The Dallas Cowboys: Not America’s Team. Just one man’s team


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Responding to a thread about how the Bears could offer so much for Russell Wilson, a QB who has more football behind him than ahead, (spoiler: it’s because of the potential for $$$)...

Real spoiler: because the best QB the Bears ever had played 80 years ago (Sid Luckman). The next 3 are (in no particular order) Jim McMahon, Jay Cutler, and Erik Kramer. THAT's why you go after Russell Wilson.

The Bears will make $$$, regardless. Every team in the NFL makes $$$, regardless. Have you seen the latest TV contract? :rolleyes:


Beyond tired of Jerry
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:starspin:'MERICA'S TEAM:starspin:

Who cares? Seriously, why does that matter so much to you?

I was 10 years old the first time I heard it and it didn't matter to me then. They're my team, I don't care if anyone else likes them. Frankly, I could do without the jamokes who run around with "We Dem Boys!" signs. :rolleyes:


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Well, like it or not we are America's Team. Nothing is really going to change that....

The Patriots and Brady won 7 Superbowls and the "PATRIOTS of America" won't even try to lay claim to America's Team because they know. Well, they know they are known as cheaters and they will never be accepted.

The fact of the matter is that we are America's Team and it has been that way so long that we have the copyright.

Hopefully some day we will return to glory but it is just a name and no one else will ever be able to claim it. We will only be able to celebrate Americas Team when we win another Superbowl.


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Responding to a thread about how the Bears could offer so much for Russell Wilson, a QB who has more football behind him than ahead, (spoiler: it’s because of the potential for $$$), got me thinking about how this organization is run.

There is a mainstream, tried and tested method to achieving success for an NFL franchise, and it involves a separation of powers. The owner’s main business goal is to achieve maximal profitability for the franchise. It’s pretty much universally agreed to that the way to do this is by fielding a consistently competitive and successful team. This increases ticket sales, which increases concession sales, merchandising, media contracts, etc. All revenue is driven by butts in seats. The management of money is the owner’s job.

To achieve the goal of fielding consistently good teams, the owner hires a GM. The GM’s doesn’t really care about profitability. He cares about setting up a system that allows them to obtain the best players and the best coaches to develop and utilize those players. Win and he keeps his job. Win and more money flows in to the franchise. Both owner and GM achieve their goals.

Since Jerry Jones is both owner and GM of the Dallas Cowboys, he can’t just focus on one side of this formula. When acquiring players or hiring coaches, financial considerations get intertwined with team building considerations. This muddles direction and clouds focus, and oftentimes bad decisions are made when it comes to improving the team.

So, Jerry has chosen a different path to achieving success for the franchise (to maximize profits from the owner’s perspective). His method of putting butts in seats does not necessarily rely on fielding a consistently competitive team, but creating a consistent fan experience and emotional attachment for Cowboys fan. It’s about building a brand and brand loyalty. They want the name Dallas Cowboys to be synonymous with success, fame, wealth, etc. Not to get political, but sort of the way an ex-President went about doing things.

That gets us to America’s Team. America’s team is now nothing more than a slogan. A tag line for an advertisement. If you asked JJ 25 years ago why we’re America’s Team, he would have pointed to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Well, we can’t do that now. So, now it’s about highest merchandising sales, building the most expensive stadium, and, ironically, name recognition around the world. And if you ask a Cowboys fan, they will defiantly proclaim that we are still America’s team. That’s because we’re loyal to the team...and the brand. Which is just what Jerry wants. Which is why we’re not really America’s team. Just one man’s team.
No team is better known worldwide than the cowboys. I have seen fan bases all over the world and the usa . The star , the helmets , the cheerleaders, the most valuable franchise in the world . And yes , the commercial aspect .


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Always thought the name had become dumb and outdated. Time to bury it. I don’t want my country being associated in any way with this mediocre (at best) franchise. The Cowboys have become an embarrassment, America has not.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...”go find another team”. How about go live in another country where failure and mediocrity are the norm? Sure, the Cowboys are still the most popular team but they have been losing fans plus I don’t care how popular they are, popularity sells merchandise it doesn’t buy championships.

Let the hate begin, I’m sure I’ll make it :cool:

Shall we change it to Anton LaVey's team? :p


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I never cared for the America's Team moniker, and have always been fascinated by fans who seem to take some sort of pride in it. :muttley:


Active Member
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Responding to a thread about how the Bears could offer so much for Russell Wilson, a QB who has more football behind him than ahead, (spoiler: it’s because of the potential for $$$), got me thinking about how this organization is run.

There is a mainstream, tried and tested method to achieving success for an NFL franchise, and it involves a separation of powers. The owner’s main business goal is to achieve maximal profitability for the franchise. It’s pretty much universally agreed to that the way to do this is by fielding a consistently competitive and successful team. This increases ticket sales, which increases concession sales, merchandising, media contracts, etc. All revenue is driven by butts in seats. The management of money is the owner’s job.

