Yahoo: Eric Dickerson: “The NFL is another No Good entity.”


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This is sad if this percentage of guys really hate the league. The CTE issues must scare them all.

He continued, “When we came up in the league, we had no health care. I was able to pay for my health care—still am paying for my health care. But think about guys who can’t pay. I know one guy, Drew Hill. He passed away because he didn’t have enough money to pay for his high blood pressure medication.”

The all-time single-season rushing yards leader then went on to discuss CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), the brain degeneration condition that is caused by repeated blows to the head, and how he believes he suffers from the disease.

“I know I do, some form of it,” he said. “Not advanced yet. But sometimes I have a short fuse and sometimes I don’t. Something small, like a guy blows a horn at me, and man, my insides go ballistic. I mean, I’ll go crazy. Like, crazy crazy.


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I think he hates the league because he played too early. He missed a lot of money playing when he did. I’m sure a lot of them think, man if I had played now instead of way back in the day I would really be set.

You could be right. He may have an inflated opinion of himself. But the reality is, if he was in next year's draft, there's no guarantee he'd be taken high in the first round, or in the first round at all. There's no guarantee he'd get a contract like Zeke. I believe Fournette and Barkley were drafted that high because they were trying to catch lightning in a bottle like they thought Dallas did with Zeke.


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Dickerson has been trying to get money out for the NFL for years now... even suggested that the NFL pay HoF players 300k a year... wants better pensions, better health care... been banging that drum for a looooong time... and hasn't gotten anywhere... so he's bitter...

I think there is merit to a revamped pension system for players... Opinion only - I havent done any research on this, and dont know what a retired player receives in terms of a pension, especially the older players - I think the NFL could easily afford to increase pension benefits to the older generations of football players... set a cut off date say when the salary cap/floor started, whatever... it could be done relatively cheaply... combine that with a good health care program... even something like a 50k a year pension + benefits could be a life changing program... and, not to be morbid, the NFLs financial commitment would eventually peter out as those players die off...

Not sure how that is handled with modern day players... with the amount of money they make most players, if they aren't stupid ( no one needs 10 rolex watches and three lamborghinis for example) , should be able to fund a retirement account in a season or two... they don't need to slam millions into it right away, as money will grow in time if properly managed...

Financial Literacy classes should be a must for all college athletes now a days with NLI deals now a wide open avenue to mint money for some...


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Eric knew what he signed ^ for. Its a risky gladiator sport. Its violent by its very nature. He's sad and bitter. Yes I 2 think the NFL is a bad nefarious entity on many issues. Many Im not allowed to talk about here because they aren't PC. We all know where I'm going here. But what Eric is talking about is pure stupidity. He knew the risk.


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He's not wrong. Businesses are always going to look out for themselves.
The NFL has built a monster on the backs of guys who didn't make big money and didn't know all the true health risks.

But the NFLPA has stepped up the push for better pensions and such of late and hopefully that continues when the new TV contracts are signed.
Insane money will be there for everyone so no reason not to take care of these older guys who have to spend the final 10-15 years of life barely able to walk.


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Eric knew what he signed ^ for. Its a risky gladiator sport. Its violent by its very nature. He's sad and bitter. Yes I 2 think the NFL is a bad nefarious entity on many issues. Many Im not allowed to talk about here because they aren't PC. We all know where I'm going here. But what Eric is talking about is pure stupidity. He knew the risk.
No. he didn't. He had no idea what CTE was or what health costs would be in 2021 OR what the NFL would make as a league in 2021.

People do sue and win for lesser cases now against former employers for being in high-risk jobs.

This smells like sour grapes sure but it doesn't mean he lacks a point.


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No. he didn't. He had no idea what CTE was or what health costs would be in 2021 OR what the NFL would make as a league in 2021.

People do sue and win for lesser cases now against former employers for being in high-risk jobs.

This smells like sour grapes sure but it doesn't mean he lacks a point.

He didn't know about CTE because it's not something talked about back then. But to play a sport like and not have any clue of the dangers goes against all logic. Taking punishment to the head and body is always bad. You can't possibly believe otherwise.

