Woman Beaten Into a Coma in Parking Lot Rage


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pics of the incident here:


A New York City man faces felony assault charges after he punched an 100-pound woman who was standing in a space he wanted. Lana Rosas, 25, was saving the space for her boyfriend. Now she's in a coma.

Nobody would think anything would happen that would go this far," said Oscar Fuller, the alleged attacker, to reporters. Fuller said the evidence would prove he acted in self-defense.
"She hit first ... and just like we know there are cameras everywhere inside New York City," said Fuller.
Rosas is still in the hospital. Doctors have removed part of her skull to reduce the brain swelling.
"I am very very sorry for the situation she is going through right now, and I am hoping for a speedy recovery," said Fuller. Fuller left the scene before paramedics arrived but said he didn't realize Rosas was so badly hurt when he left the scene.
This isn't the first time finding a parking space, or getting out of one, has been taken to another level.
In this Youtube video, you can hear angry honking in a face off between three grown women in a Las Vegas parking lot.
You can see it in this mechanical shoving match over a space between these cars in England.
Another driver in England lost his license for a year for ramming into a car that was blocking his way out of a garage.
When you are looking for a space, you are often already on edge, like a hunter.
It seems like these responses are completely disproportionate to finding a parking spot.
"Obviously, they are making it much bigger than it is, and once they are there often something that goes along with anger is a righteousness. I am just I am in the right so in that case there is no reason to measure my response," said Ryan Fuller, a psychologist.
And when one someone snaps, they just lose control.

"Some people will have a rage response for minutes and minutes, and they won't even know what has happened. They really see red," said Fuller.
Oscar Fuller is free on $100,000 bail
I guess i am so different I just park further away and walk my fat arse an extra 10 feet or park on the top of the parking garage where no one else parks simple
Kangaroo;3870511 said:
I guess i am so different I just park further away and walk my fat arse an extra 10 feet or park on the top of the parking garage where no one else parks simple

Me too. It's not worth waiting around and dealing with another persons foolishness, neither is it worth getting your car dinged by careless slobs. I drop the wife at the door and just haul it back to the end of the lot.

Someone still needs to trash this fool.
omg. So much wrong here. How can any man justify hitting a 100 pound woman hard enough to put her in a coma. Over a parking space.

And, on a side note, if it is true that she hit him, women need to really think hard before physically confronting a man. She had no clue who this guy was or what he was capable of and this isn't a freaking movie where she can go Tomb Raider on his butt.
Joe Rod;3870520 said:
omg. So much wrong here. How can any man justify hitting a 100 pound woman hard enough to put her in a coma. Over a parking space.

And, on a side note, if it is true that she hit him, women need to really think hard before physically confronting a man. She had no clue who this guy was or what he was capable of and this isn't a freaking movie where she can go Tomb Raider on his butt.

I agree. She was in the wrong too if she hit him first, but I have a hard time believing that a 4'-11", 100lb woman was threatening him with enough force to warrant knocking her out and into a coma.

Very sad situation.
Lets go to the video tape....
1 - dumb to hit women.
2 - dumb to stand in a parking spot.
First off, she shouldn't have been trying to hold the spot. It's first come first serve. Secondly, I'm willing to bet, when he said move, she was hostile in return.

She obviously didn't deserve what happen, but she damn sure provoked it.

Doesn't matter how bad you *think* you are, there is someone around that will put you in your place. Be it by beating you into a comma, or just flat out shooting you in the back.

Two idiots create an idiot event.
AmericasTeam2011;3870554 said:
I agree. She was in the wrong too if she hit him first, but I have a hard time believing that a 4'-11", 100lb woman was threatening him with enough force to warrant knocking her out and into a coma.

Very sad situation.

lol, you're kidding right? Growing up where I did, I've seen some extremely hostile women of small stature. I like to refer to them as Chihuahuas.
There is never a reason for a man to hit an unarmed woman who is that small. None whatsoever. His life wasn't threatened and she didn't have a weapon.

This is a case of two hot heads blowing up at each other but the man has to be a MAN and leave it go. If she hit him first don't be a moron and hit her back. Just call police. This guy deserves what he gets. And she got a coma for her dumb actions.
I have a hard time believing he actually hit her that hard. Dude is 5'7" and looks pretty scrawny to me. I had to lol at a report that said he "towered" over her at 5'7". I certainly don't buy the claim that she "flew off her feet." I'm sure she went down though, and it was her head hitting the ground, not his fist that caused her more severe injuries.

I do have to laugh at people who say she's too small nobody can ever hit her. The dude is small himself, and a 4'11" 100 lb. person CAN do serious damage, especially if she attacked his eyes as he suggested, and especially if he doesn't do anything back.

I'd be curious to see the video of this.

The fact that he has a history of assault doesn't help his case though.
nyc;3870572 said:
Two idiots create an idiot event.

Indeed. Somehow I think she's not going to be punching any more people. And he's going to be in jail anyway.
ChldsPlay;3870658 said:
I have a hard time believing he actually hit her that hard. Dude is 5'7" and looks pretty scrawny to me. I had to lol at a report that said he "towered" over her at 5'7". I certainly don't buy the claim that she "flew off her feet." I'm sure she went down though, and it was her head hitting the ground, not his fist that caused her more severe injuries.

I do have to laugh at people who say she's too small nobody can ever hit her. The dude is small himself, and a 4'11" 100 lb. person CAN do serious damage, especially if she attacked his eyes as he suggested, and especially if he doesn't do anything back.

I'd be curious to see the video of this.

The fact that he has a history of assault doesn't help his case though.

8 inch high difference. Thats pretty substantial..

Also, they are both at fault. I'd like to see what he'd do if that woman was a 6'2 220 pound man though. Or if it was the BF holding the spot.

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