What are the Dallas Cowboys “Official” team colors?


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Does anyone know what the Dallas Cowboys “Official” team colors are?

Apparently they are listed in the Dallas Cowboys media guide, but I don’t have one and can’t seem to locate one online. The best I could do is research what Wikipedia.com lists the colors to be and I’ve listed them below just so you can see what they say.

However, I don’t exactly trust what Wikipedia says since it often is littered with false information. However, I trust it more than other online sources which seem to get the colors right but list the PMS color codes differently than the ones listed below.

So why am I asking? It’s because I have a room in my house that I want to paint and/or decorate with all of the official Dallas Cowboys colors. I know that Home Depot offers a similar service, where through Glidden Paints they offer NFL color schemes, but they only have the blue white and gray (no silver or metallic blue or metallic green). And I’m not convinced their “Blue” is even the official Royal Blue hue (something about the Blue paint sample I got just did not look right).

In case you’re wondering, the colors listed below are also shown with PMS codes, which in this case stands for Pantone Matching System (Managed by Pantone Inc.), which is an international standardized system of color identification for the graphic arts industry. So each unique color comes with its own unique number. And apparently, if you can give an ink or paint provider that PMS code number they can then match the color you’re looking for exactly.

So that’s why I’m asking; I’m hoping that anyone who has a recent media guide can reference it and post all official colors listed by their PMS codes. That way I can go to a paint store and request color samples according to these numbers and if they look right on the wall I can start painting my Cowboys room.

Anyway, here is what Wikipedia.com lists as the Cowboys official colors:

Helmet color: Metallic Silver Blue (PMS 8240 C) (also referred to as Cowboys Blue)

Star (on helmet): No coor or PMS code is listed, but I'm assuming it's the same Navy Blue of the away jerseys (see below)

Home pants: Metallic Silver Green (PMS 8280 C)

Home jerseys: White (PMS color code not listed) with Royal Blue (PMS 280 C) for the letters

Away pants: Metallic Silver (PMS 8001 C)

Away jerseys: Navy Blue (PMS 289 C) with White and Gray stripes (No PMS color codes listed for these colors).

So all in all, it looks like htere are 7 colors: Metallic silver blue; Metallic Silver Green; Metallic silver, White; Gray; Royal Blue; and Navy Blue. So are these the right colors and PMS codes per the Cowboys' media guide?

Please let me know if you can confirm or update these. Thanks!


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Hostile;2847644 said:
Wikipedia is correct. Those are the colors.

Hey Hos, thanks so much for confirming this. what made me skeptical was that Dallas potentially had green in their colors - metallic silver green to be exact for the home plants. I quickly though of the Eagles when I read that and immediately needed to go take a shower to wash away my sinful thoughts. :laugh2:

Do you know if the media guide lists the PMS color codes for the white color of the home jersey and the gray stripes on the away jerseys? I'm not sure if there's a particular shade of each that the Cowboys use. And what about the star on the helmet; is that hte same navy blue used for hte away jerseys or a differnet shade of navy blue?

Thanks! :thumbup:


The Duke
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AMERICAS_FAN;2847683 said:
Hey Hos, thanks so much for confirming this. what made me skeptical was that Dallas potentially had green in their colors - metallic silver green to be exact for the home plants. I quickly though of the Eagles when I read that and immediately needed to go take a shower to wash away my sinful thoughts. :laugh2:

Do you know if the media guide lists the PMS color codes for the white color of the home jersey and the gray stripes on the away jerseys? I'm not sure if there's a particular shade of each that the Cowboys use.

Thanks! :thumbup:
If you look at the pants worn with the white jerseys you can see a greenish tint to them. They didn't use to be. They used to be silver gray. Schramm felt the silver metallic green showed up better on TV. In an annoying way he was right. It does.

The media guide does list those colors the last time I had one. Mine got swiped or I'd look it up for you. I think there is a thread on here about some of the quirks in the jerseys and it lists the colors. I will do an advanced search and see if I can find it.

That article listed all of the inconsistencies with the home and away jerseys. For instance the blue numbers on the white jerseys does not match the blue of the star and stripes on the helmet.

It was an interesting article. If anything on here has those colors it might be that thread.


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Hostile;2847688 said:
If you look at the pants worn with the white jerseys you can see a greenish tint to them. They didn't use to be. They used to be silver gray. Schramm felt the silver metallic green showed up better on TV. In an annoying way he was right. It does.

