What is your pre-pre-season threshold for "exceeds" and "falls just short of" expectations?


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Spent 10 years with an employer that had supervisors work out with their employees ahead of the next fiscal year some objective/measurable thresholds for defining what would amount to "far exceeds," "exceeds," and "meets" expectations... and that last one, could just as easily be framed as the line between meeting and falling just short of.

So, please note if you decide to take on the question... it's two questions, not one.

Some people will have a very broad definition of "meets expectations," and so their exceeds will be way up there, and their just-short-of will be way down there. Others will have a very narrow definition, but even the narrowest definition almost certainly has to give some distance between the two thresholds.

I'll offer mine later, because I'm not posting this as-if trying to make a statement not-so-cleverly-disguised as a question. So, no, I really am asking. I'm really interested to see the variety of thresholds envisioned by the variety of posters in this community.

While there is reason to believe there could be new roster additions, whether by virtue of injuries in camp, or just by virtue of Will McClay and Mike McCarthy pounding the table for a free agent or two... so that we're all basically using the same information to reach conclusions, assume there is no new addition to the roster between now and the end of the season please.


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Serious answers appreciated.

In case I wasn't clear, you get to February... what will be the threshold for saying to yourself or publicly, "Dang, they exceeded my expectations this season"... and what will it be for "Dang, they fell just short of what I'd thought they'd achieve this season."


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's not a season for FAs
This is a season for development, evaluation and difficult decisions.
The objective this year is simple, finish the year a better team than we began with. Knowing exactly what we need to return to competitive post season football in 2025


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finish the year a better team than we began with
I figured this might be a difficult thread to get any straight, measurable answers, but I do appreciate at least some degree of serious reply.

So allow me to press...

How will you know it when you see that, not only is it a better team than we began with, but one that exceeded what you anticipated they would develop into?

And at the other end of the spectrum, how will you know that they fell just short of what you anticipated they would develop into?

Numbers are great... or any objective achievement... as opposed to subjective eye-of-the-beholder stuff.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Less penalties ?
Therein lies the problem.
in football, especially football player developmen much of it is simply eyeball. There are no qualifying stats to see if a defense is gang tackling, to see if everybody's getting off the ball on time on the offensive line. Is you RB hitting the hole fast enough, is he incapable?
Are throws there that your QB should make but is afraid to cut it loose?
Is there pre- snap play recognition and adjustments
called for by your LB? Is he making the correct reads ?

I could go on for hours, But I expect improvement in all areas in preseason and continued improvement throughout the year, if it's not happening, heads should roll, early and often.
So, eye of the beholder is how it's done, it requires looking beyond the highlight reels.


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Spent 10 years with an employer that had supervisors work out with their employees ahead of the next fiscal year some objective/measurable thresholds for defining what would amount to "far exceeds," "exceeds," and "meets" expectations... and that last one, could just as easily be framed as the line between meeting and falling just short of.

So, please note if you decide to take on the question... it's two questions, not one.
Actually, you are asking three questions .. 1) far exceeds, 2) exceeds, and 3) meets expectations.

While I think it is admirable attempting to apply a logical, rather than emotional, focus, I think requesting that from sports fans, especially after a lackluster off-season, as well is requiring all questions be answered to a level you grade as acceptable is asking, or at least expecting, too much from everyone.

While I am sure my responses will not meet the required criteria, I will say that assuming no major personnel changes happen through the 2024-2025 season, my expectations will be quite low.

That said, I am content with that result as long as the Cowboys avoid adding any new longterm contracts this season and then re-evaluate heavily which players are worth removing large percentages of the salary cap to retain next season.

The Cowboys can exceed my expectations if three or more first or second year players earn their way into a starting position by mid-season (and not because everyone above them in the depth chart was injured/suspended or the team is out of contention)

The only way the Cowboys will far exceed my expectations though is to reach the Super Bowl, because my expectations are for them to fall short of that goal this year like they have every year for the last 29 years.


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exceeds expectations=super bowl.
falls short=early play-off exit.

this team is talented enough to at least be in the nfc title game.
they should not be unable to advance past their own locker-room.


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I’ll fall just shy of the SB for my “far exceeds” and land on just being able to watch a conference championship with my 23 year old son.

