Always enjoyed my meaningful and invigorating business endeavors. The sort that makes you feel you've improved upon something, myself, others' lives. It's on again not so long away now-2012 if we still have a conducive playing field.
Learning as much as possible- something new daily
Daily contact with my family in some form or another
Designing new initiatives--team building
Ignore Lists
Tmkts;Broker Pranking
Improving skills, either emerging or refreshers
Challenging some ill-considered rule or authority
Reading or adding to a fiction and non-fiction bklist every day
Amusing myself with an observational device or two on the zone. Sometimes I miss my mark but no one's perfect and sadly some people just have no jocular truck with the serious matter of NFL football...pity Well, my amusement mainly , so...
(no.1 0r no.2)
College Football
Planning my next trip
Quality time with my dogs and friends, old associates
Sailing on calmer waters
Great Coffee
Some measure of solitude everyday with no gadgets: music,phones, ppl,
words, and best of all little deliberation on any matter. Makes all the difference
Certain weakness for Lobster and prime rib and proper BBQ side, corn On the cob and loaded b potato with all the fixins. Amaretto Cheesecake with Raspberry topping with full fat whipped cream and pineapple-key lime flourish for lovers only.
Pandora Radio