What Cowboys Player Do You Think Of When You See the Jersey Number?

9-roger ruzek
14-craig morton
22-victor scott
23-robert williams
36-vince albritton
38-ron francis
42-darryl clack
50-jeff rohrer
53-garth jax
55-steve deossie
56-"mean" eugene "hitting machine" lockhart
57-ron burton
59-jesse penn
61-nate newton
66-kevin gogan
68-crawford kerr
73-danny noonan
78-john dutton
81-kelvin edwards
83-kelvin martin
86-mike sherrard
87-gordon banks
89-thorton chandler
99-kevin brooks
" Who Framed Roger Ruzek"
Just a few here: #22 E Smith. #20 Ron Springs. #33 Tony D.
#88 Irvin. #84 Doug Cosbie. #11 Danny White. #30 Timmy Newsome. #72 Too Tall. #79 Harvey M. #80 Tony Hill. #40 Bates.
#60 Don Smerek
Kicking myself for not thinking of Testaverde at #16. My high school football coach played with him on the Cowboys and would tell stories about him in the weight room at nearly 40 years old.

Apparently Vinny was a bigger fan of the bench press than plyometrics and could be seen hitting 405 for reps.
I believe it. Big dude.
I'm not going through the whole list, but #22 is Emmitt and #88 is Irvin, despite being a fan since the early 70's.
For me, these are the most recognizable numbers in Cowboys history (not comprehensive):

12 - Staubach
88 - Pearson/Irving
80 - Hill
33 - Dorsett
8 - Aikman
22 - Smith
79 - Martin
72 - Jones
82 - Witten
90 - Ware
94 - Haley
40 - Bates
9 - Romo