Why the press won't shut up about the iPod


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I totally agree with the author. I couldn't believe CNN had huge headlines for the new video iPod and proclaimed it the first ever to enter the portable video field when I've already bought two things that did that. :rolleyes: There are better deals out there in the MP3 player world, but everyone insists on iPod because of its slick advertising and media pandering.


The Apple Polishers
Explaining the press corps' crush on Steve Jobs and company.

By Jack Shafer
Posted Thursday, Oct. 13, 2005, at 4:04 PM PT


I don't hate Apple. I don't even hate Apple-lovers. I do, however, possess deep odium for the legions of Apple polishers in the press corps who salute every shiny gadget the company parades through downtown Cupertino as if they were members of the Supreme Soviet viewing the latest ICBMs at the May Day parade.

The Apple polishers buffed and shined this morning in response to yesterday's Steve Jobs-led introduction of the new video iPod. The headlines captured their usual adoration for the computer company: "Apple Scores One Against Microsoft In Video Battle" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer); "Video iPod Premieres in Apple's Latest Showcase of Dazzling New Gadgets" (San Francisco Chronicle); "iPod Evolves from Sound to Sight") (Detroit Free Press); "The Video iPod: It Rocks" (Fortune); "Apple Seeds New Markets With Video Version of iPod" (Globe and Mail).

The pairing of the V-iPod announcement with news that the iTunes store will sell Desperate Housewives and other ABC fare drove the story to Page One of USA Today and onto the biz fronts of the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. Among American newspapers, the New York Times is easily the most enamored of things iPod, having run 63 stories with the word "iPod" in the headline in the last 12 months. That's almost as many as the Post and the Los Angeles Times combined.

What explains the press corps' exuberance for Apple in general and the iPod in particular? After all, the portable video player isn't a new product category—Archos, RCA, Samsung, and iRiver got there months and months ago. The excitement can't be due to the undersized screen, which measures only 2.5 inches diagonal, or the skimpy two hours of battery life when operated in video mode. As I paged through a Nexis dump of the V-iPod coverage, I searched in vain for a single headline proclaiming "Apple Introduces Ho-Hum Player" or an article comparing the V-iPod's technical specs to those of competing brands. At least the techie readers of Engadget, free of the Apple mind-meld, recognize the V-iPod as a deliberately crippled by copy protection, low-res, underpowered video appliance that is merely Apple's first try in the emerging market of video players.

The inordinate amount of attention paid to Apple's launches must be, in part, a function of the company's skill at throwing media events, stoking the rumor mills, and seducing the consuming masses. All this, plus the chatter-inducing creativity of Apple's ad campaigns, and its practice of putting its machines in pretty boxes make writing about Apple products more interesting than assessing the latest iterations of the ThinkPad or Microsoft Office.

Another thing that sets Apple product launches apart from those of its competition is co-founder Jobs' psychological savvy. From the beginning, Jobs flexed his powerful reality-distortion field to bend employees to his will, so pushing the most susceptible customers and the press around with the same psi power only comes naturally. Although staffed by dorks and drizzlerods, Apple projects itself and its products as the embodiment of style and cool. The population of Apple's parallel universe? A paltry 1.8 percent of PCs worldwide.

But reality distortion doesn't account for how Apple has captured 74 percent of a market it didn't invent with a device it didn't engineer single-handedly. It was Apple's good luck to develop and improve its player during the period that Sony, the previous king of portable entertainment, acted like a music company eager to discourage the spread of MP3s rather than a hardware company keen on developing the replacement for the Walkman. Still, you've got to give Jobs and company credit for producing an aesthetically blessed product and then wisely making it compatible with Windows machines a half-year after its November 2001 introduction rather than fencing it inside the Mac ghetto. In doing so, Apple gave Windows users a way to partake of the Apple mystique for $300 without having to buy a new computer, learn a new operating system, and invest in replacement software.

Apple manipulates several narratives to continue to make its products interesting fodder for journalists. One is the never-ending story of mad genius Steve Jobs, who would be great copy if he were only the night manager of a Domino's pizza joint. The next is Apple's perpetual role as scrappy underdog—reporters love cheerleading for the underdog without ever pausing to explore why it isn't the overdog. (This is why the Brooklyn Dodgers will always rate higher in the minds of writers than the superior New York Yankees.) Apple incites fanaticism about its products via ad campaigns and evangelist outreach programs designed to make its customers feel as though they're part of a privileged and enlightened elite. One unnamed loser at Slate says today's V-iPod news made her want to rush out and buy one, even though she already owns two iPods, one of which she bought three weeks ago.

This mock ad for iProduct cracks the fetishistic code of the Apple cult:

Apple iProduct. You'll Buy it. And You'll Like It.
Do you like Apple products? Do you live for every product announcement, every incremental upgrade, every rumor and screenshot? Do you wank and blare and drone and bleeping gurgle about Apple products morning, noon, and night? Then get ready for iProduct. You'll be blown away. No matter what it is.

