Why Garrett as HC ?


Jesus is Lord
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Most of you guys complain about the team been soft and how Wade is a soft HC...

So when have we seen Garrett scream at Crayton for dropping a pass, or when T.O is getting out of line ? Or when someone does a dumb mistake on offense ????

Teams got this guy figure out and does not know how to adjust the offense why would he be the guy for HC ?


Makin' It Rain
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I bet if you conduct a poll here asking how many people want Jason Garrett to be the next head coach, you'll get about 15-percent of the folks say yes.

And that's just if Jason, John, Judd, Jebediah and the rest of the Garretts read this site.


Will the Thrill
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RainMan;2394903 said:
I bet if you conduct a poll here asking how many people want Jason Garrett to be the next head coach, you'll get about 15-percent of the folks say yes.

And that's just if Jason, John, Judd, Jebediah and the rest of the Garretts read this site.



Well-Known Member
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He'll be lucky if he's a QB coach in the future. Don't now what he saw in BJ or BB and he doesn't know how to create a balanced offense, pick plays that coincide with the circumstances of the game or adjust.

7-14 with 3 minutes and change to go in the half, we're 2 and 15 around our 40. Our defense was on the field pretty mush the whole half and exhausted. They created the need turnover to get s back in the game with the ball in the 2nd hald and a chance to tie it up before.

So as the HC and AC you're 2 and 15 with Brad Johnson at QB you don't pick plays that help him to get to 3 and 8 or even an opportunity to break a ackle and possibly get the first down?

A safer play like a screen where we ae in high percentage territory to complete a pass to keep the clock moving, out struggling QB is in a quick and safe decision making process and we get some yardage.

If we don't convert on the next play we keep the clock going and have them backed up within their 20 down 7 -14 with the ball in the 2nd half as long as we hold them.

Nope, defense had to go right back on dead tired and oh boy did thy get gashed with the run.

This was the turning point of the game. Brad Johnson is not an NFL caliber QB anymore but the coaching staff doesn't collaborate well together and nor do they know how to manage a game and make decisions to benefit this team during the circumstances.

Matt Cassell is not a good QB at all, he's put in circumstances where he has a high percentage to complete passes and where it's simple enough for him to read the field and get the ball out quick enough.

The Pats also utilize the run and mix the offense up with alot of run pass, pass pass, run run to give them balance. Belicheck is aware of his teams capabilites and the circumstances of the game. He has his hand on everything during the game.

Jerry needs to accept that he needs a real head coach and he needs to empower that head coach to pick his staff from scratch and have last call on player personnel. We don't have any leaders on this coaching staff and surely don't have any coaches at the controls of the game who see the big picture game circumstances wise.

Too many problems on this team and it should never be from a coaching standpoint, but it is 70% of the problem.
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djtavo;2394882 said:
Most of you guys complain about the team been soft and how Wade is a soft HC...

So when have we seen Garrett scream at Crayton for dropping a pass, or when T.O is getting out of line ? Or when someone does a dumb mistake on offense ????

Teams got this guy figure out and does not know how to adjust the offense why would he be the guy for HC ?

Garret is just as soft... no emotion.. Thats what this team has. They are a product of their envoirment...


Well-Known Member
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It's pretty much time to blow up the organization and start from scratch minus about six players named Witten, Ware, Romo, Barber, Spencer and Roy Williams (the wideout one).

Adapt back to the 4-3, revamp the o-line, get a good back up QB, overhaul the receiving corp and coaching staff.

A shame Texas Stadium leaves with this turd of mediocrity as her final team, she deserved far better.


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Aikbach;2395037 said:
It's pretty much time to blow up the organization and start from scratch minus about six players named Witten, Ware, Romo, Barber, Spencer and Roy Williams (the wideout one).

Adapt back to the 4-3, revamp the o-line, get a good back up QB, overhaul the receiving corp and coaching staff.

A shame Texas Stadium leaves with this turd of mediocrity as her final team, she deserved far better.

I disagree with blowing up the organization. We have all of the pieces there to be a good football team, but like said above about 70% of the problem is the coaching.

And please stop blaming Jerry Jones for the weekly play - he isn't calling the plays. He should have hired Ron Rivera though.

I wholeheartedly agree that the 4-3 base defense is the way to go. Ware can play DE -- he rushes the passer about 80% of the time anyway, and hell let him stand up if he rushes better standing up. Greg Ellis would be much better with his hand back down too, although it might be time to start looking for his replacement. Zach Thomas was a bonehead move---I'm really missing Akin Ayodele back there. He was tall, physical, and athletic. Zach Thomas is short, squat, and hits hard but the league has passed him up as well.

Other than that, start shifting Anthony Henry into free safety or maybe even let him go and start coaching Courtney Brown.