What is happening?


Armchair QB
Reaction score
I regularily see threads with 15 replies, and the last one being some person, only to open it and only see 3 replies with completely different posters. This is the same problem when I open up different zone's (cowboy zone, draft zone, etc.) I regularily see the last thread being different than when I enter...
Tio said:
I regularily see threads with 15 replies, and the last one being some person, only to open it and only see 3 replies with completely different posters. This is the same problem when I open up different zone's (cowboy zone, draft zone, etc.) I regularily see the last thread being different than when I enter...

Odd...I have not had that problem.

Have you cleaned your cookies and history in awhile...or clean out your cache if using Firefox?
It is even happening on this forum. I can see the thread I made as the last one created, than I enter and it dissapears. THe most recent threadI see is the abraham howard deal...
Tio said:
It is even happening on this forum. I can see the thread I made as the last one created, than I enter and it dissapears. THe most recent threadI see is the abraham howard deal...

What interenet browser are you using?

Standard windows Internet explorer, mozilla/firefox, netscape or opera?
BrAinPaiNt said:
What interenet browser are you using?

Standard windows Internet explorer, mozilla/firefox, netscape or opera?
Internet explorer
IT works now, thanks trick. THe speed isn't that great, but it'll due...
Tio said:
Internet explorer

If you can get used to it then use what trick sent you to get....it is much better IMO.

However you can also try this on internet explorer.

Log off the cowboyszone site (actually log out with the log out option in the upper right hand corner of the site).

Now while still in interent explorer look to your top tool bar and click the "tools" option

When that window drops down, click on "internet Options"

A New window will load up.

Click the button in the second section that reads "delete Cookies"

When that one is down click on the button in the thread section "Clear History"

When that is done click ok at the bottom.

Now close out internet explorer.

Now open exporer again and try logging onto the site....see if it fixed it.
Tio said:
IT works now, thanks trick. THe speed isn't that great, but it'll due...

You will find Firefox to be MUCH faster...

The problem with IE is that it loads up your pc with spy-ware and ad-ware... Firefox doesn't... plus it has cooler features (such as tab browsing)

Firefox is a MAJOR improvement...

You also need to go to this thread:


it has some valuable downloads and advice to make your trip more enjoyable...

Thanks for flying the CowboysZone... :D

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