The media guide does list those colors the last time I had one. Mine got swiped or I'd look it up for you. I think there is a thread on here about some of the quirks in the jerseys and it lists the colors. I will do an advanced search and see if I can find it.

That article listed all of the inconsistencies with the home and away jerseys. For instance the blue numbers on the white jerseys does not match the blue of the star and stripes on the helmet.

It was an interesting article. If anything on here has those colors it might be that thread.

I don't care if it does show up better on TV I still don't like the "silver metallic green" pants. Why not "silver metallic blue" instead? Or just go back to what they were in the 70s.


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THUMPER;2847806 said:
I don't care if it does show up better on TV I still don't like the "silver metallic green" pants. Why not "silver metallic blue" instead? Or just go back to what they were in the 70s.

In the words of Smokey Robinson, I second that emotion.


The Duke
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THUMPER;2847806 said:
I don't care if it does show up better on TV I still don't like the "silver metallic green" pants. Why not "silver metallic blue" instead? Or just go back to what they were in the 70s.
I don't disagree with you at all. I do not like the green tint. I also don't like the different colored numbers than the helmet star. I think the home and away jerseys ought to mirror each other and they don't.


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Hostile;2848415 said:
I don't disagree with you at all. I do not like the green tint. I also don't like the different colored numbers than the helmet star. I think the home and away jerseys ought to mirror each other and they don't.

Agreed on the first two points, but I do like the radically different road unis. Tex changed them in 1981 due to the so-called "curse," but the plain royal jerseys were getting stale anyway.


The Duke
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Here's the article I mentioned earlier. I thought it said the other colors but does not.

Cowboys have the quirkiest uniform set in all of sports

By Paul Lukas
Page 2

Updated: October 26, 2007, 12:31 PM ET

The Dallas Cowboys: so successful ... so beloved ... so completely annoying. From the "America's Team" arrogance and the incredible run of lucky breaks (can someone please explain why Neil O'Donnell threw that ball right to Larry Brown?) to the loathsome owner and the succession of even more loathsome coaches (has there ever been a more irritating quartet than Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson, Barry Switzer and Bill Parcells?), the Cowboys have set the standard for despicability for decades. Love 'em or hate 'em, you've got to hate 'em.

It's tough to knock their uniforms, though. The Cowboys almost always wear basic white jerseys, their helmet design is timeless and classic, and their basic aesthetic approach is blissfully free of extraneous bells and whistles. All in all, they present a simple, straightforward look.Or so it would appear to the untrained eye. But to the practiced uniform acolyte, the Cowboys' attire is rife with idiosyncrasies. In fact, America's Team wears what is arguably the quirkiest uniform set in all of professional sports, full of unexplained anomalies and team-specific protocols found nowhere else. Look back into their history, and you'll find even more aberrations.
So come along as Uni Watch takes a tour of the Cowboys' top-10 uni-related nuances, past and present -- many of them annoying, a few of them admirable, but all worthy of closer inspection:


Look on the back of any Cowboys helmet, and you'll see a little blue label at the base of the white stripe. You've probably noticed it countless times over the years without even thinking about it. That's a Dymo Tape name label, which has been a Cowboys visual signature for years -- all the way back to the mid-1960s, in fact.

Uniqueness Factor:
High. Smartypants readers (you know who you are) may be aware that Dymo Tape has occasionally been used for helmet identification by other NFL teams, like the Browns in the late '60s (plus it's also been used extensively in baseball). But no other team has had the chutzpah or intestinal fortitude to use the little labels so obsessively, or for so long.

Annoyance Factor:
Low. Uni Watch actually loves the little labels and grudgingly salutes the Dallas equipment staff for having the dedication to turn a dorky little detail into an indispensable component of the club's visual identity. Just try to imagine a Cowboys helmet without the little blue strip -- it's unthinkable.


Ever notice that the lower collar area on most of Cowboys jerseys -- just above the uniform number -- usually looks a bit pinched or crimped? Look closer, and you'll see there's actually a little shoelace or string that's tying down the jersey to the shoulder pads.

How do they do this? By sewing a butterfly-shaped fabric panel onto the sternum area of each jersey. The panel is equipped with an eyelet, which the player can use to tie down the jersey to his pads. Sometimes additional eyelets are added so the player has multiple tie-down options.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. To Uni Watch's knowledge, no other team utilizes this type of jersey modification. A few former Cowboys, however, have tried to duplicate it after moving on to other teams. Keyshawn Johnson, for example, used a primitive tie-down when he moved from the Cowboys to the Panthers, and Larry Allen has been going tied-down with the 49ers.