Exceeds - How ‘bout an end of season accolade (pro-bowl selection perhaps) for one of our rookie O-lineman. I prefer my d-ends more bendy and dynamic than what I believe Kneeland has to offer, so if he can muster more than 3.5 sacks, I’m all in. Simply winning the East, since I believe the Birds have gained ground and we may have kept status quo at best, not to mention the lack of a back-to-back champ in like 20 years. Top five in creating turnovers - I think Zimmer’s methodologies may slap a governor on takeaways just a bit. Since we will have LB’s playing the position this year, a little bit of a dream would be simply give up 10 less rushing yards/game which would move the team from being ranked 18th to 11th. Zach Martin & Tyler Smith both starting 15+ regular season games. That line will need the glue as much as possible.

Meets will be mostly a subjective eye test. I watch Mazi a lot. Last year I was able to say, “Yeah Maz. Let’s go” a couple of times all year. That needs to happen a couple times a game, and that doesn’t mean a tackle for loss. Just hold your ground, big guy. I can’t quantify with a number but the running game will have to do “just enough”. Two of the last three years this team earned either the first or second place in garnering penalties. Not looking for miracles, but could we pleeease get out of the top 12 or so? Let’s take advantage of the new kickoff rules. Smart organizations will view this as an opening to gain what can feel like “free” yards prior to a possession. Deuce enthusiast could see this a potential for him. Let’s make sure we find ourselves in the top 3rd for a ranking here and not looking like a the team that had an owner just scribbling on paper during the rule change explanation.

Sorry that was long-winded. I could have made it even more painful.


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My expectations have been whittled down to zero...it was a slow burn for awhile...2014-2019...quickly bunker busted 2020-2023.

So, sorry if I don't qualify, but since I have zero expectations, there's nothing to meet, but it's very likely they will be exceeded.


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My expectations have been whittled down to zero...it was a slow burn for awhile...2014-2019...quickly bunker busted 2020-2023.

So, sorry if I don't qualify, but since I have zero expectations, there's nothing to meet, but it's very likely they will be exceeded.
Yeah this question is difficult to answer as the OP requested when your expectations lean toward implosion. Exceeds & failure to meet are the same thing.

Meets - implosion

Exceeds - anything more than 8 wins.


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Actually, you are asking three questions .. 1) far exceeds, 2) exceeds, and 3) meets expectations.
I hear that, but no, I'm not asking "far exceeds."

I'm asking what I'm asking... exceeds... maybe better to have used the term "overachievement"... and just-short, or maybe better to have used the term "underachievement"... and on both counts asked for where the line is between those terms and merely meets expectations.

While I think it is admirable attempting to apply a logical, rather than emotional, focus, I think requesting that from sports fans, especially after a lackluster off-season, as well is requiring all questions be answered to a level you grade as acceptable is asking, or at least expecting, too much from everyone.
Thank you, I think... :)... and, well, I guess we'll find out, won't we... .hehe... but it cost me nothing to ask, so I did.


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Spent 10 years with an employer that had supervisors work out with their employees ahead of the next fiscal year some objective/measurable thresholds for defining what would amount to "far exceeds," "exceeds," and "meets" expectations... and that last one, could just as easily be framed as the line between meeting and falling just short of.

So, please note if you decide to take on the question... it's two questions, not one.

Some people will have a very broad definition of "meets expectations," and so their exceeds will be way up there, and their just-short-of will be way down there. Others will have a very narrow definition, but even the narrowest definition almost certainly has to give some distance between the two thresholds.

I'll offer mine later, because I'm not posting this as-if trying to make a statement not-so-cleverly-disguised as a question. So, no, I really am asking. I'm really interested to see the variety of thresholds envisioned by the variety of posters in this community.

While there is reason to believe there could be new roster additions, whether by virtue of injuries in camp, or just by virtue of Will McClay and Mike McCarthy pounding the table for a free agent or two... so that we're all basically using the same information to reach conclusions, assume there is no new addition to the roster between now and the end of the season please.
Good question, I will try to offer a good answer.

I personally think for the season to be considered successful, the Cowboys need to make it past the Divisional Round. That has been the 800 pound monkey on their backs since the 90s and anything short of that will be nothing but "same old, same old" by Cowboy fans.

I think this is probably the bar set for both McCarthy and Dak, both are lame ducks this season and the front office has not given either one a new extension yet. If we dont advance any further than we have in the past, then both will probably be sent packing.

