Carson Wentz, spoiled kid?


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Eagles fired Penderson, and from what I'm reading, by all accounts Wentz doesn't like the way he's been treated (he's not saying otherwise), so he wants to leave Philadelphia?

Let's face it, Wentz looked great until his injury, but after that, exactly what has he done for the organization that gave him a CRAPLOAD of money to be their francise QB?

I'm sorry, but the guy (Wentz) deserved to be benched for his horrific play.

I'm just trying to figure some of these overpaid multi millionaire guys who are paid to play a sport, and they play horrible, and it seems like they want more.

One could argue that Watson may have a right to want to get out of Houston, but the reality is he knew what he was getting into when they paid him. Since when does a QB like Watson have the right to determine who the coaching staff is?

That said, I'm still trying to figure out what Wentz is pissed off about that he feels "slighted"? He sucked.


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Spoiled? Don't see it, someone gets spoiled generally by having everything or most things given to them, rather than earning it.

Not a Wentz fan, but other than the Eagles making him the starter isn't unusual for a highly drafted player, one Troy Aikman comes to mind as a rookie made the starter. There are others, I'm sure. Have to be objective about it.
Wentz came from an FCS team, but impressed enough that he was drafted very high. His rookie year he set records for completions by a rookie, and played very well. Wasn't like he played poorly and the team stuck with him regardless. Until the injury in 2017 the Eagles were 11-2, he was second in the NFL in td passes, etc.

So he played very well, the contract he got he earned with his performance.

Now should he be "ticked off" because he was replaced by Hurts? No, but that's just human nature...

Reverend Conehead

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He might have just lost his magic after his injury. He doesn't seem the same since. At first, he looked like the best QB in the NFC East, but now something's just not right with him. Maybe he just doesn't have it anymore. If that's the case, I wouldn't blame him if he just retired with his millions.


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Eagles fired Penderson, and from what I'm reading, by all accounts Wentz doesn't like the way he's been treated (he's not saying otherwise), so he wants to leave Philadelphia?

Let's face it, Wentz looked great until his injury, but after that, exactly what has he done for the organization that gave him a CRAPLOAD of money to be their francise QB?

I'm sorry, but the guy (Wentz) deserved to be benched for his horrific play.

I'm just trying to figure some of these overpaid multi millionaire guys who are paid to play a sport, and they play horrible, and it seems like they want more.

One could argue that Watson may have a right to want to get out of Houston, but the reality is he knew what he was getting into when they paid him. Since when does a QB like Watson have the right to determine who the coaching staff is?

That said, I'm still trying to figure out what Wentz is pissed off about that he feels "slighted"? He sucked.
I love how you start out talking about Wentz being spoiled but some how come to the end to trash Watson. Watson didn't ask to be included in the coaching search that's the sales pitch they used to get him signed long term he is a pillar in that community and was looking at if he wanted to come back there after the moves the front office made to dismantle that team. Let's be serious if an organization is putting your career in jeopardy by putting raggedy offensive line in front of you and taking away your number one weapon at WR why would you want to come back there. They made the promise then backed off their promises before the ink could dry, that's called shotty business practices.


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Watson didn't ask to be included in the coaching search that's the sales pitch they used to get him signed long term he is a pillar in that community and was looking at if he wanted to come back there after the moves the front office made to dismantle that team.


Key question being why should the starting QB be included in searching for a coach?

Don't get me wrong, Watson seems far better than Wentz at this time, but at the end of the day, he seems just as big as a cry baby.

You hire a QB for that position, if you pay him and he says yes, his only job IMO is to QB.

I might of missed it, but exactly how did the Texans possibly put Watsons career in jeapordy for what they paid him???
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Key question being why should the starting QB be included in searching for a coach?

Don't get me wrong, Watson seems far better than Wentz at this time, but at the end of the day, he seems just as big as a cry baby.

You hire a QB for that position, if you pay him and he says yes, his only job IMO is to QB.

I might of missed it, but exactly how did the Texans possibly put Watsons career in jeapordy for what they paid him???
Put his career in jeopardy by not putting a quality line in front of him and trading away all his valuable pieces to his offense. What do you not understand you haven't heard a word from Watson until they approached him with assisting in the coaching hire. WTH you talking about him being a cry baby when they traded his number one wr and away all the draft picks to put together arguably the worst OL in the league he never said a word. It seems to me you think like most people that here is some money now shut up and perform. He never caused any issues in Houston I think you just talking out your rear end now bro based on no information. Oh and to your last point there are several QB's who are of different hue than Watson who got paid handsomely who has input into coaching decision and who they want to work with. Hence why they are called face of the Franchise maybe you should do more research.


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Put his career in jeopardy by not putting a quality line in front of him and trading away all his valuable pieces to his offense. What do you not understand you haven't heard a word from Watson until they approached him with assisting in the coaching hire. WTH you talking about him being a cry baby when they traded his number one wr and away all the draft picks to put together arguably the worst OL in the league he never said a word. It seems to me you think like most people that here is some money now shut up and perform. He never caused any issues in Houston I think you just talking out your rear end now bro based on no information. Oh and to your last point there are several QB's who are of different hue than Watson who got paid handsomely who has input into coaching decision and who they want to work with. Hence why they are called face of the Franchise maybe you should do more research.

I missed it, exactly how much was Watson paid?

