What changes are you making as a Cowboys fan?


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For those of you who buy merchandise and attend games, will you continue to do so? What as a fan base should we do to force a change? There's got to be something we can do.


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When he couldn’t work with Jimmy Johnson I knew something was very, very wrong. I knew things were about to go downhill once Jimmy’s influence worse off.

I went to the last game at Texas Stadium, and bought a cool hoodie that was on sale in 2005, I watch all games on a slight delay or at a restaurant. I try not to give him a dime, but I know it’s almost impossible.


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For Jerry to start sweating a bit people would have to stop buying merch and tickets which won't happen for one simple reason -- most fans are short-sighted casuals who only care about instant gratification.

They're the enablers of mediocrity.
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For those of you who buy merchandise and attend games, will you continue to do so? What as a fan base should we do to force a change? There's got to be something we can do.

I'm no longer spending any more $ on hats, tee shirts etc. I'll always be a fan- but the Jones' Cowboys have drained the enjoyment and excitement for watching the team bone dry.

What I have is what I'll die with. No, I won't burn what I have and will slap something on Sundays- buy honestly I rdgaf anymore.


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I really haven't bought much Cowboys gear over the last 10 years other than 1 hat anyway. Personally I rarely wear Cowboys stuff except on gameday and until they add another Super Bowl I don't have much of a reason to buy new stuff other than some signed stuff from individual players.

The only thing I may do differently is not make every effort to catch every regular season game next year.


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Not really changes. Last season was just more confirmation not to get too high on the Cowboys chances. Football fan, so I’m already enjoying player evals. and formulating my own thoughts on player additions and draft selections. So much info. at our fingertips that I don’t get bogged down in the Cowboys quagmire.

Hell, I just listened to a Chargers podcast that covered their coaching additions and potential OC. Those guys finally realized doing it on the cheap doesn’t get it done on the sideline. They’re assembling a real staff. Take note JJ.


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Heh.. there is absolutely nothing we can do,,,

The last bit of merch I bought was a signed Aikman jersey.
I bought a Romo throwback (My second favorite of their jerseys, with the Color Rush being my fav.) about 10 years ago. The last game that I went to was in the first year of the new stadium. They still called it the Death Star back then. LOL


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The changes will come naturally, and I doubt Jerry realizes the damages he has done.
I doubt some fans know the extent of how little they care about the Cowboys any more.
But, when the draft comes and goes, free agency comes and goes, and the 2024 season begins, only then will Jerry realize the damages are real. Right now he thinks he's doing damage control at the Senior Bowl, but I think he will soon notice fans just don't care anymore.
And when he gets desperate and finally makes real change, I think he will find that fans don't care.
If he wants the Cowboys to be what they once were, he will have to earn it all over again by being for real for more thst just a year.
And I doubt he's willing to do that.


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For Jerry to start sweating a bit people would have to stop buying merch and tickets which won't happen for one simple reason -- most fans are short-sighted casuals who only care about instant gratification.

They're the enablers of mediocrity.
Fortunately for me, I'm not one of those people. He's turned a loyal fan into someone who is completely content letting them burn it to the ground while I enjoy the game rooting for different jerseys.