Annoyance Factor:
Very high. The crimped collar looks totally bush. And even if a player opts not to use the tie-down, you've still got that extra fabric panel just sitting there in plain view. Plus, there's something untoward about modifying a uniform like this -- is it even legal? Roger Goodell, please investigate.


The Cowboys always wear silver pants, right? Right -- sort of. The team actually has two different sets of silver pants in its wardrobe: one with a greenish-blue tone and royal blue piping, which is worn with the white jerseys, and a more conventional silver version with navy piping, which is worn with the club's seldom-seen blue jerseys. No vaguely reasonable explanation for this has ever been proffered. Not only that, the Dallas helmet doesn't match either of the pants' hues, meaning the Cowboys actually use three shades of silver.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. Some teams occasionally have trouble matching their helmet color to their jersey or pants, because fabric dyes work differently than plastic dyes. But the Cowboys don't have one intended version of silver that accidentally turns out three different ways -- they actually have three different silvers in their official color specs. No other NFL team has this kind of color confusion codified in its uniform design.

Annoyance Factor:
Very high. Kindly pick one silver and stick with it for all applications, end of story.


The Cowboys' chromatic inconsistencies go beyond silver. When they wear their white jerseys (i.e., about 90 percent of the time), their socks, pants striping and uni numbers are royal, but the blue on their helmets is navy, so the two blues clash.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. Other NFL teams understand the simple concept that your colors should match.

Annoyance Factor:
Huge. Are these people colorblind, or what?


Wearing dark jerseys at home has been an unofficial football tradition for generations, but the Cowboys opted to buck that trend during the franchise's earliest days. It was GM Tex Schramm's idea: He figured that if the team wore blue at home, every home game would look the same -- blue jerseys versus white jerseys. By wearing white at home, the team would give its fans a chance to see an ever-shifting range of colors as a new team came into town each week. Since most other NFL teams chose to wear their colors at home, the Cowboys usually ended up wearing white on the road, as well.

Uniqueness Factor:
Medium-high. Other teams have favored home whites over the years, most notably the Commanders, Dolphins and Browns. Plus, some warm-weather teams opt to wear white at home early in the season to avoid baking in the sun. But the Cowboys were the first to go this route, and they've stuck to it more single-mindedly than any other club.

Annoyance Factor:
Low. Schramm's original rationale was an admirably early example of uni-based marketing. And, let's face it, the white jerseys look better than the blue ones. Which leads us to ...


The Cowboys were the designated home team in Super Bowl V, which meant they had to wear blue (the rule since has been changed to allow the designated home team the choice of wearing white or colors). Dallas lost the game, and the legend of "the blue jersey curse" was born. In subsequent years, opposing teams periodically have worn white at home just to force Dallas to wear blue -- most famously in the 1981 NFC championship game, when the Eagles wore white at Veterans Stadium and won, thereby cementing the blue jersey's status as uni non grata.

Uniqueness Factor:
High. While there are other NFL teams that prefer to stick with one jersey, no other team has developed such lore and superstition around one uni element.

Annoyance Factor:
Low. Uniform-based rituals and mythologies are A-OK with Uni Watch.


Most teams' white and dark jerseys are essentially mirror images of each other. There might be minor distinctions, but they pretty much have the same typography, the same striping and so on. But look at the Cowboys: The white jersey has block uni numbers, two plain stripes on each sleeve and no wordmark on the chest, while the blue jersey has outlined uni numbers, a thick, star-studded stripe on each sleeve and a "Cowboys" wordmark on the chest. It's not just that these jerseys aren't twins -- they are barely second cousins.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. No other NFL team has this type of disparity between its jerseys.

Annoyance Factor:
Very high. Yo, people, look around at the rest of the league, see how it's done and please get with the program.


In 1982, someone decided it wasn't enough for the Cowboys to have uniform numbers on their chests, backs and shoulders. And so it came to pass that the Cowboys began wearing uni numbers on their hips -- useful if you're trying to identify a player who's only partially shown in a photo, but pretty bogus-looking otherwise. The 'Boys stuck with this format until 1989, when sanity, in the form of numberless pants, was restored.

Uniqueness Factor:
Fairly high. Only two other NFL teams have gone this route -- the 1984-87 Packers and the 1982-86 Colts.