I believe he (Watson) could quit tomorrow and as long as he didn't get stupid with his money, his "career" would be better than most on this forum.

Apologies, but apparently I must of struck a never of yours with Watson. At the end of the day however, he comes across as no different than Wentz.

I also didn't realize that the "face of the francise" per a player on the team was involved in hiring decisions of any kind.


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I missed it, exactly how much was Watson paid?

I believe he (Watson) could quit tomorrow and as long as he didn't get stupid with his money, his "career" would be better than most on this forum.

Apologies, but apparently I must of struck a never of yours with Watson. At the end of the day however, he comes across as no different than Wentz.

I also didn't realize that the "face of the francise" per a player on the team was involved in hiring decisions of any kind.
I see now you only hear your own voice you didn't strike a nerve at all with me if your view is ignorant and you choose to continue with it that's your bag. I was just informing you that there have been plenty of qb's aka the face of the franchise who have been involved in coaching decisions but you believe what you believe those that actually follow the game know why those guys get paid and why their opinions are taken in by good GM's and owners. As far as what he was paid I'm pretty sure most would agree he earned every dollar he got.


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I was just informing you that there have been plenty of qb's aka the face of the franchise who have been involved in coaching decisions

Who and what decisions did they make ??

Don't get me wrong, the QB is an important decision, but at the end of the day, the QB is paid to play and produce and the coach and GM are paid to plan and develope a winning strategy/season.

You can pay a QB 39 million a year, but if he can't win games, who becomes the more important person in trying to get the team to win? Football is a team sport and there is only so much money to go round.

Point being, if your a highly paid QB and you're pissed at your team for the decisions being made, no one is stopping you from giving the money back to get out of dodge. Now, if Watson or Wentz says I'll give the money back because I don't want to play here, I can respect that. However, they are the ones who went after the money to begin with. Seems both Wentz and Watson are becoming a distractions themselves because they aren't happy.


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Eagles fired Penderson, and from what I'm reading, by all accounts Wentz doesn't like the way he's been treated (he's not saying otherwise), so he wants to leave Philadelphia?

Let's face it, Wentz looked great until his injury, but after that, exactly what has he done for the organization that gave him a CRAPLOAD of money to be their francise QB?

I'm sorry, but the guy (Wentz) deserved to be benched for his horrific play.

I'm just trying to figure some of these overpaid multi millionaire guys who are paid to play a sport, and they play horrible, and it seems like they want more.

One could argue that Watson may have a right to want to get out of Houston, but the reality is he knew what he was getting into when they paid him. Since when does a QB like Watson have the right to determine who the coaching staff is?

That said, I'm still trying to figure out what Wentz is pissed off about that he feels "slighted"? He sucked.

This year was the only year following his rookie season that he actually sucked. I don't know enough about what was going on behind the scenes to comment on Wentz. I'm not trash talking the guy on a personal level unless I know more. That said, the Eagles fans and the Philly radio stations have gone total "R" word!

After 4 stinking games they think Jalen Hurts is going to be a star and can't wait to get rid of Wentz. They deserve everything they get. Hurts is not very good right now. He throws only to wide open WRs and uses his legs to bail him out otherwise. Typical for a QB not ready for the NFL. I hope they trade Wentz to the Colts. Get him out of the NFC East just in case. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed his suckage, but his ceiling is way higher than anything I've seen Hurts do so far. Hell, the Cowboys D made Hurts look bad. That's not a good omen.


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This year was the only year following his rookie season that he actually sucked.
This year was the only year following his rookie season that he actually sucked. I don't know enough about what was going on behind the scenes to comment on Wentz. I'm not trash talking the guy on a personal level unless I know more. That said, the Eagles fans and the Philly radio stations have gone total "R" word

No where around Pa, dummy that I am, what is the "R" word?

I don't think I'm trash talking Wentz, other than the fact that for Wentzs career stats (including his one GREAT year before his inury included in those stats) and they way Wentz is handling the situation, I think he could of handled it a lot better considering how much money he is making. When Wentz doesn't talk, he IS saying something given the circumstances.


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I'm pretty sure it's censored. I'll try it, ******. Or mentally handicapped starting with an R.

With philly fans, I just use the term dumb arse :)

Honestly, looking at the QR ratings, Wentz wasn't as bad as I thought he as, guess this year thew me off, although after his great start out of the gate, he's still under 90%.

Like yourself, have no clue about any soap operas behind the scenes within the organization, just think Wentz could've handled the situation better, but I also understand one could argue that keeping your mouth shut can be the best policy.


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With philly fans, I just use the term dumb arse :)

Honestly, looking at the QR ratings, Wentz wasn't as bad as I thought he as, guess this year thew me off, although after his great start out of the gate, he's still under 90%.

Like yourself, have no clue about any soap operas behind the scenes within the organization, just think Wentz could've handled the situation better, but I also understand one could argue that keeping your mouth shut can be the best policy.

I tend to agree with you. The major problem is Wentz may not have the support of his team. We really don't know.


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I tend to agree with you. The major problem is Wentz may not have the support of his team. We really don't know.

From what I've read, it's not like Wentz went out of his way to build relationships with his teamates. I think you may be right that he may not have the support of his teamates, but then the bigger question becomes how did that happen?

On this point, there is a huge difference between Wentz and Watson IMO as it seems that Watson's teamates want him (Watson) to succeed.