So, anything short of getting past the Divisional Round will be seen as failing to meet expectations. But this is just a guess, who knows, the only opinion that really matters is Jerry's so the real question should be "what does Jerry consider a successful season?".


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Okay, looks like some decent answers are coming in, and of course, I've bookmarked the URL for end-of-season reference... but you knew that, right? :D

Time for me to go on record, I suppose.

Big key to this for me in what you'll see below is that last part in the OP about taking the roster as-is. Too little experience on the O-line for me to be comfortable. And even worse at DT-1tech, which is of course super important to run stopping.

(My take is very different if only those two situations were to somehow be mitigated by adding even just one average-starting talent at either LT or C, and at DT-1tech.)

Exceeds as of 7/15/24
Win division

Just Short as of 7/15/24
Legit competitive for wild card going into final weekend, but missing the playoffs after all

Note, I don't think this resembles the Jones' thresholds... of course not. And so, if nothing changes, I see 2025 being the start of a completely new era in Dallas, with some young hot-name head coach getting the chance to have a year to experiment and groom Dak's successor. That's coming from someone who proudly numbers himself among this community's more consistent glass-half-full observers... not an Eeyore, not an avid cynic by any stretch of the imagination.


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Spent 10 years with an employer that had supervisors work out with their employees ahead of the next fiscal year some objective/measurable thresholds for defining what would amount to "far exceeds," "exceeds," and "meets" expectations... and that last one, could just as easily be framed as the line between meeting and falling just short of.

So, please note if you decide to take on the question... it's two questions, not one.

Some people will have a very broad definition of "meets expectations," and so their exceeds will be way up there, and their just-short-of will be way down there. Others will have a very narrow definition, but even the narrowest definition almost certainly has to give some distance between the two thresholds.

I'll offer mine later, because I'm not posting this as-if trying to make a statement not-so-cleverly-disguised as a question. So, no, I really am asking. I'm really interested to see the variety of thresholds envisioned by the variety of posters in this community.

While there is reason to believe there could be new roster additions, whether by virtue of injuries in camp, or just by virtue of Will McClay and Mike McCarthy pounding the table for a free agent or two... so that we're all basically using the same information to reach conclusions, assume there is no new addition to the roster between now and the end of the season please.
does it matter? if we win the division or have another 12-5 season, and then lose in the playoffs, Jerry will spin and go cha ching.
if we have a bad season, jerry will spin and create false hope and plan for future cha ching.

it doesn't matter. once you realize that. then you will get it and stop caring.


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Exceeds - NFC championship game

Meets - Winning division

Fails to meet - 9 wins or less


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does it matter? if we win the division or have another 12-5 season, and then lose in the playoffs, Jerry will spin and go cha ching.
if we have a bad season, jerry will spin and create false hope and plan for future cha ching.

it doesn't matter. once you realize that. then you will get it and stop caring.
Different thread.

This one assumes we care.

If you want to invent a new one for those who don't care, you're welcome to it... or, perhaps choose one of the many that seem to have that as a foundation already.

Look. Don't think you're talking to someone who effectively puts this at a level of religion. This is a consumer entertainment choice I make, nothing more. I've taken hiatus from the Cowboys before, and who knows, might again. To the point, I've dropped the game better called Manfredball, formerly baseball, pretty much completely off my radar, with the caveat that if my team somehow finds its way to a World Series, I may or may not choose to watch some of it... but more likely will just watch YouTube highlight reels since the game itself is just unwatchable to me, being as strategy-starved as it is now. To the point, as well, I am currently on hiatus from my NBA team... and may be for a long time, given that that franchise has a Jerry Jones equivalent for an owner in terms of putting himself in the center of all of the big decisions, and yet not at all willing to help his GM by spending money on highly-paid consequential talent--to the contrary, the franchise has been bleeding talent inventory so that he could avoid paying tax for the last 3 years, and that trend seems likely to continue. So. Hiatus city. Not going to care.

I believe this roster can be significantly stronger with a couple of not-so-impossible-to-imagine tweaks, as I just hinted above. But lacking that, yeah... I'll hope for the best and that some unexpected young talent can blow it up on the field. It's a great game, and we do have some of the league's best talent and an experienced, somewhat successful coaching staff. I'll enjoy it until there's reason to reconsider. We're not anywhere close to that point, quite the opposite for as long as we're all 0-0.