Annoyance Factor:
Massive. One of those "innovations" that nobody was clamoring for. A solution to a non-problem. Textbook case of failing Uni Watch's standard "Is it good or is it stupid?" litmus test.

9. SPIRIT OF '76

Not many people seem to remember this, but the Cowboys gave new meaning to "America's Team" in 1976, when they changed one of their helmet stripes from blue to red, creating a patriotic effect for the nation's bicentennial.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. No other NFL team modified its uniform -- much less introduced a new hue to its color scheme! -- for the bicentennial.

Annoyance Factor:
High. Truth be known, Uni Watch kinda likes this move, at least when viewed in a vacuum. But in the context of all the "America's Team" nonsense, it's just another example of the institutional hubris that makes it so easy -- so necessary -- to hate the Cowboys.


Little-known fact: During the Cowboys' first four seasons, they wore a bizarre crossover-style collar, which created an odd wraparound effect that didn't look so hot. Further details and lots of additional photos are available here.

Uniqueness Factor:
Off the charts. As far as Uni Watch knows, there's nothing else like this in NFL history.

Annoyance Factor:
Negligible. While the collar looked awful, it was one of those obscure historical subtleties that are Uni Watch's raison d'être.


When Tom Landry died in 2000, the Cowboys decided to memorialize him on their uniform. But instead of taking the boilerplate approach of wearing his initials on a helmet decal, they took his signature fedora and depicted it as a chest patch.

Uniqueness Factor:
High. Uni Watch can't think of another NFL team that's used a simple graphic symbol as a remembrance.

Annoyance Factor:
Exceedingly high. In fact, this is arguably the most annoying Dallas quirk of them all, because it's so brilliant. How's Uni Watch supposed to keep hating the Cowboys when they come up with something this cool?


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Well you probably wouldnt want to go through all the trouble but it seems like if you called/emailed the PR dept. of the cowboys they should be happy to find out for you if you tell them your making a cowboys room in your house.


White and Nerdy
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I just want a few slight modifications

Pick one shade of blue and one shade of silver....have it be constant on the home and road jerseys.

I would like to at least see a white jersey designed like the blue jersey....a prototype if you will, just to see how it looks.

I would like to see a pale silver jersey with the same design as the blue jersey....to be used for all preseason games. Save the white and blue jerseys for the regular season and playoffs.


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Hostile;2848415 said:
I don't disagree with you at all. I do not like the green tint. I also don't like the different colored numbers than the helmet star. I think the home and away jerseys ought to mirror each other and they don't.

Tex probably wanted the tint of green so 'America's Team' wouldn't look like the Detroit Lions upon first glimpse when watching clips from NFL Films! LOL :D


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Hostile;2848611 said:
Here's the article I mentioned earlier. I thought it said the other colors but does not.

Cowboys have the quirkiest uniform set in all of sports

By Paul Lukas
Page 2

Updated: October 26, 2007, 12:31 PM ET

The Dallas Cowboys: so successful ... so beloved ... so completely annoying. From the "America's Team" arrogance and the incredible run of lucky breaks (can someone please explain why Neil O'Donnell threw that ball right to Larry Brown?) to the loathsome owner and the succession of even more loathsome coaches (has there ever been a more irritating quartet than Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson, Barry Switzer and Bill Parcells?), the Cowboys have set the standard for despicability for decades. Love 'em or hate 'em, you've got to hate 'em.

It's tough to knock their uniforms, though. The Cowboys almost always wear basic white jerseys, their helmet design is timeless and classic, and their basic aesthetic approach is blissfully free of extraneous bells and whistles. All in all, they present a simple, straightforward look.Or so it would appear to the untrained eye. But to the practiced uniform acolyte, the Cowboys' attire is rife with idiosyncrasies. In fact, America's Team wears what is arguably the quirkiest uniform set in all of professional sports, full of unexplained anomalies and team-specific protocols found nowhere else. Look back into their history, and you'll find even more aberrations.
So come along as Uni Watch takes a tour of the Cowboys' top-10 uni-related nuances, past and present -- many of them annoying, a few of them admirable, but all worthy of closer inspection:


Look on the back of any Cowboys helmet, and you'll see a little blue label at the base of the white stripe. You've probably noticed it countless times over the years without even thinking about it. That's a Dymo Tape name label, which has been a Cowboys visual signature for years -- all the way back to the mid-1960s, in fact.

