September 11, 2001 is definitely a day I will never forget.
I was at work checking on some equipment when one of the attorneys walked through, and said that a small plane had hit the World Trade Center in New York. I went back to my office, and sat down at the computer, and tried to pull up, but site wouldn't load. I tried a few others with the same result. That was unusual. I had a bad feeling about this.
Our records manager walked in, and I asked her if she heard about it. She said no, and I told her that I couldn't pull up any of the news sites, so she said she would go to her office, and call the records manager in our New York office to find out what was going on.
After having no success pulling up any of the news sites, I went to her office to see what she found out. When I arrived, she had two phone lines going. One line was to the records manager in the NY office, and the other was to her friend, who was at home watching things unfold on tv. Her friend would give her updates on what she was seeing, then she would flip over to the other line, and let the people in NY know what was going on. The folks in our NY office weren't able to make, or receive calls on their cell phones, or office phones, but were able to contact our other offices. They were also barred from leaving the building, so we were their link to the outside world.
We were listening to her friend describe what she was seeing on tv, when she suddenly screamed "Oh my God, the building is falling down, OH MY GOD!!! Those poor people!!!" Laurie told her to hold on for a second, and she switched over to the New York line, and asked Marian if she was still there. She responded yes, and that the entire office was there also. Laurie told her "Marian, one of the World Trade Center Towers has just collapsed". The people on the other end started screaming, and crying. That hit me like nothing else ever has. I will never forget that sound for as long as I live, and every time I think of it, I get choked up.
After we hung up, we just sat there in shock, and someone finally walked in, and said that we were closing the office down for the day. Rumors had started going around that large buildings in other cities were being targeted, and since our building was the third tallest in downtown, and lies directly in the flight path to Love Field airport, we left. While standing at the bus stop, I remember how eerily quiet downtown was, and how quiet the skies were. Every once in a while you would hear the sounds of a few military jet fighters passing by, as they patrolled the skies.
After leaving the bus station, I drove to a friends house, and we all sat around the tv completely stunned, and watched the coverage of what happened for the rest of the evening.