Things to never say to a cop

One time at a check point a police officer asked if there were any weapons in the vehicle...I said...just my wife.

One time I was behind a cop that made around four turns without using a blinker.
We just happened to be going to sheetz at the same time as my normal morning stop when going to work.

I got out of my car and told the officer that he might want the mechanics to look at his car since his blinker does not appear to be working.
This reminds me of a time when a friend of mind was at the Canadian border crossing over. A female border patrol officer asked him if there was anything lethal in the car. He said listen lady the only thing lethal are these right here as he flex his arms. She wasn’t happy and told everyone out of the car and stripped his Jeep down. Took everything out including the tires off. He and his friends had to put everything back by themselves
So in my late 20s I had a sports car and it had a bunch of performance mods done to it. She was quick. Hurt a lot of feelings in that car. Anyway, that summer I was working on a project out of town in Twin Falls, Idaho (about 2 hours from Boise) and I didn't need the work truck that week. So, I decided to drive my car there. Well, that Monday night, my buddy I work with tells me, "You got to give me a ride in that car!". I said sure. So we eat dinner and then hop in for a night cruise. Well, I'm cruising and his wife ends up calling him. So I'm just driving around Twin Falls and he is stuck on the phone with his wife and she is yammering on as he is trying to wrap it up. It went on long enough I started driving back to our work apartment we had. He finally hangs up and apologies and says, "about that ride?". Well there was a road called Powerline Rd that ran out of Twin Falls. The city is growing, so the road has 4 lanes with a center island going all the way out into the country to accommodate for future growth and a new hospital.

I get to the light and it's red. I look in my rearview mirror and around and the area is pretty empty. The light turns green and I just stand on the throttle. I'm flying through gears, the wind is just barreling past the windows, and the last time I looked down the needle was going through 130. I finally reel her back and slow down and my buddy is ear to ear grin, "Wow!! She's quite the car!". I find a good spot to turn around and I start going back up the road on the other side, heading back the way we came. I notice some headlights coming up the road and don't think much about it. As soon as those headlights get parallel to my car, BOOM, it's an Idaho State Trooper and he lights up the police lights. My buddy started freaking out, apologizing for convincing me to take him for a ride. He is otherwise more stressed than me, for whatever reason.

I pull over. The officer gets out and walks up to the passenger side of the car. He bends down, looks right past my buddy, and asks me, "Is there any reason why you were just hauling BLEEP down this road?" I told him, "No sir. No reason at all. My buddy wanted a good ride in this car and I gave him one, and well, you just caught me. What else can I say?". He says OK and asks for all my information. Then asks if I'm from Twin Falls, I tell him no and that we are just working over here. He then takes all my information back to the car and he sits there and is running my stuff for a little bit. My buddy continues freaking out and apologizing. The officer finally comes back up to the passenger window and slides all my information to my buddy. All I saw was my license, registration, insurance. No ticket. My heart skipped a beat as either I am about to get incredibly lucky or heading to jail. The officer looks at me and says, "I'm going to give you a HUGE break tonight. How long you working on this project in Twin Falls?" I tell him another couple weeks. "Ok, well, I'm going to just give you a warning tonight, but I don't want to see this car in Twin Falls again while you're working here. Deal?" I jumped on that quickly! "Yes sir. You got it!"

Then my buddy, looking at the police car in the side mirror, asked, “Hey, is that one of those new Dodge Chargers?”. The officer replies, "Yes, it is." Without missing a beat, my buddy said, “Wanna race?” The cop shot us a stern look and said, “Have a great night.”

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When I was a teenager. My friend got pulled over. He said “bro” to the cop.

The cop got annoyed and said “I’m not your bro. And you should refer to me as officer or sir. Stay right here I’ll be back with your ticket, bro”

Needless to say my friend got the full ticket/fine for speeding. Lol
I recently cussed out a cop that was harassing my brush crew...he gave them a citation for dumping brush. He was new...didn't know it was my crew and one of my neighboring properties. I kicked him off my land and called him a stupid mother blanker, as I threw the citation at his body cam. He reached for his cuffs, just as the city manager drove up and ran him off. He was on probation, never saw him again.
This is an ex-wife/father-in-law story:

Leaving our wedding reception, my ex- and I had a car accident just a few miles from the reception... I hit a calf just standing in the middle of the road. When the highway patrol showed up, they quickly assessed us not seriously injured and begin conducting a field sobriety test on me. Fortunately, I had not been drinking, but that didn't stop the officer from giving me a hard time at least, until my father-in-law showed up. He was a sitting state judge at the time and everything was "yes, judge" and "no, judge". As we were leaving the scene, I couldn't help by offer a not-so-quiet, "yeah, baby" as we walked past the officer. That same officer showed up at my in-laws the next day just to "check on us". I remember thinking, I am never going to drive in that Texas county again. LOL
"Amber Heard stole my 747 engine"
  • Filing a false police report
"I'm going to embezzle Amber Heard's bank account into Bitcoin"
  • Confession of a felony
HA HA HA HA HA HA. I never though of that, but maybe the claim about Amber Heard would make the cop feel that I'm too nuts for him to deal with, so he'll let me go.