Uniqueness Factor:
High. Smartypants readers (you know who you are) may be aware that Dymo Tape has occasionally been used for helmet identification by other NFL teams, like the Browns in the late '60s (plus it's also been used extensively in baseball). But no other team has had the chutzpah or intestinal fortitude to use the little labels so obsessively, or for so long.

Annoyance Factor:
Low. Uni Watch actually loves the little labels and grudgingly salutes the Dallas equipment staff for having the dedication to turn a dorky little detail into an indispensable component of the club's visual identity. Just try to imagine a Cowboys helmet without the little blue strip -- it's unthinkable.


Ever notice that the lower collar area on most of Cowboys jerseys -- just above the uniform number -- usually looks a bit pinched or crimped? Look closer, and you'll see there's actually a little shoelace or string that's tying down the jersey to the shoulder pads.

How do they do this? By sewing a butterfly-shaped fabric panel onto the sternum area of each jersey. The panel is equipped with an eyelet, which the player can use to tie down the jersey to his pads. Sometimes additional eyelets are added so the player has multiple tie-down options.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. To Uni Watch's knowledge, no other team utilizes this type of jersey modification. A few former Cowboys, however, have tried to duplicate it after moving on to other teams. Keyshawn Johnson, for example, used a primitive tie-down when he moved from the Cowboys to the Panthers, and Larry Allen has been going tied-down with the 49ers.

Annoyance Factor:
Very high. The crimped collar looks totally bush. And even if a player opts not to use the tie-down, you've still got that extra fabric panel just sitting there in plain view. Plus, there's something untoward about modifying a uniform like this -- is it even legal? Roger Goodell, please investigate.


The Cowboys always wear silver pants, right? Right -- sort of. The team actually has two different sets of silver pants in its wardrobe: one with a greenish-blue tone and royal blue piping, which is worn with the white jerseys, and a more conventional silver version with navy piping, which is worn with the club's seldom-seen blue jerseys. No vaguely reasonable explanation for this has ever been proffered. Not only that, the Dallas helmet doesn't match either of the pants' hues, meaning the Cowboys actually use three shades of silver.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. Some teams occasionally have trouble matching their helmet color to their jersey or pants, because fabric dyes work differently than plastic dyes. But the Cowboys don't have one intended version of silver that accidentally turns out three different ways -- they actually have three different silvers in their official color specs. No other NFL team has this kind of color confusion codified in its uniform design.

Annoyance Factor:
Very high. Kindly pick one silver and stick with it for all applications, end of story.


The Cowboys' chromatic inconsistencies go beyond silver. When they wear their white jerseys (i.e., about 90 percent of the time), their socks, pants striping and uni numbers are royal, but the blue on their helmets is navy, so the two blues clash.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. Other NFL teams understand the simple concept that your colors should match.

Annoyance Factor:
Huge. Are these people colorblind, or what?


Wearing dark jerseys at home has been an unofficial football tradition for generations, but the Cowboys opted to buck that trend during the franchise's earliest days. It was GM Tex Schramm's idea: He figured that if the team wore blue at home, every home game would look the same -- blue jerseys versus white jerseys. By wearing white at home, the team would give its fans a chance to see an ever-shifting range of colors as a new team came into town each week. Since most other NFL teams chose to wear their colors at home, the Cowboys usually ended up wearing white on the road, as well.

Uniqueness Factor:
Medium-high. Other teams have favored home whites over the years, most notably the Commanders, Dolphins and Browns. Plus, some warm-weather teams opt to wear white at home early in the season to avoid baking in the sun. But the Cowboys were the first to go this route, and they've stuck to it more single-mindedly than any other club.

Annoyance Factor:
Low. Schramm's original rationale was an admirably early example of uni-based marketing. And, let's face it, the white jerseys look better than the blue ones. Which leads us to ...


The Cowboys were the designated home team in Super Bowl V, which meant they had to wear blue (the rule since has been changed to allow the designated home team the choice of wearing white or colors). Dallas lost the game, and the legend of "the blue jersey curse" was born. In subsequent years, opposing teams periodically have worn white at home just to force Dallas to wear blue -- most famously in the 1981 NFC championship game, when the Eagles wore white at Veterans Stadium and won, thereby cementing the blue jersey's status as uni non grata.

Uniqueness Factor:
High. While there are other NFL teams that prefer to stick with one jersey, no other team has developed such lore and superstition around one uni element.

