New profile posts

Fellow Zoner--- .... I Promised no more PLATS this season....i know i ticked off a lot of zoners....i just get so excited we can beat anyone....may i get your honest opinion where we stand

going against a desperate Ravens 0-2 talented team?....thanks in advance....GORICO
Hey Bob, are we allowed to start a poll, if so I apologize for my blindness, but I'm just not seeing the option to post a poll when clicking on post thread tab,
Thank you, ... typhus
Kraft can ***** all he wants… Jerry is the new owner who came in and changed all the merchandising rules the NFL had been following that shared sales evenly among teams…!
Hey Cwd, Buzzbait here from last night, sorry for the few moments of stupidity on my part last night about Zimmer etc, don't know where my head was last night but finally got it figured out with your help and a couple others. Hey welcome to the forum guy.
I sure am bud, didn't know you could follow people on here, nice to meet you, i'm coog!!!! (Whatever they say about me, don't listen lol, i'm just being me!) lol be great!!
Hopefully we get a win. Away games scare me and the browns aren't a push over so we'll see. Likewise! Lol. I take whatever is said as a grain of salt. In the end we're all just passionate fans who want to see this team succeed. Been too long.
Totally agree!!!!!!
Hi DandyDon52,, per post in the thread, several Cowboys Zone members that want to participate in CZ Fantasy yahoo Pick 'Em.
are having password issues in joining our

Can you please help them with joining entry issues ?

It would. That would cover another month.
Its the PayPal my wife and I share. here it is. It is @rayshoneypie. My wifes name which is Heather Cummings will come up.
btw, I luv your avatar. The Smokey and the Bandit car! My son wants that some day when he gets out of the Army. Hès been talking about it since high school. lol
Haha yeah, great car. When I was over in the States for my school exchange year (stayed in Denton near Dallas) my host dad was a big Smokey and the Bandit fan. Watched it countless times with him as his own family never liked the movie lol. Great memories. :)

Money's been sent, wish you guys the best! stay strong.
Hi DandyDon52,

Have you heard anything updated about our " Yahoo Pick 'Em " Fantasy board for 2024 ?

Will the CZ members be able to do the weekly picks for our Group this year ?
I had thought it would be posted on our forum by now with the regular season getting closer.

Thanks ;)
also, the funny thing is, the dog on the left is a friend of mine. The one with the red ears and the white and orange/gold face.
Didn’t mean to make these profile posts. Just trying to message. Might want to hide them since they aren’t really “profile worthy” since it’s just me yapping :)
Haha, I don't mind. I should note that I got home safely from the convention. It was a great time. I hope to be able to share with you some pics and vids.