As people get older, they suffer from not only getting older, but from the choices they made in their youth. Everyone lives with it. Much of it is what gave us enjoyment. I feel my injuries from football from time to time. I wouldn't change a thing.


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Dickerson has been trying to get money out for the NFL for years now... even suggested that the NFL pay HoF players 300k a year... wants better pensions, better health care... been banging that drum for a looooong time... and hasn't gotten anywhere... so he's bitter...

I think there is merit to a revamped pension system for players... Opinion only - I havent done any research on this, and dont know what a retired player receives in terms of a pension, especially the older players - I think the NFL could easily afford to increase pension benefits to the older generations of football players... set a cut off date say when the salary cap/floor started, whatever... it could be done relatively cheaply... combine that with a good health care program... even something like a 50k a year pension + benefits could be a life changing program... and, not to be morbid, the NFLs financial commitment would eventually peter out as those players die off...

Not sure how that is handled with modern day players... with the amount of money they make most players, if they aren't stupid ( no one needs 10 rolex watches and three lamborghinis for example) , should be able to fund a retirement account in a season or two... they don't need to slam millions into it right away, as money will grow in time if properly managed...

Financial Literacy classes should be a must for all college athletes now a days with NLI deals now a wide open avenue to mint money for some...

What a coincidence, he happens to be in the HOF.


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No. he didn't. He had no idea what CTE was or what health costs would be in 2021 OR what the NFL would make as a league in 2021.

People do sue and win for lesser cases now against former employers for being in high-risk jobs.

This smells like sour grapes sure but it doesn't mean he lacks a point.
CTE wasnt a thing back then I agree..but its widely known how violent the sport is and was especially then. He went to college right? SMU is a school right? He knew the risk. He signed up for it, took the money. No one made him. He can gripe all he wants, but he took the $ and in doing so he inherited and accepted all the risk. He needs to move on. Football is very risky and violent and water is wet. THEY ARE ALL KNOWNS.The NFL owes him nuthin. Its been great to him.


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My son, who has been in the Army almost 2 years, played HS football and had 2 make a decision after 2 concussions, to either keep playing or choose a different path. He was good, s good he could have played college ball. He chose to go the military path. We are all faced with hard decisions in life. We have to live with them. Eric is just being childish. He needs 2 own his life decisions and stop blaming others.


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He didn't know about CTE because it's not something talked about back then. But to play a sport like and not have any clue of the dangers goes against all logic. Taking punishment to the head and body is always bad. You can't possibly believe otherwise.

As people get older, they suffer from not only getting older, but from the choices they made in their youth. Everyone lives with it. Much of it is what gave us enjoyment. I feel my injuries from football from time to time. I wouldn't change a thing.


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no one gives a rats arse about Eric Dickerson if not for the NFL. They owe him nuthin. Each side received what they bargained for. Fame and Fortune.


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CTE wasnt a thing back then I agree..but its widely known how violent the sport is and was especially then. He went to college right? SMU is a school right? He knew the risk. He signed up for it, took the money. No one made him. He can gripe all he wants, but he took the $ and in doing so he inherited and accepted all the risk. He needs to move on. Football is very risky and violent and water is wet. THEY ARE ALL KNOWNS.The NFL owes him nuthin. Its been great to him.
My dude you are making zero sense here.
You can't know the risks when ZERO people knew the biggest risk of all even existed.


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My dude you are making zero sense here.
You can't know the risks when ZERO people knew the biggest risk of all even existed.
Its called common sense, I mean you literally are armored up like a gladiator with plates and padding covering 70+% of your body. That does not scream risk free activity.


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Its called common sense, I mean you literally are armored up like a gladiator with plates and padding covering 70+% of your body. That does not scream risk free activity.
I'm beginning to think a number of you guys are slow learners...
There are very different levels of risk.
Risking an ACL tear is very different from lifelong brain injury taht causes you to harm others or yourself.

If you guys can't understand that then perhaps you too have CTE.