Annoyance Factor:
Low. Uniform-based rituals and mythologies are A-OK with Uni Watch.


Most teams' white and dark jerseys are essentially mirror images of each other. There might be minor distinctions, but they pretty much have the same typography, the same striping and so on. But look at the Cowboys: The white jersey has block uni numbers, two plain stripes on each sleeve and no wordmark on the chest, while the blue jersey has outlined uni numbers, a thick, star-studded stripe on each sleeve and a "Cowboys" wordmark on the chest. It's not just that these jerseys aren't twins -- they are barely second cousins.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. No other NFL team has this type of disparity between its jerseys.

Annoyance Factor:
Very high. Yo, people, look around at the rest of the league, see how it's done and please get with the program.


In 1982, someone decided it wasn't enough for the Cowboys to have uniform numbers on their chests, backs and shoulders. And so it came to pass that the Cowboys began wearing uni numbers on their hips -- useful if you're trying to identify a player who's only partially shown in a photo, but pretty bogus-looking otherwise. The 'Boys stuck with this format until 1989, when sanity, in the form of numberless pants, was restored.

Uniqueness Factor:
Fairly high. Only two other NFL teams have gone this route -- the 1984-87 Packers and the 1982-86 Colts.

Annoyance Factor:
Massive. One of those "innovations" that nobody was clamoring for. A solution to a non-problem. Textbook case of failing Uni Watch's standard "Is it good or is it stupid?" litmus test.

9. SPIRIT OF '76

Not many people seem to remember this, but the Cowboys gave new meaning to "America's Team" in 1976, when they changed one of their helmet stripes from blue to red, creating a patriotic effect for the nation's bicentennial.

Uniqueness Factor:
Very high. No other NFL team modified its uniform -- much less introduced a new hue to its color scheme! -- for the bicentennial.

Annoyance Factor:
High. Truth be known, Uni Watch kinda likes this move, at least when viewed in a vacuum. But in the context of all the "America's Team" nonsense, it's just another example of the institutional hubris that makes it so easy -- so necessary -- to hate the Cowboys.


Little-known fact: During the Cowboys' first four seasons, they wore a bizarre crossover-style collar, which created an odd wraparound effect that didn't look so hot. Further details and lots of additional photos are available here.

Uniqueness Factor:
Off the charts. As far as Uni Watch knows, there's nothing else like this in NFL history.

Annoyance Factor:
Negligible. While the collar looked awful, it was one of those obscure historical subtleties that are Uni Watch's raison d'être.


When Tom Landry died in 2000, the Cowboys decided to memorialize him on their uniform. But instead of taking the boilerplate approach of wearing his initials on a helmet decal, they took his signature fedora and depicted it as a chest patch.

Uniqueness Factor:
High. Uni Watch can't think of another NFL team that's used a simple graphic symbol as a remembrance.

Annoyance Factor:
Exceedingly high. In fact, this is arguably the most annoying Dallas quirk of them all, because it's so brilliant. How's Uni Watch supposed to keep hating the Cowboys when they come up with something this cool?

Thanks Hos, this is great and supports the color names that I'm finding, and which you graciuosly confirmed in a previous post. It also gives me some ideas of how to paint the room by matching some of these colors based on the home and away jersey color arrangements, down to the striping detail.

I'll be going to paint stores in the next day or so and will let everyone know what they can an can't do about matching these colors against their PMS codes. I'll let everyone know where this leads.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I love these uniform color threads. I started one myself once. I don't think the Cowboys should ever stray from the metallic silver blue color. It is the most unique color in sports. No other team uses it anywhere. Get rid of the green tint. Hell, make it more blue if you want it to stand out, but the helmet and pants should match. And why not use metallic silver blue pants with the navy road jerseys? Uniformity on the uniform.


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This might be useful to you.


DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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bbgun;2850674 said:
This might be useful to you.

:laugh2: I love the "Alternate Alternate Colors" section!

I hate the Cowboys "sea foam green" pants no matter what they may look like on tv.

I like these unis better:


Reaction score
DWhite Fan;2850930 said:
:laugh2: I love the "Alternate Alternate Colors" section!

I hate the Cowboys "sea foam green" pants no matter what they may look like on tv.

I like these unis better:

You and me both. The weird thing in that the pants in those days were two different colors (darker blue on the back compared to the front). That's because the pants were made out of two different materials, which they couldn't color match for some reason.