?

Another side to this coverage is that if you're a Browns fan, you should be pissed that your team is being unduly impugned by an event that happened at San Francisco. But apparently the media doesn't care about silly things like hurting others or journalistic integrity. What's important is pro-Niner propaganda. And don't hold your breath waiting to hear someone publicly badmouth Carmen, or any sort of retraction by the media for misleading the public for years about his "cap genius".

In sum, it's the usual stink. The NFL protects their li'l darling of a franchise. The focus is on individuals now with Cleveland, not the benefit the 49ers illegally received. The role of how agents play as shills for S.F. is blown over. The NFLPA's comments exonerate "classy" 49er heroes from any involvement. The media buries the truth.

The "shocking" result: a small punishment and continued ignorance by the average fan of the true sleazy nature of the 49ers. Do you now understand why the punishment was so long in coming? It takes time to hammer out the details of such a beautifully complex cover-up. Think about it: how long did it take to punish the Steelers? If this had been the Raiders or Cowboys, think it would have gone down the same way? No, with any other team, the result would have been as it should be: a strong statement of guilt of a crime coupled with a swift, stern punishment and public scorn in the media.

But all in all, let's not lose sight of the upshot, which is that Niner-haters everywhere can finally be thankful that the whole affair is over, and we've been vindicated once again. From here on in, the Niners are forever marred for their blatant and intentional attempt to illegally gain advantage over the rest of the league by disregarding the cap rules. Naturally, many, including some NFL owners like the Saints' Tom Benson, want more than vindication, and why shouldn't they? All along, they've had to put up with the Niner arrogance and attitude and the NFL's double-standard when it comes to all things San Francisco, and when it's finally shown that the arrogance wasn't deserved, the consequences are realistically nil. And believe us, we're right there when it comes to the indignation of watching the Niners get away practically scot-free.

Yet, we do take solace in the fact that we can legitimately refer to the San Francisco 49ers as cheaters from this point forward. Some Niner fans would have you believe that, since the events happened three years ago under a different regime, they don't apply to the current franchise. Wrong. Someone who murdered another human three years ago is still a murderer today. Eddie DeBartolo is still a felon today, despite the fact that his criminal actions took place three years ago. And today, the Niners are officially cheaters, regardless of when it happened. Sorry, Niner fans -- if you want to refer to your team as the five-time Super Bowl champs -- which is also something that happened in the past -- you have to refer to them as cheaters as well.
So as we 49er-Haters sit back and enjoy the last few weeks of the season watching the Niners slog their way towards mediocrity instead of a top draft pick, knowing they face cap problems that will hinder them for a couple more years, and we think that it couldn't get any better for us legitimate, discerning football fans, just remember that it IS better: the 49ers are cheaters. The truth always has a nice ring, doesn't it?


Mick Green 58
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Get over it folks.

Most franchises don't even have 4 Super Bowls, let alone, 4 of them in a row.


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Maikeru-sama;3429990 said:
Get over it folks.

Most franchises don't even have 4 Super Bowls, let alone, 4 of them in a row.

Cheating and getting away with it while winning an undeserved Super Bowl?

I'll never 'get over it'.


Blank Paper Offends Me
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stasheroo;3430000 said:
Cheating and getting away with it while winning an undeserved Super Bowl?

I'll never 'get over it'.

Quoted for inalienable truth.

Regar the Bold

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It was 38 to 28 when they pass interfered, there was no guarantee we would have scored again even if we had pulled within 3


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stasheroo;3430000 said:
Cheating and getting away with it while winning an undeserved Super Bowl?

I'll never 'get over it'.

everyone who beats us cheated. :rolleyes: :laugh2:

Dallas screwed themselves by coming out and playing sloppy from the get go with turnovers. I blame no one but the team


Mick Green 58
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Doomsday101;3430051 said:
everyone who beats us cheated. :rolleyes: :laugh2:

Dallas screwed themselves by coming out and playing sloppy from the get go with turnovers. I blame no one but the team

Yep, and this type of thinking is one of the reasons folks don't like Cowboys fans.

I'm proud of what the Cowboys have accomplished.


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Maikeru-sama;3430194 said:
Yep, and this type of thinking is one of the reasons folks don't like Cowboys fans.

I'm proud of what the Cowboys have accomplished.

This thread is not ABOUT the Cowboys.

It's about the 49ers cheating, and the NFL putting up with it and letting them off the hook.

Great original post BTW. Thanks stasheroo.


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BIGDen;3430142 said:
No, but the Niners cheated.

Oh please after any loss the talk of the refs missed calls or the other teams cheated starts up. Plain and simpe Dallas was sloppy with the ball early in that game which put us down 21 points early on. Only thing that cost Dallas in that game was the Cowboys. You make mistakes like that in the NFC Championship game you going to lose.


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Doomsday101;3430483 said:
Oh please after any loss the talk of the refs missed calls or the other teams cheated starts up. Plain and simpe Dallas was sloppy with the ball early in that game which put us down 21 points early on. Only thing that cost Dallas in that game was the Cowboys. You make mistakes like that in the NFC Championship game you going to lose.

Did you even read the original article I posted?

It had nothing to do with how the actual game went.

The point is that the 49'ers cheated the NFL's salary cap which allowed them to sign a bunch of free agents to load up for a Super Bowl run.

If they didn't do that, they never even make it to the game against the Cowboys, much less win.


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Maikeru-sama;3430194 said:
Yep, and this type of thinking is one of the reasons folks don't like Cowboys fans.

I'm proud of what the Cowboys have accomplished.

I guess you folks didn't bother to read what I posted.

The 49'ers committed the biggest atrocity you can in the NFL. They blatantly cheated the NFL's salary cap and spent more money than allowed, thus destroying the league's competitive balance.

And they and the league swept it under the rug.

Apparently they did such a good job that many don't even know what actually happened...


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stasheroo;3430491 said:
I guess you folks didn't bother to read what I posted.

The 49'ers committed the biggest atrocity you can in the NFL. They blatantly cheated the NFL's salary cap and spent more money than allowed, thus destroying the league's competitive balance.

And they and the league swept it under the rug.

Apparently they did such a good job that many don't even know what actually happened...

None of that had an effect on the game. I'm not saying they did nothing wrong but the game we lost was our own doing no one else.


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Doomsday101;3430495 said:
None of that had an effect on the game. I'm not saying they did nothing wrong but the game we lost was our own doing no one else.

I didn't reference the game.

The fact is that if the 49'ers didn't cheat to stockpile talent, they don't even make it to that game much less win it.


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stasheroo;3430506 said:
I didn't reference the game.

The fact is that if the 49'ers didn't cheat to stockpile talent, they don't even make it to that game much less win it.

Then the title is misleading stating we should have won 4 in a row, we would have had a chance to do that but not because of the 9ers because of our own poor play that day. I'm not claiming the 9ers did not do things to circumvent the salary cap but in the end the only thing that cost us that season was our own mistakes.


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Doomsday101;3430512 said:
Then the title is misleading stating we should have won 4 in a row, we would have had a chance to do that but not because of the 9ers because of our own poor play that day. I'm not claiming the 9ers did not do things to circumvent the salary cap but in the end the only thing that cost us that season was our own mistakes.

You're wrong.

Those 'mistakes' happened in a game againt the 49'ers.

That game never even happens if they don't cheat the salary cap to get there.

And there wasn't another team in the league that was in the Cowboy's class at that time.

And the Cowboys would have smoked the Chargers in that Super Bowl. Likely worse than the 49'ers did.


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stasheroo;3430531 said:
You're wrong.

Those 'mistakes' happened in a game againt the 49'ers.

That game never even happens if they don't cheat the salary cap to get there.

And there wasn't another team in the league that was in the Cowboy's class at that time.

And the Cowboys would have smoked the Chargers in that Super Bowl. Likely worse than the 49'ers did.

I don't think so. Had Dallas played that sloppy in any playoff game you will lose. You don't spot teams 21 points in post season play be it the 9ers or anyone else.