When did the Cowboys go from an okay team to seemingly a powerhouse again?


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Was reading a Giant forum which I check out for any Cowboy tidbits. Thought you might enjoy reading what they saying about us and their view of our improvement.

Title of Posting: When did the Cowboys go from okay team to seemingly a powerhouse again?

sg0508 : 8:42 am
Is it Romo taking a huge step forward this season, the hiring of Garrett, Jerry Jones building a Wall of China for the o-line, moves on defense? What has happened to Dallas?

In 2005, they went 9-7 but nobody was scared of them. Last year, I saw Romo play in the preseason and I admit there was something about him that scared me. He came in the 2nd half of the season and you could tell they were somewhat of a different team. Now this year, offensively they are near-unstoppable (so far until Sunday maybe) and defensively they are playing better (despite weaknesses in the secondarry). Their kicking game seems to have turned into one of the most reliable in the NFL.

It just reminds of back to 89 when every move they made, coaching, player-personnel etc. they couldn't miss. When did the turn from okay team to possible powerhouse happen?

Let's see how this season shakes out jarrodbunch : 8:45 am

We're only halfway through, they haven't won the NFC East since '98 and haven't won a playoff game since '96.

A happy T.O. Pete from Woodstock : 8:50 am

helps out a little too...

Since they only played the Giants once... camp long shots : 8:53 am

And clearly the defense had not come together yet. This weekend will be one to remember for Giants fans. They will get to Romo like they did last season, forcing him to turn the ball over.

Yeah, I agree that GFL in WV : 8:54 am

we should wait for the coronation of the cowboys as elite. They haven't played teams much better than the Giants have and have also had some shaky games. These teams are very similar and this game will be a statement for either. Not the ultimate statement of being elite but a good sign of who is for real.

It's mostly Romo Jerry in DC : 8:55 am

He's got a lot of talent around him, but his play has elevated the offense from good to juggernaut. That's what great play from the QB position can do.

Pre-season, people were talking about their D, but it's been a bit disappointing. If they didn't have a relentlessly explosive offense, they'd be just another decent team.

Really when Romo Banks : 8:56 am

replaced Bledsoe was the turning point.

It's their OL jcn56 : 9:05 am

Have you seen the difference upgrading their OL made? Pretty much the same as when we went from undrafted FAs to 2nd round draft picks and expensive FAs.

Oh, and powerhouse? Not for nothing (and I say this about the Giants too), but who has Dallas played? You'll see plenty of warnings on this board not to get expectations too high, because we haven't played anyone. Fine - but who has Dallas played, aside from beating us, which was at home, went down to the last 3 minutes, and missing 2 of our best players at the half.

Romo is the key LG in NYC : 9:10 am

Obviously no QB can have consistent success on his own (i.e., he needs a decent team around him), but Dallas is a perfect example as to why a good/great QB can make all the difference.

i agree romo has been huge, and shockingly maybe the departure of bill 'p' slefrak : 9:23 am

just look at the play romo made against the rams where he must have run over a hundred yards to change a 25 yard sack into a first down leading to a td. that's the plays he makes with his feet and arm sometimes that are so important.

it nauseates me to say this, but he has made a huge difference in that team.

Tuna and the amassing of talent Big Blue '56 : 9:25 am


I look forward to this game for that reason, among others... Randy in CT : 9:26 am

The Cowboys, Giants and even the Patriots played a bunch of teams that were relatively not good. This second half of the season is where things shake out and this Sunday is telling as far as how far we've come as well as the importance of winning the damned game.

Randee has become quite a football writer Big Blue '56 : 9:29 am

he's amongst the bestest

The surprise emergence of Romo as a top QB talent sharkly : 9:29 am

more than anything. With Bledsoe, Vinny, and Carter they scared no one.


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The main reasons why we moved up a notch;

1) Tony Romo's development
2) The new coaching staff
3) BIGG replacing Old Man Rivera
4) Aggressive D

Small steps cumulated in significant changes.

But without Tony Romo, we'd be closer to the pack.


Federal Agent
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It's their OL jcn56 : 9:05 am

Have you seen the difference upgrading their OL made? Pretty much the same as when we went from undrafted FAs to 2nd round draft picks and expensive FAs.

Oh, and powerhouse? Not for nothing (and I say this about the Giants too), but who has Dallas played? You'll see plenty of warnings on this board not to get expectations too high, because we haven't played anyone. Fine - but who has Dallas played, aside from beating us, which was at home, went down to the last 3 minutes, and missing 2 of our best players at the half.

