Hoofbite;4612228 said:
That was great. He (the former Marine Combat Instructor) didn't even hesitate. His s/d knowledge and training kicked in automatically.
Sidenote: When I first saw the thread title, I don't know why but I thought this was gonna be about the guy who recently set that poor elderly woman on fire — a 7-11 cashier I believe — and whose burns resulted in her dying. Still fresh in my mind, I guess. Expected to see a video about a guy like that lowlife being lit up the way he did her. Hope that scumbag still gets his. I'm sure he will, in some form or fashion.
In all seriousness, being a convenience store clerk does NOT pay anywhere near well enough for the risks they seem to be continually exposed to. Their lives are too often in harm's way, and for what... a meager paycheck? Unless they make a whole lot more than I'm aware of, that is.