Where was the blitz yesterday?


Armchair QB
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Of all the mistakes that happened yesterday, this was the biggest IMO. The only time I remember us blitzing (witch doesn't include bringing an LB as the 4th rusher) it was all out up the middle. Henry then gave up a td. Why don't we blitz more, atleast bring some pressure so you don't have chumps like rattay looking like all pros.
I agree wholeheartedly. As talented as the Eagles are on defense, their still gonna send the dogs every other play. That's how they create havoc for the opposing offense. Our play calling on both sides of the ball are very questionable to say the least. We seem to be out smarting no one but ourself.
Yep. Our offense is so predictably stupid, its pass first down, run second, pass third. We're just lucky our OL is holding up. I wish we would have a lead FB for JJ and run left more, JJ was gashing them when we ran left.
You can blitz to your heart's desire when a team uses a 3-step drop and it won't make any difference because you won't get there. It all comes down to the ability to cover at that point.

Morning Tio. :)
MichaelWinicki said:
You can blitz to your heart's desire when a team uses a 3-step drop and it won't make any difference because you won't get there. It all comes down to the ability to cover at that point.

Morning Tio. :)
Yeah, but the throw wouldn't be quite as accurate if the guy has defenders in his face.

Morning Winicki.
Tio said:
Yeah, but the throw wouldn't be quite as accurate if the guy has defenders in his face.

Morning Winicki.

The 3-step makes it virtually impossible to get into his face... it's just too darned quick.
I saw Roy blitzing from the outside. They ran a reverse away from his side on one of his blitzes. I also saw Henry coming from the corner on what turned out to be a running play.
My guess is that some of our lack of blitzing relates to the fact that the FS play has been a step slow so to speak. We need another FS this is a glaring weakness on our team. At least Pyle did better than Davis..
Mike: if the blitz comes up the middle it can effect a QB's ability to throw well in a 3 step drop...

What I hate the most is our nickle is the 4 man rush...

Thats it...The offense knows who is rushing and it takes away from Ware's ability to rush vs a NFL tackle...

We never confuse offenses in this scheme...Its VERY predictable...

We got away with it vs Rattay & the Mobby whiners, but a strong armed QB with fast WR's will make us pay if we don't change up things soon! (Da-Raiders)
I noticed us do a few blitzes, including a corner blitz, but I do agree we didn't blitz enough, especially with Roy. Roy just has a knack for finding his way through the LOS and making a play. You have to play to that strength.

I will also agree with your comment on the Nick. defense HH. I'm hoping within the next few games, we start to mix it up much more once our players are settled in the system. But with Davis getting yanked yesterday and Fujita getting in some extra snaps, we may have to wait a bit longer.
Asklesko said:
Hey guys, don't complain. We won, didn't we?
I disagree.

BP was right that you can be more constructive and analytical after a victory than a defeat.
I've noticed for the last several years we haven't seemed to have the right personnel for blitzing. Teams that blitz well have players that know how to get through the line and get to the passer. We have players that know how to get to the line and get tied up! I don't know how many times we've run a jail-break blitz up the middle with everyone coming and all they do is clog each other up. Most of the time the opposing line ends up tying up 8 of our guys with 5 linemen - go figure. Guys that blitz well seem to have a knack for it, kinda like a sixth-sense for the snap and where to go to avoid the linemen. We don't have any besides Roy and he doesn't seem to do well unless he hits a seam. Of well, enough ranting...

Go Cowboys!!!

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