Where's Jerry??


Messenger to the football Gods
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Where's the owner/GM in all of this? Where's the damage control? Do we need damage control?


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Seven;2483885 said:
Where's the owner/GM in all of this? Where's the damage control? Do we need damage control?

Jerry may want to bring the pay roll sheet into the locker room and remind them of what he is paying them for. Other than that Jerry does not need to do damage control he just needs the get the children back in line

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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He was on Norm's show this morning right before 10:30, but I just caught the very end of it when he was signing off.


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Possibly on phone with Bouldin agent saying something like "yea this powder keg is about to blow" how much for Bouldin and lets be fair.


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Jerry Jones: 'There is no issue between the players'

10:48 AM Fri, Dec 12, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon E-mail News tips

Jerry Jones stunned listeners when he downplayed the Tony Romo/T.O. drama during his appearance on The Ticket this morning.

Jerry mentioned that meetings happen on a regular basis and indicated that it's business as usual at Valley Ranch. Funny, but I distinctly recall T.O. saying he hadn't chatted with Jason Garrett in a while the week after his remarkable performance against the 49ers, which came on the heels of his carefully plotted NFL Network whinefest with Deion Sanders. Jerry also doesn't seem bothered by the fact that Bradie James acknowledged on the record to ESPN's Ed Werder that the Romo/T.O. relationship was rocky at times.

"There is no issue between the players. None," Jerry said. "I'm underlining none. If you could be out there right this minute, or right out there today, you'll see these players. They're co-captains. You'll see these guys - Witten, Owens, Bradie James - you'll see these guys talking it up and getting ready for a ballgame Sunday."

Jerry went on to discuss Garrett's open-door policy and blah, blah, blah.

"There's just no issue," Jerry said. "And I think if you and I continue to talk about it and speculate and give what-ifs, then you make something that's not an issue. Let's talk about something else that's going on out there. Who's Wade meeting with right now? Do you think he's meeting with Brian [Stewart], or do you think he's meeting with the special teams coach? Let's talk about that."

Is this really such a sensitive topic that Jerry would rather talk about the Cowboys' terrible special teams? Host Norm Hitzges tried a follow-up question.

"Let me run this show," Jerry interrupted, half-joking. "OK, this is my show. Let's move on to another topic."

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Jerry: "There is just no issue"

Cowboys owner/general manager Jerry Jones weighed in all the controversy that broke Thursday at Valley Ranch and tried to stomp out the fire.

Jones, on his weekly radio show with The Ticket 1310, said there is not an issue with the Cowboys receivers as far as the distribution of passes from Tony Romo. A meeting was held with receivers Terrell Owens, Roy Williams and Patrick Crayton and offensive coordinator Jason Garrett to discuss the perception that Romo is fixed on passing heavily to his close friend Jason Witten.

Jerry said meetings like this happen all the time.

"There is no issues between these players," Jones said. "None. I am underlining none."

Despite the issues Wade Phillips said this morning his team is not divided in the locker room. Phillips also said there is not an issue. It was such a none issue Phillips felt he had to discuss the controversy with the team and said he "hoped" this would not become a distraction for the team.

Jones said the receivers, Garrett, Romo and Witten met on the field for hours yesterday.

At one point, Jones became agitated about the questioning of the meetings.

"Let me run this show, ok, this is my show," Jones said. "Let's move on to another topic."

- Rick Herrin

Posted at 10:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


No Quarter
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Seven;2483885 said:
Where's the owner/GM in all of this? Where's the damage control? Do we need damage control?

hopefully setting up interviews for new coaches and GM.

realize Jerry created some damage with his stupid post-game barber comments.

maybe he's speaking with Chad Johnson's agent?

he's definitely hiding out though, he's still getting shredded up here on local talk radio for questioning one of the toughest guys in the NFL ROTF).


Messenger to the football Gods
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Thanks WG............Ask and ye shall receive.
You're good, you. :bow:


Active Member
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Seven;2483885 said:
Where's the owner/GM in all of this? Where's the damage control? Do we need damage control?

That is what I want to know. He wants to be picking the players, calling the defense, offense, team lunch.....Where is he now? Since he wants to be the coach anyway he should go shut the door tell all the players to shut the &*))*)*)*)*)*)*)*)&^&&*)* up and go play. He paid these guys so now they think they are all somebody. Makes me sick. He wants to be the coach GM and owner go fix this TODAY.


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Seven;2483885 said:
Where's the owner/GM in all of this? Where's the damage control? Do we need damage control?

Counting ticket sales and forecasting next year sales. :banghead:


New Member
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chinch;2483904 said:
hopefully setting up interviews for new coaches and GM.

realize Jerry created some damage with his stupid post-game barber comments.

maybe he's speaking with Chad Johnson's agent?

he's definitely hiding out though, he's still getting shredded up here on local talk radio for questioning one of the toughest guys in the NFL ROTF).

Or maybe he's on the phone with Mayor Bloomberg and that NYC DA...hoping they'll give Burress some slack and not give him any jail time?


Rising Star
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Wade Phillips is a joke, I dont know how much more evidence Jerry needs before he realizes the guy has completely lost control of this team.

Not that it is a surprise given his personality.