To achieve the goal of fielding consistently good teams, the owner hires a GM. The GM’s doesn’t really care about profitability. He cares about setting up a system that allows them to obtain the best players and the best coaches to develop and utilize those players. Win and he keeps his job. Win and more money flows in to the franchise. Both owner and GM achieve their goals.

Since Jerry Jones is both owner and GM of the Dallas Cowboys, he can’t just focus on one side of this formula. When acquiring players or hiring coaches, financial considerations get intertwined with team building considerations. This muddles direction and clouds focus, and oftentimes bad decisions are made when it comes to improving the team.

So, Jerry has chosen a different path to achieving success for the franchise (to maximize profits from the owner’s perspective). His method of putting butts in seats does not necessarily rely on fielding a consistently competitive team, but creating a consistent fan experience and emotional attachment for Cowboys fan. It’s about building a brand and brand loyalty. They want the name Dallas Cowboys to be synonymous with success, fame, wealth, etc.

That gets us to America’s Team. America’s team is now nothing more than a slogan. A tag line for an advertisement. If you asked JJ 25 years ago why we’re America’s Team, he would have pointed to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Well, we can’t do that now. So, now it’s about highest merchandising sales, building the most expensive stadium, and, ironically, name recognition around the world. And if you ask a Cowboys fan, they will defiantly proclaim that we are still America’s team. That’s because we’re loyal to the team...and the brand. Which is just what Jerry wants. Which is why we’re not really America’s team. Just one man’s team.[/Q

:hammer: well said


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
You have a point, I won’t talk about the military but if you want to relate how dysfunctional America has become and how we reward people for doing nothing than the Cowboys are the model franchise for America.

Some of us are getting dangerously close to talking about forbidden topics here, so as far as my comment above goes, that will be as much as I say with relation to said topic. I’ll never be a MOD :( but all of us should be careful here, consider it a friendly warning (not directing this at you Star). I’d hate to see most of you get benched.

I hear you. I am a firm dissident of political correctness. But, I understand the climate.


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Exactly. Dallas has had 5 good seasons in the last 25 years. I dont get why so many fans get so hyped every off-season and they think this is the year. I thought dallas was a contender in 2007. That's the only season I thought they had a legit shot since the 90s. I could see why people thought maybe they did in 2014. But I didn't see it happening they make way too many mistakes and the defense was trash. 17 and 18 were the best/most well rounded teams dallas has put out since the 90s. imo. But I didn't see it happening or drink the kool-aid.

Now look at where this terrible defense is now. It's really unbelievable tbh! 17 and 18 had the best defenses since the 90s along with an elite oline and rb. 07 and 08 were decent defenses though but the oline was average or below and the rb was below average. Dallas needs a lot of work and organization philosophy changes. It's going to take at least 3 seasons before dallas can be a contender. If they even make the changes that is.

Just hoping dallas can pull off their 6th good season since the 90s this year. This is the easiest schedule they have had since the weak 2016 schedule.
making any predictions based upon an "Easy," schedule is a fools game. Do you remember what happened in wk 1 of 2014? do you remember all of the talking heads discussing the team after week 1?


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Responding to a thread about how the Bears could offer so much for Russell Wilson, a QB who has more football behind him than ahead, (spoiler: it’s because of the potential for $$$), got me thinking about how this organization is run.

There is a mainstream, tried and tested method to achieving success for an NFL franchise, and it involves a separation of powers. The owner’s main business goal is to achieve maximal profitability for the franchise. It’s pretty much universally agreed to that the way to do this is by fielding a consistently competitive and successful team. This increases ticket sales, which increases concession sales, merchandising, media contracts, etc. All revenue is driven by butts in seats. The management of money is the owner’s job.

To achieve the goal of fielding consistently good teams, the owner hires a GM. The GM’s doesn’t really care about profitability. He cares about setting up a system that allows them to obtain the best players and the best coaches to develop and utilize those players. Win and he keeps his job. Win and more money flows in to the franchise. Both owner and GM achieve their goals.

Since Jerry Jones is both owner and GM of the Dallas Cowboys, he can’t just focus on one side of this formula. When acquiring players or hiring coaches, financial considerations get intertwined with team building considerations. This muddles direction and clouds focus, and oftentimes bad decisions are made when it comes to improving the team.

So, Jerry has chosen a different path to achieving success for the franchise (to maximize profits from the owner’s perspective). His method of putting butts in seats does not necessarily rely on fielding a consistently competitive team, but creating a consistent fan experience and emotional attachment for Cowboys fan. It’s about building a brand and brand loyalty. They want the name Dallas Cowboys to be synonymous with success, fame, wealth, etc.

That gets us to America’s Team. America’s team is now nothing more than a slogan. A tag line for an advertisement. If you asked JJ 25 years ago why we’re America’s Team, he would have pointed to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Well, we can’t do that now. So, now it’s about highest merchandising sales, building the most expensive stadium, and, ironically, name recognition around the world. And if you ask a Cowboys fan, they will defiantly proclaim that we are still America’s team. That’s because we’re loyal to the team...and the brand. Which is just what Jerry wants. Which is why we’re not really America’s team. Just one man’s team.
Never liked that moniker as it made other teams hate the Cowboys even more and thus get up for games. But make no doubt, the Cowboys are still America's Team.


