Who is Anthony Henry?

Hoov said:
Henry did have a bad game all around, it happens. even his tackling was awful so i dont know if his mind set wasnt right. On that last TD the niners got it looked like he was pushing back and forth with the wr and then lost balance when the ball was in the air and he was out of position to make a jump for the ball or else fell behind a step.

He could have easily been eating the cheese that had been out there about him after the first two games. I think he took the Niner receivers lightly. I can all but guarantee he won't do the same to Oakland.

I am not guaranteeing he will be any better against them because they are more talented, but I think yesterday took him down a peg or two.
TroyEmmittAndMichael said:
I just hope that Henry stops biting on those double moves. I like his aggressiveness, but in this next game against Oakland, if he doesn't watch himself, Moss will take it to the house all day. I love Henry, but he doesn't have Moss's acceleration to make up for biting on the first move on a double move.

Bottom line, I'm prepared to let Moss get something around 7 catches for 100 yards with ZERO touchdowns. Just limit the momentum changing, back-breaking, demoralizing bombs down the field.

I hope Henry can do to Moss what DeAngelo Hall did to TO when Atlanta played the E-girls.

I'd love to see us hold Moss to zero touchdowns, but that isn't the whole picture. If Moss gets two TD's but the Raiders score only 14 points, I think we win this game by more than a touchdown. I think Moss was held without a touchdown pass this past week. It is not likely that happens two weeks in a row. If I am the Raiders, I am in panic mode. I think the Radiers coaching staff will be thinking get the ball to Moss all day long, by pass, end around, and any other means available to get him the dang ball. (Just like the Chargers did with L.Tomlinson this past week). I see them leaning on him a lot this next week.

I really dont care how many catches Moss gets, or points he scores, just so long as at the end of the day we have at least one more point on the scoreboard.
davidyee said:
...to Henry is to play the physical game he is capable of. IMHO on both plays he let the WR off the line with nary a "jam". I don't think "catch up" speed is the strongest part of his resume.

Lloyd did a good job of avoiding the jam on the long TD. If the CB attempts to jam and misses, he's immediately in big trouble. Credit Lloyd and Rattay on that one. Rattay put the pass on the money.

FWIW, I think Rattay made a lot of plays that he was not expected to be able to make.
Teague31 said:
Is he the stud corner we have been looking for and the one that showed up huge in Week 1 or is he the stiff that made brandon lloyd look like jerry rice? If he is only in between we got jobbed on this one.... moss and TO the next two weeks........... :bang2:

I think Henry is a better player than what we saw yesterday, he no doubt had a day he would love to forget and hopefully he does best friend to a DB is a short memory. I also have no doubt he will get beat again most CB will give up a big play but yes I think he is a much better player than what he showed yesterday

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