Amber Heard is evil


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Amber Heard may be good looking...
She's a criminal thug with gorgeous looks...
I don't care how attractive she is...
If she showed up at my doorstep in a skimpy outfit begging for sex...
Her only good quality is being attractive...
It may be just a guess but I got this feeling you think she's cute. :muttley:


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I don't care.


It's their's a messy one. I don't know who's guilty of what. I don't care. It's not my business. Whoever is lying needs jail time to stop that stuff...if both lied? Jail for both. But people need to stop being judged in the court of opinion without actual evidence either way.

Let the courts decide. Not our problem.
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Amber Heard may be good looking, but that's her only good quality. She totally abused Johnny Depp in their relationship. This included assaulting him, spreading rumors about him, and stealing from him. He had to go to the emergency room and nearly lost a finger due to her assaults. Of course the stereotype that we grow up with is that a man should never let a woman do this to him or he's wimpy or whatever, but think about it. If he had fought back to defend himself, he totally would have gotten blamed for assault, and he would go to prison. He did the smart thing. He just took it and then got away from her.

Heard claimed that any money she got in their divorce would go to charity. So Depp told her to just name the charity and he would send the money directly there. That shut her up about it. She was totally LYING. She's a criminal thug with gorgeous looks.

I don't care how attractive she is, I would never want anything to do with her. If she showed up at my doorstep in a skimpy outfit begging for sex, I would refuse her. I know that's hypothetical since she's not going to do that, but the point is looks aren't enough. If a woman is a crappy person, no amount of looks can make up for that. She's not even a very good actress. Her acting is at best just barely competent. Heard isn't going to go for me, but she will go for someone. If that dude is smart, he'll tell her to get lost.

There is some good news. She got fired from Aquaman 2 and possibly following movies. That's great! She deserves it. She's a lousy person. Her only good quality is being attractive, and even that won't last. I believe she deserves to be executed by wrecking ball or hydrogen bomb. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but you know what I mean. I hope this terrible person never gets another acting role. I would say I hope she ends up having to work for McDonald's, but I wouldn't want to subject the people working there to her. They're too good for her.

Not to take anything from your post or the ugliness of this situation but she was his second marriage and he's been in at least 12 well publicized relationships over the past 30 years. You would think he'd be able to spot crazy from a mile away.
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Reverend Conehead

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I bet that Russian chick you wanted to build a time machine for was more evil than Heard.

You're absolutely right. I did all that work to finally get back in time, but that stupid ***** wouldn't listen to me when I was trying to save her from getting shot. She refused to run away with me. Finally I was like, "Okay, fine, go ahead and get shot." And I left. So she got executed by the commies. Not my fault. I tried to warn her.


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Not to take anything from your post or the ugliness of this situation but she was his second marriage and he's been in at least 12 well publicized relationships over the past 30 years. You would think he'd be able to spot crazy from a mile away.
Some crazies are better chameleons at the beginning of a relationship and aren't revealed to be who they really are until much later.

Reverend Conehead

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Where did you see she got fired from Aquaman?

NM - I found rumors from a week ago.

On another forum I frequent, a dude posted a link to an article on her getting canned. I hope it's true. I believe Amber Heard deserves to get catapulted into the Grand Canyon.