Well-Known Member
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I never cared for the America's Team moniker, and have always been fascinated by fans who seem to take some sort of pride in it. :muttley:
I think fans "Taking pride," in that moniker are all in your head. Do bears fans take great pride in the fact they are called "The Monsters of the Midway?"


Beyond tired of Jerry
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who is trying to defend? We had 2 seriously legit shots at winning a SB during the Romo era... not just get into the playoffs to be fodder for the real teams, but a legit shot. We also had a legit shot in Daks first year... so that is realistically 3 legit shots in a what, 10 year period. How many teams in the nfl have been in that position 3 times in the past 10 years? Now I know people will come back and say no, no, we had no legit shoty... well is being a number 1 seed make you legit? well we had that in the cabo season.

We were tied for best record in the Dez catch season at Lambeau... Id say that means you are legit, and we had without a doubt, a legit shot in dak's first year. The difference between winning and losing is so damn close, it is what it is.

"Legit shots" only in the minds of fans.

NFCCG appearances since the last time Dallas played in one:

Atlanta - 4
Eagles - 6
Green Bay - 8
Giants - 2
49ers - 4
Panthers - 4
Cardinals - 2
Saints - 3
Bears - 2
Rams - 3
Vikings - 4
Seahawks - 3
Cowboys - 0

We haven't come close to a SB on the football field in 25 years.


Well-Known Member
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Responding to a thread about how the Bears could offer so much for Russell Wilson, a QB who has more football behind him than ahead, (spoiler: it’s because of the potential for $$$), got me thinking about how this organization is run.

There is a mainstream, tried and tested method to achieving success for an NFL franchise, and it involves a separation of powers. The owner’s main business goal is to achieve maximal profitability for the franchise. It’s pretty much universally agreed to that the way to do this is by fielding a consistently competitive and successful team. This increases ticket sales, which increases concession sales, merchandising, media contracts, etc. All revenue is driven by butts in seats. The management of money is the owner’s job.

To achieve the goal of fielding consistently good teams, the owner hires a GM. The GM’s doesn’t really care about profitability. He cares about setting up a system that allows them to obtain the best players and the best coaches to develop and utilize those players. Win and he keeps his job. Win and more money flows in to the franchise. Both owner and GM achieve their goals.

Since Jerry Jones is both owner and GM of the Dallas Cowboys, he can’t just focus on one side of this formula. When acquiring players or hiring coaches, financial considerations get intertwined with team building considerations. This muddles direction and clouds focus, and oftentimes bad decisions are made when it comes to improving the team.

So, Jerry has chosen a different path to achieving success for the franchise (to maximize profits from the owner’s perspective). His method of putting butts in seats does not necessarily rely on fielding a consistently competitive team, but creating a consistent fan experience and emotional attachment for Cowboys fan. It’s about building a brand and brand loyalty. They want the name Dallas Cowboys to be synonymous with success, fame, wealth, etc.

That gets us to America’s Team. America’s team is now nothing more than a slogan. A tag line for an advertisement. If you asked JJ 25 years ago why we’re America’s Team, he would have pointed to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Well, we can’t do that now. So, now it’s about highest merchandising sales, building the most expensive stadium, and, ironically, name recognition around the world. And if you ask a Cowboys fan, they will defiantly proclaim that we are still America’s team. That’s because we’re loyal to the team...and the brand. Which is just what Jerry wants. Which is why we’re not really America’s team. Just one man’s team.
We’d love to shed the label. As Tom Landry stated early on when opposed promoting it is that it would be a target or bulls eye on our franchise and team from opponents and their fans.


Well-Known Member
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making any predictions based upon an "Easy," schedule is a fools game. Do you remember what happened in wk 1 of 2014? do you remember all of the talking heads discussing the team after week 1?
Do you remember 2019? Do you remember the preseason rankings? Do you remember the final standings? Do you remember how giddy some fans were after starting 3-0?


Well-Known Member
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I think fans "Taking pride," in that moniker are all in your head. Do bears fans take great pride in the fact they are called "The Monsters of the Midway?"
Yes. You’ve had your panties in a wad since this thread started with people explaining why they don’t think we should be called “America’s Team” or why we should drop it. Why would you be so sensitive about it if you weren’t proud of it?

“We’re Americas Team” gets thrown around on this site like a poodle in a cage full of pit bulls. I hear it all the time when talking to other Cowboys fans. I hear it from past players on tv. I see it on shirts, hats and other Cowboys gear. If they weren’t so proud of it they wouldn’t be advertising it so much.


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making any predictions based upon an "Easy," schedule is a fools game. Do you remember what happened in wk 1 of 2014? do you remember all of the talking heads discussing the team after week 1?
I do not off the top of my head. I know what you mean though On paper its easy. like in 16 I expected 6-10 at best because we had a qb I knew nothing about. But 16 was a really weak schedule.