Why would anyone trade UP in the first round?


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My hope is that Dallas trades down and picks up additional picks in the second round. I would love for it to happen, but honestly, I think most teams won't trade up for a #11 spot.

Here's my question: What teams would be desparate to fixate on a player and trade up?? I'm just wondering.

Dough Boy

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nathanlt said:
My hope is that Dallas trades down and picks up additional picks in the second round. I would love for it to happen, but honestly, I think most teams won't trade up for a #11 spot.

Here's my question: What teams would be desparate to fixate on a player and trade up?? I'm just wondering.

I can't understand the trade up talk. Makes no sense to me. I hope Dallas stays at home and takes the BPA at #11. The top 10 is where the most playmakers are, and we have a quazi top 10 b/c someone will reach for a QB that is not a top 10 pick. I hope we stay but and take the BPA. We are in need of playmakers. In the worst way. What this teams does not need is more B players. We have enough B and C players already. The roster is littered with them. We need a couple of difference makers in this draft as well as FA. If we could get two playmakers in the draft and another 2 - 3 in FA, I think we are well on the way. Make no mistake about it, this is the year. With 2 first round picks and a ton of money under the cap - this is the inflection point for the franchise. We are going to either make our hay or not this year!

Kinda scary if you ask me. Exciting, but scary for a proud franchise that can't get out of its own way the past 5 years.


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the trading up talk (of which I'm probably the largest part of) is exclusively linked to Mike Williams, both us getting him and keeping the foreskins from getting him.
I think he has a chance to be the biggest impact player in this entire draft. He's a redzone nightmare (the likes of which we haven't had since Irvin left) and I'm sick of watching Cundiff missing 20 yard field goals and only scoring 17 points per game. We lack a true #1 WR that causes a defense headaches and opens up a running game. We've watched Moss terrorize us for years, Roy Williams light it up in Detroit, Anquon Boldon take ROY, Terrell Owens elevate the beagles, we need a gamechanger at WR. I love Glenn and Key but neither draw double-teams..nor are a threat deep. Morgan should be cut. If we're going to play Henson, he's going to need serious WR talent and preferably and young WR to grow with.
Yes we need a lot of defense this offseason but if you can add someone that has the potential to take your offense to the next level, you do what it takes to get him. Moving up only two spots wouldn't cost us our second first. Now if chicago or Tenn or Oakland takes MW before arizona is up to pick...then i say stand pat or trade down and look for Merriman, DJ, or Spears...but if arizona is up and MW is still on the board....trade up two spots and take MW cuz the foreskins surely will and besides the fact that we need a guy like him, we'd have to face him 2x per year every year for eternity. no thanks.


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Seems like fans of most other teams that I see on other message boards want to trade down because the top of the class looks so weak. Trading up really doesn't seem to make sense for Dallas.


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Dough Boy said:
I can't understand the trade up talk. Makes no sense to me. I hope Dallas stays at home and takes the BPA at #11. The top 10 is where the most playmakers are, and we have a quazi top 10 b/c someone will reach for a QB that is not a top 10 pick. I hope we stay but and take the BPA. We are in need of playmakers. In the worst way. What this teams does not need is more B players. We have enough B and C players already. The roster is littered with them. We need a couple of difference makers in this draft as well as FA. If we could get two playmakers in the draft and another 2 - 3 in FA, I think we are well on the way. Make no mistake about it, this is the year. With 2 first round picks and a ton of money under the cap - this is the inflection point for the franchise. We are going to either make our hay or not this year!

Kinda scary if you ask me. Exciting, but scary for a proud franchise that can't get out of its own way the past 5 years.

I think the whole B and C players kind of thing is true as far as Dallas' current roster. But the draft can yield some improvements far better than that. Witten is a perfect example of a star player that we didn't reach for. Just got him in the 3rd round. So, my theory is, if we multiply our picks among the "B" players, we're more likely to strike gold.

Secondly, some of the "A" players, (like Mark Clayton and Darren Sproles as a third down back) don't necessarily fit our needs right now, but when you stop and just look at their pure football skills, you KNOW they will make an impact in the NFL. So, we can get "A" players, well after the top 10 too, as long as we kind of turn a blind eye to the team needs. Drafting like that in the long run, will help us through trades with teams that base their draft completely on need and not talent.


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ghst187 said:
I think he has a chance to be the biggest impact player in this entire draft. He's a redzone nightmare (the likes of which we haven't had since Irvin left) and I'm sick of watching Cundiff missing 20 yard field goals and only scoring 17 points per game.

I never knew that Michael Irvin was a red zone nightmare. Only once in his career did he ever post double digits in TDs (1995 when he scored 10). I'm guessing that defensive coordinators considered Emmitt Smith the Cowboys' red zone nightmare (primarily running the ball of course). Heck, in 1996 Emmitt had more receiving TDs than Irvin (3 vs. 2).

A good receiving WR would certainly help the current Dallas Cowboys without a doubt.


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lkelly said:
I never knew that Michael Irvin was a red zone nightmare. Only once in his career did he ever post double digits in TDs (1995 when he scored 10). I'm guessing that defensive coordinators considered Emmitt Smith the Cowboys' red zone nightmare (primarily running the ball of course). Heck, in 1996 Emmitt had more receiving TDs than Irvin (3 vs. 2).

A good receiving WR would certainly help the current Dallas Cowboys without a doubt.

Irvin set up Emmitt for a lot of 1 yard TD runs. :D

I think New England could have an interest in drafting another tight end. Many on this board like Miller. The Pats could use a force in the middle of their offense to go along with Daniel Graham. They have to use a linebacker in their goal line packages. Just think what they could do with a real tight end. They have additional picks, so they could afford to trade up and get another impact player.

A team like Indy could move up to get a defensive play maker. As close as they are to getting to a Superbowl, they can sacrifice a pick next season for a higher pick this year. Trading into the top ten may be too much, but #11 may be of interest to them.

Portland Fanatic

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nathanlt said:
My hope is that Dallas trades down and picks up additional picks in the second round. I would love for it to happen, but honestly, I think most teams won't trade up for a #11 spot.

Here's my question: What teams would be desparate to fixate on a player and trade up?? I'm just wondering.
Only for teams one or two players away from a deep playoff hunt...as for us, we have to many holes still. Hopefully next year or the year after we will be far enough along to have that luxory of trading up to get that one special player...


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lkelly said:
I never knew that Michael Irvin was a red zone nightmare. Only once in his career did he ever post double digits in TDs (1995 when he scored 10). I'm guessing that defensive coordinators considered Emmitt Smith the Cowboys' red zone nightmare (primarily running the ball of course). Heck, in 1996 Emmitt had more receiving TDs than Irvin (3 vs. 2).

A good receiving WR would certainly help the current Dallas Cowboys without a doubt.

Irvin required double teams and special attention, we don't have anyone that does that right now. Teams knew if they didn't get it right covering Irvin, their fate would be sealed. He was as his license plate denoted: Playmaker.


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joseephuss said:
I think New England could have an interest in drafting another tight end.

Another when they took one in the 1st round last year?


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If a player like Mike Williams, DJ Johnson, or one of the QB's drop to the Cowboys at #11 I can see a team trying to trade up to #11. I surely dont see the Cowboys trading up.

One team the Cowboys should be concerned about is the Eagles. They are again stocked with draft picks. A #1, two #2's, and now 2 #3's. If they want to jump into the top 10 they could. I have a scary feeling they might target Mike Williams and go after him. I'll have nightmares if that happens.