What are you addicted to?


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Everyone has an addiction to something. What's my addiction?

Sour straws.


I'm not really a candy/sweets person, but I could eat a whole pack in a few minutes. I wish I had some right now because my mouth is watering....

What's your addiction?
CliffnMesquite;4072616 said:
Idiots. I attract them like flies to a dead mule.
So your addicted to them once you've attracted them? :confused: :D
Coke. The beverage that is. It might as well be the white powdery stuff.
Always enjoyed my meaningful and invigorating business endeavors. The sort that makes you feel you've improved upon something, myself, others' lives. It's on again not so long away now-2012 if we still have a conducive playing field.

Learning as much as possible- something new daily

Daily contact with my family in some form or another

Designing new initiatives--team building

Ignore Lists


Tmkts;Broker Pranking

Improving skills, either emerging or refreshers

Challenging some ill-considered rule or authority

Reading or adding to a fiction and non-fiction bklist every day

Amusing myself with an observational device or two on the zone. Sometimes I miss my mark but no one's perfect and sadly some people just have no jocular truck with the serious matter of NFL football...pity Well, my amusement mainly , so...

(no.1 0r no.2)
College Football

Planning my next trip


Quality time with my dogs and friends, old associates

Sailing on calmer waters

Great Coffee

Some measure of solitude everyday with no gadgets: music,phones, ppl,
words, and best of all little deliberation on any matter. Makes all the difference

Certain weakness for Lobster and prime rib and proper BBQ side, corn On the cob and loaded b potato with all the fixins. Amaretto Cheesecake with Raspberry topping with full fat whipped cream and pineapple-key lime flourish for lovers only.

Pandora Radio

zrinkill;4072775 said:
lotro and soon to be swtor.

PM me when this comes out? Maybe we could get some of us organized on the same server.

Ive kinda stopped my addiction to games. There just isn't anything out atm that interests me.

SWTOR and D3 and Torchlight 2 is what I am waiting for.
Dallas;4072830 said:
PM me when this comes out? Maybe we could get some of us organized on the same server.

Ive kinda stopped my addiction to games. There just isn't anything out atm that interests me.

SWTOR and D3 and Torchlight 2 is what I am waiting for.
Team Fortress 2!!!!

It's now free, why not?
sunflower seeds. I go through about 3-4 bags per week.

Had to endure a root canal because i had a hairline fracture down the middle of my tooth because of cracking too many sunflower seeds with my front teeth. =/.

Hasnt stopped me though.

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