Nevermind that we went into that game missing 3 starters and lost another one in the first quarter...

We'll have two of those starters back on sunday.


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The biggest reason is teaming Romo and a happy TO with Garrett. There are many other improvements but that is the biggest reason the team is much improved.


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I think last year they showed signs of being a good team so it has not been a big surprise to see this team taking the next step


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Doomsday101;1750472 said:
I think last year they showed signs of being a good team so it has not been a big surprise to see this team taking the next step

IMO the Cowboys had the talent last year but for what ever reason the player leadership needed to become a "powerhouse" didn't emerge. On field leadership has been the difference this year, last year the players just weren't ready. But after a offseason realizing they had beaten the Colts they set their minds to do what ever it takes this year.


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Romo emerging.

Parcells leaving.

T.O has two healthy hands.

Bigg Davis.


Star Power
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Rack;1750443 said:
Nevermind that we went into that game missing 3 starters and lost another one in the first quarter...

We'll have two of those starters back on sunday.

And a new player that's named after a war machine.


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Next_years_Champs;1750490 said:
IMO the Cowboys had the talent last year but for what ever reason the player leadership needed to become a "powerhouse" didn't emerge. On field leadership has been the difference this year, last year the players just weren't ready. But after a offseason realizing they had beaten the Colts they set their minds to do what ever it takes this year.

I think it was a step last year and I think players put in the work this offseason and of course Phillips and Garrett helping them to get over the hump as well as Romo starting the year off as the starting QB. I just don't think anyone covering the game is overly suprised by the Cowboys. At least on most polls I have seen of which team has been the biggest suprise Dallas is never on the list.


Rising Star
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Everyone talks about how no one has played anyone, that is because there are 4 or 5 good teams and the rest is a bunch of junk teams fighting it out with each other. I cant remember the NFL ever having this many bad teams, ever!

The fact that the Commanders are 5-3 says it all, they are garbage.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Rack;1750443 said:
Nevermind that we went into that game missing 3 starters and lost another one in the first quarter...

We'll have two of those starters back on sunday.

Dont' forget the new toy too!!!



The Duke
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Q: When did the Cowboys go from an okay team to seemingly a powerhouse again?

A: 1/22/07 & 2/8/07


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No matter how you slice it (and I am a big TO fan)

It all comes down to ONE player. Thats Tony Romo.

He is responsible for making decisions on EVERY offensive snap of the game. Period.

In Summary: My answer is Tony Romo

HM: Garrett, TO, Witten, Barber - in that order

big dog cowboy

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Oh_Canada;1750495 said:
Romo emerging.

Parcells leaving.

T.O has two healthy hands.

Bigg Davis.
Add the hiring of Jason Garrett to mash the gas pedal with our O and I'm in complete agreement.


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Doomsday101;1750503 said:
I think it was a step last year and I think players put in the work this offseason and of course Phillips and Garrett helping them to get over the hump as well as Romo starting the year off as the starting QB. I just don't think anyone covering the game is overly suprised by the Cowboys. At least on most polls I have seen of which team has been the biggest suprise Dallas is never on the list.

I agree there have been any number of factors as you list. But to me powerhouses are as much a product of player mindset and determination as Xs and Os. I always remember what Irvin talks about that after the loss to Detroit in 91, He was on his way home from the airport and got the call from Emmitt. They both agreed they could do it the next year and proceeded to make it happen in 92.

The season is only half way so anything can happen, but IMO this is a much more determined team than last year. And while there are many factors involved the players have taken it upon themselves to play there best. That to me is what seperates contenders from pretenders.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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sago1;1750424 said:
Pre-season, people were talking about their D, but it's been a bit disappointing. If they didn't have a relentlessly explosive offense, they'd be just another decent team.

If a car didn't have wheels it wouldn't roll. :rolleyes:


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Next_years_Champs;1750559 said:
I agree there have been any number of factors as you list. But to me powerhouses are as much a product of player mindset and determination as Xs and Os. I always remember what Irvin talks about that after the loss to Detroit in 91, He was on his way home from the airport and got the call from Emmitt. They both agreed they could do it the next year and proceeded to make it happen in 92.

The season is only half way so anything can happen, but IMO this is a much more determined team than last year. And while there are many factors involved the players have taken it upon themselves to play there best. That to me is what seperates contenders from pretenders.

I agree. There are a lot of things that go into winning championships but in my view the determination of players and their willingness to do whatever it takes is the most important.


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It happened right here:

