Workout routines wanted...


Old bulletproof tiger
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So I want to get back to the gym. It's winter time here and we do a lot of vacationing away from the cold, so its time to go back and work. My issue is this...

Does anyone have some good weight training/weight loss routines they can share w/ us here? For example, how many days they go during the week and what they do specifially on which day? What kind of training for the best results. I am looking for something I can get in my head as routine. I do this on M-W and this on T and F. I am trying not to live at the gym. I was hoping to get something accomplished from 4 days a week.

Any information or routines would be GREAT appreciated by me.

If you are using a specific diet, what is your intake and of what kinds of foods.

Suplements or not....vitamins etc...

Thanks in advance..

Annnddddd this is posted in the wrong zone. Mods please move to OT? Thanks and um sowwy...


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I just do two handed beer curls. I call this the black and tan. :laugh2:



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As someone who loves being active and trying new workouts/activities, I have still never found anything better than eating 4-6 small, healthy meals a day and doing lots of cardio with two or three days of strength training built in a week, but then again I'm a fan of lean muscle and am not looking to get "jacked". For anyone looking to get back into working out after an extended absence, any of the video workout routines work well as a launch point. They arent the end all be all they are made to be but they will get your total body fat down, trim you up and give you a serious boost in cardiac fitness. My dad went through two rounds of that "P90X" after a ten year absence from serious fitness activities and he got in his best shape since high school athletics. It isnt for people who are already fit and workout regularly IMO, but they do work for many types of people.


Old bulletproof tiger
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The30YardSlant;4165350 said:
As someone who loves being active and trying new workouts/activities, I have still never found anything better than eating 4-6 small, healthy meals a day and doing lots of cardio with two or three days of strength training built in a week, but then again I'm a fan of lean muscle and am not looking to get "jacked". For anyone looking to get back into working out after an extended absence, any of the video workout routines work well as a launch point. They arent the end all be all they are made to be but they will get your total body fat down, trim you up and give you a serious boost in cardiac fitness. My dad went through two rounds of that "P90X" after a ten year absence from serious fitness activities and he got in his best shape since high school athletics. It isnt for people who are already fit and workout regularly IMO, but they do work for many types of people.

I hear P90X is out of this world. I hear it's pretty tough for the first couple of weeks. I might have to check it out.



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Dallas;4165369 said:
I hear P90X is out of this world. I hear it's pretty tough for the first couple of weeks. I might have to check it out.


I tried it about three years ago and definitely noticed an increase in cardiac fitness and my resting heart rate dropped slightly. I didnt really notice the huge benefits that beginners do, but I've known several that have and it is pretty impressive. I think my dad (6'1") went from about 250 to 210 in the first round and went from not being able to even jog more than about a mile to running two miles in 15 minutes. After two rounds he was at 190, and since then he's been doing more regular workouts and cardio and down to almost 180 now. He has had high BP and cholesterol his entire adult life, and after dropping 60+ pounds on P90X his cholesterol was perfectly normal and his BP is now only slightly high (he only has one functioning kidney though).

If you follow the diets and do the workouts, it WILL give you good to great results. It (and the other hyped one, can't remember the name) are actually used by lots of docs/med students I know who don't have much time to go to the gym. Like I said, if you want to get to that next level, then you have to up the ante because those workouts will only take you so far, but they are more than enough to give you a healthy and fit lifestyle.


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Dallas;4165276 said:
So I want to get back to the gym. It's winter time here and we do a lot of vacationing away from the cold, so its time to go back and work. My issue is this...

Does anyone have some good weight training/weight loss routines they can share w/ us here? For example, how many days they go during the week and what they do specifially on which day? What kind of training for the best results. I am looking for something I can get in my head as routine. I do this on M-W and this on T and F. I am trying not to live at the gym. I was hoping to get something accomplished from 4 days a week.

Any information or routines would be GREAT appreciated by me.

If you are using a specific diet, what is your intake and of what kinds of foods.

Suplements or not....vitamins etc...

Thanks in advance..

I've been reading extensively on what the most efficient methods are for training and losing weight. We're really talking about fat here, no one really cares about weight, but how they look and fat doesn't look good (to most people).

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I've found two sites to be really helpful and non-sensational:

This guy is really knowledgeable but he's a real ace-hole. If you decide to join his forum, use the search function extensively or you will be ignored or chewed out. To be fair, most questions have already been asked, so he has a point.

I lost 9 lbs of fat in 3-1/2 weeks on his Rapid Fat Loss diet and didn't lose any strength

This guy is RIPPED! his site is full of articles that I am trying to piece together into a plan I can follow.

The consensus seems to be:

1. Lift HEAVY weights in mainly four movements: Bench, Chins, Cleans & squats three days per week

2. Brisk walks on your off days

3. Don't overtrain, less is more

4. Eat LOTS of protein (at least 1 gram per lb of bodyweight)

5. Take 6-10 grams of fish oil per day

6. Drink lots of water

7. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fibrous carbs

Here's an article of his on supplements:

Hopefully in 6-12 months I can show you some good results


Well-Known Member
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The30YardSlant;4165350 said:
As someone who loves being active and trying new workouts/activities, I have still never found anything better than eating 4-6 small, healthy meals a day and doing lots of cardio with two or three days of strength training built in a week, but then again I'm a fan of lean muscle and am not looking to get "jacked". For anyone looking to get back into working out after an extended absence, any of the video workout routines work well as a launch point. They arent the end all be all they are made to be but they will get your total body fat down, trim you up and give you a serious boost in cardiac fitness. My dad went through two rounds of that "P90X" after a ten year absence from serious fitness activities and he got in his best shape since high school athletics. It isnt for people who are already fit and workout regularly IMO, but they do work for many types of people.

article you may find interested regarding meal frequency:

Just an FYI, not trying to start an internet debate, I followed the 4-6 meals per day thing but am starting to rethink it


Well-Known Member
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Dallas;4165369 said:
I hear P90X is out of this world. I hear it's pretty tough for the first couple of weeks. I might have to check it out.


I've done it, to look good naked its pretty conclusive it's mostly about what you eat and how much.

Many people think P90x is inefficient overtraining, see the sights I mentioned for a more thoughtful discussion


Old bulletproof tiger
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Sweet. Thanks YY. This is great stuff.

I will proably register w/ those sites tonight and begin searching. :)

Appreciate the heads up about the ace-hole. ;)


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yimyammer;4165513 said:
I've done it, to look good naked its pretty conclusive it's mostly about what you eat and how much.

Many people think P90x is inefficient overtraining, see the sights I mentioned for a more thoughtful discussion

There are most definitely more efficient fitness methods, but efficiency becomes less relevant the more out of shape you are. A 300 pound man doesnt need efficient training to get great results. Once you become fit and are looking to get MORE fit, then efficiency really comes into play. You don't want to spend time doing something that could be done in far less time with another method.


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The30YardSlant;4165518 said:
There are most definitely more efficient fitness methods, but efficiency becomes less relevant the more out of shape you are. A 300 pound man doesnt need efficient training to get great results. Once you become fit and are looking to get MORE fit, then efficiency really comes into play. You don't want to spend time doing something that could be done in far less time with another method.

When I said efficient, I meant that simply lifting heavy weights 3 days per week and walking 45+ minutes on off days is more efficient both time-wise and for strength gains than the 75-90 minutes required 6 days per week on P90x (per the sites I listed). I think P90x would be a very difficult program to do as a lifestyle aside from the debate over it's efficiency and effectiveness.

I am relaying what I have read elsewhere, so I may have misunderstood. I don't claim to be an expert here, nor am I trying to dispute your points. I'm merely trying to clarify what I meant by efficient.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Maybe be more specific on your goals, Dallas?...

This would be my advice:

-- Pick activities you enjoy and a schedule that works for you. The best program on paper won't work if you dislike it enough that you won't stick to it.

-- You have to lift and you have to lift as heavy as you enjoy (see above). Squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press, chin, some ab work is all you need. If time is limited, dumbbells are great and are just as fast as machines. Almost nobody uses heavy dumbbells, but they're far more effective than machines.

-- Use a notebook, some phone app, or whatever to record your workouts. Otherwise you *will* end up repeating workouts or even going backwards and thus wasting time. The faintest pencil is stronger than the best memory.

-- Related to above, you almost cannot start too easy as long as you make steady progress. In fact, it's far worse to start too heavy/fast/etc so that you reach your limit and burn out too fast than to start well under your limits and take longer to get there. Start easy and get into the habit before you pile on weight or mileage.

-- Diet-wise, for me, reducing carbs is gold. In my late 20s/early 30s I learned about low carbing and got leaner than I was in high school when I played sports literally 3-4 hours every day. But not everyone responds the same way.


Old bulletproof tiger
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Chocolate Lab;4165557 said:
Maybe be more specific on your goals, Dallas?...

This would be my advice:

-- Pick activities you enjoy and a schedule that works for you. The best program on paper won't work if you dislike it enough that you won't stick to it.

-- You have to lift and you have to lift as heavy as you enjoy (see above). Squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press, chin, some ab work is all you need. If time is limited, dumbbells are great and are just as fast as machines.

-- Use a notebook, some phone app, or whatever to record your workouts. Otherwise you *will* end up repeating workouts or even going backwards and thus wasting time.

-- Related to above, you almost cannot start too easy as long as you make steady progress. In fact, it's far worse to start too heavy/fast/etc so that you reach your limit and burn out too fast than to start well under your limits and take longer to get there. Start easy and get into the habit before you pile on weight or mileage.

-- Diet-wise, for me, reducing carbs is gold. In my late 20s/early 30s I learned about low carbing and got leaner than I was in high school when I played sports literally 3-4 hours every day. But not everyone responds the same way.

All great advice, thank you CL.

Def want to get results, so I'll not push it starting off extreme. I burned myself out last year doing that. I then let my membership slip and didn't go back. :(

Thanks again...


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P90x does and will work.

Now, of course, at some point down the line when you're in great shape, and really fit, you're going to have to do something more with it to make it work more.

That's why there are all sorts of stages of not only the original P90x workout (Ways to do moves and excercises differently to make them more difficult and get more benefit from them as you get stronger and in better shape) but they've also added P90x+, an additional 5 workouts to be supplemented in when you're at that next level of fitness, as well as there are Tony Horton 1 on 1 DVDs which each focus soley on one type of workout, and are much harder, that you can get and sub in for the regular P90x workouts as you become more fit and need that extra challenge.

Another great one for cardio, and weight loss, is Insanity, which also has Insanity+, and a sport specific extra type of Insanity that all get progressively harder, and more unique, to what your'e trying to improve upon as you get more and more fit.

The idea that something like P90x is not for someone who is already extremely active, and fit, is just off base, IMO. It still works great even for folks like that you just have to do some tweaking to it and you'll continue to get major benefits from it.

Glad to see you getting back into. As for myself I've been out of it for a very long time. Anyone whose been around here knows my story of starting, stopping, starting, losing motivation. It's been an ongoing thing.

But starting next Monday I'm giving it a go once more but this time it's a bit different.

My wife is actually joining in and pushing this one because we'd like to take a trip to Hawaii next summer, maybe fall, and we're wanting to work our butts off (Figuratively and litterally) to get into the best shape we can before hand.

So I'm going to be starting as well. Maybe we could get a sticky thread up on this forum for folks wanting to start next week and we could all post and do our best to encourage one another.


Might help us all.


Well-Known Member
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Dallas;4165276 said:
So I want to get back to the gym. It's winter time here and we do a lot of vacationing away from the cold, so its time to go back and work. My issue is this...

Does anyone have some good weight training/weight loss routines they can share w/ us here? For example, how many days they go during the week and what they do specifially on which day? What kind of training for the best results. I am looking for something I can get in my head as routine. I do this on M-W and this on T and F. I am trying not to live at the gym. I was hoping to get something accomplished from 4 days a week.

Any information or routines would be GREAT appreciated by me.

If you are using a specific diet, what is your intake and of what kinds of foods.

Suplements or not....vitamins etc...

Thanks in advance..

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this seems to be popular with most of the Sooner fans I know.