If the press corps possessed any institutional memory, it would recall the introduction of the Apple III+, the Lisa, the Macintosh Portable, the Mac TV, the Newton, the Apple G4 Cube, and eWorld. All were greeted with great press fanfare before falling off the edge of the world. Hell, all the press corps really needs to put Apple products in perspective is a few short-term memory neurons focused on the fanfare visited upon recent, mediocre iPod releases. Only a year ago the company received excited press notices when it introduced the iPod Photo, now acknowledged to be a failed product. I searched Nexis to find a mention of the iPod Photo in the hundreds of V-iPod newspaper stories from today and found only one. Of the wildly heralded but totally average iPod Shuffle, released in January 2005, I found only two.

When the V-iPod's super-duper, long-lasting, big-screen replacement shows up in 12 months, the press will have forgotten this second-rate box, too.


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Yeagermeister said:
Marketing plain and simple

There are many cheaper and better portable music and video solutions. If you remove the hype it become easy to find something within your budget. Apple makes some great products but they are over valued and over hyped, imo.


rock music matters
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apple has always been that way. i always thought it funny their computers had a rep for being "flawless" but one day when i went to austin and visited a friend who worked for them, in 30 minutes i saw 2 errors come across her computer.

just giving her a hard time, i said "wow, i thought apples were flawless" to which she started laughing and carrying on with stories of how they were NOT even close, and how apple would screw over their customers on a frequent basis.

that said apple is like anything else - a good effort that tries to continually get better. with the ipod, it is a good looking piece of hardware, but one circular button doesn't do it for me anymrore than 1 mouse button did. the samsung 925 is a pretty amazing piece of work and i've gotten one for a friend who wanted an "ipod" but with ipod you can't "plug and go" w/windows.

you need to configure windows to pull mp3's (3rd party program, or a converter, or a plugin for WMP) and screw apples propriatary format (we're getting way too many formats now w/o real gain anymore to justify the confusion) but ipods kinda go "apple to middle ground" and the rest of the units go from windows to middle ground.

best bet is to just consider your platofrm and get what makes sense. but the "accessories" to an ipod are even more overpriced and to me will never take the place of a home stereo when i can just get a wireless streaming unit to play anything and everything off my computer TO my home stereo.


Armchair QB
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I recentely got an iPod mini. Quite simply, I like it. I did look at other products, but nothing was as appealing to me. You can get plenty of accessories for it. I didn't see the point in 10,000 songs with the iPod, but the mini seemed perfect for me.

And it isn't a big deal formatting for windows. You put the cd in and do what it tells you for 5 minutes.


Well-Known Member
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I bought the iPod Nano and love it. It is easy to use, it is light and buying music from iTunes is a piec of cake. I just wanted to house my music collection under 1 format and decided to go with the market leader. I spend enough hours troubleshooting tech problems, and I went the lazy way wit the iPod. But it works and so far so good...


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Well personal opinions here, but I don't think anything comes even remotely close to iPod in the MP3 Player department. And I've tried dozens others over the past few years but it wasn't until I got my 20gb iPod 15 months ago that I never had a reason to look at anything else again. I won't even waste the time checking anything else out next time I have to upgrade. Seriously, take a gander, most of the junk out there is just that...junk...and quite laughable when compared to the iPod. PC to me has always represented "quantity" over "quality", whereas Apple'sthe opposite.

I also find this "marketing" angle/gripe being used in this thread as funny, when in reality "marketing" is all PC is about...how many can we push out this month.

Plain 'n simply, if Apple wasn't putting out high quality stuff then they wouldn't be able to compete with their prices. What's the computer market 95% - 5% or something like that, all in favor of PC, the high 'quantity' computer. Apple is quality and it's simple existance still, is proof to that.

Anyway, who cares...everyone is going to worship what's in their own personal stable of electronics regardless of whether it's the best or not. Like dudes telling their fat wives that they're not fat or that they're hot...it's a lie, they're just trying to save face, just like some low quality wma toter is going to swear by Windows Media quality even though they know it really doesn't hold a flame to the higher formats... An Eagles fan claiming they're better then us... A Toyota owner refusing to buy a better made american car... But i know the truth....iPods, Dallas Cowboys and Dodge Hemi Engines kick butt! So, whatever...:laugh2:


Gif Dude
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apple has always been that way. i always thought it funny their computers had a rep for being "flawless" but one day when i went to austin and visited a friend who worked for them, in 30 minutes i saw 2 errors come across her computer.

Compared to how many with Windows? My measurement of an operating system is how long does it take for them to fix a flaw, ex: today's Karma worm would have wiped out many of your files had you had the virus and no anti-virus, Microsoft announced there would be no emergency patch until it's normal release time next Tuesday (Sorry if any of you were affected). Microsoft also sat on a dangerous flaw that allowed anyone to change anyone else's hotmail account for 6 months!!! - Only when the guy went public did Microsoft come out and quickly patch it.

Apple PCs are far more secure than Windows...of course, that could be because they use a unix shell ;)

Ipod uses mp3s, anything but proprietary (Sony players now do, but in the beginning they were adament they would use their own formats and Microsoft is still adament about using .wma formats). And regarding ITunes, Apple had to put some restrictions on there to appease the RIAA. Compare the other music stores and you'll see the restrictions ITunes are far less than any others out there.

Sorry to crash your Apple hate-party, resume hating :)