Richard Sherman arrested, denied bail

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Wow! I never would've thought he would do something like that. He might be a loudmouth but he's a smart dude. Dummies like me don't get accepted into Stanford. Not much info is given. I'm going to wait until more info is released. If his wife was inside that house with another man and he broke into it and slapped her, I can't judge him for that because I might have done the same thing even though I've never hit my wife, or any women for that matter. Everyone is entitled to make mistakes in the heat of the moment. People have labeled his former teammates, Michael Bennett and Marshawn Lynch, as malcontents because of various reasons. Marshawn doesn't talk to the media. Heck I wouldn't either. Michael made a mistake in Las Vegas. But my cousin who lives in Ventura and is a huge Cowboys fan always goes to see them practice in Oxnard, he said Michael was one of the coolest players he's ever talked to. Him and Robert Quinn. He said both of them came to where he was to sign autographs and take pictures with anyone who wanted one. He said they both looked you in the eye when they signed their autographs. You know how Hollywood stars never make eye contact when signing their autographs, they just sign and move to the next hand who has a pen and paper. But not them. So I'll never judge a person by media reports. I'll wait until I see the full report on the incident before I call him names like some are doing.
women be causing the best of smart men to react in ways like this since Adam and eve lol...


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no doubt, your correct. It stinks that its that way, but its the day and age we are in. Facts be damned as they say. Look at the daily news cycle for example. Most of it is feelings and opinion by those providing us "the news" ..and its not factual. Its gone off the deep end. I hope Sherman is innocent then he can sue the hell out of the sports reporters and the virtue signalers on TV and radio for slander. My gut however, says he is likely done, his goose is cooked. We shall see.
Someone famous said, "The pen is mightier than the sword." I doubt today's climate was what he was thinking.


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So the story is he drunkenly broke into a relatives home and fought with the police.

That’s bad, but far better than what I was initially thinking.
If that is true that is far cry he broke in beat the crap out of a woman, which many here were hoping and wishing for.....


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I'd feel better about Parsons and Cox if they could line up outside on an island and play press man. Otherwise I don't see much impact from either of them.

I will add that the story on Cox is that he is great in coverage. He might be able to play some press man. He can’t possibly be worse than Chido.


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My brother’s ex-wife pulled some shenanigans calling the police and lying and exaggerating to get what she wanted.

I don’t know what Sherman did or didn’t do. I saw my brother get royally screwed by a system which favors one party significantly over the other party.

My brother never touched her and needed a police escort to get his clothes, most of which she threw out by the time he was allowed in.

I’ll wait to hear the details before I say anything bad about Sherman. The system is rigged and a lot of people know how to play the system. Divorce lawyers work together to divide the assets and get their take.

Bingo!!!!!! I've always said every story has two sides.........I'll wait to hear his side before passing judgment.


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I'm glad he did beat on a woman and that no one was hurt. Even though he should not have tried to force his way into his family member's house. Him allegedly fighting with the police might have something to do with this being investigated as a felony.


Junior College Transfer
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Yup. Even re

In any state you can accuse anyone of DV and they get the Perp Walk and the free photoshoot. With zero information beyond the obvious its click bait.

Dear naíve lad. In most jurisdictions, outside of Iran, N.Korea, and Taliban-controlled areas, there is a little known facet of the law called probable cause.
Yes, Perry, anyone can be accused of DV. But police and magistrates seek proof, first.
An agitated perp outside his ex's home at 2 a.m. may be normal behavior in your family or hood, but in most of the U.S., it is probable cause, argumentum in legal terms.
You must live in W.Virginia is or East Texas, where this type of situation is only a family spat.


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Barkevious Mingo just got arrested for child sexual assault a couple days ago and got canned in microseconds. The event happened two years ago.


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I get the severity of domestic violence but to deny bail seems extreme for that.......I thought that was reserved for people accused of murder.......

It generally means the court believes he's either a flight risk or threat to the victim AS OF NOW. I'm guessing there's a hearing scheduled to allow his Atty(s) to proved he deserves bail. But you're right, it's highly unusual


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Just for legal clarity...burglary is illegally entering a building or other place with the intent to commit a crime. It is commonly thought of in conjunction with theft, however, the charge in this case could merely be RS illegally entering the residence with the intent to commit domestic violence on the alleged victim. The alleged victim could be male or female by the way. It is possible that RS went to an exes home and may have laid hands on her current significant other. We don't know what transpired yet.

I will wait until the facts are discerned before making any judgment. The alleged victim's "statement of fact" given to police, is not the whole story either. That is the alleged victim's version of the facts.

Good post


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Best news of the offseason! Keep him away. if the Cowboys were even entertaining this crap they won’t be anymore!


Well-Known Member
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Wow! I never would've thought he would do something like that. He might be a loudmouth but he's a smart dude. Dummies like me don't get accepted into Stanford. Not much info is given. I'm going to wait until more info is released. If his wife was inside that house with another man and he broke into it and slapped her, I can't judge him for that because I might have done the same thing even though I've never hit my wife, or any women for that matter. Everyone is entitled to make mistakes in the heat of the moment. People have labeled his former teammates, Michael Bennett and Marshawn Lynch, as malcontents because of various reasons. Marshawn doesn't talk to the media. Heck I wouldn't either. Michael made a mistake in Las Vegas. But my cousin who lives in Ventura and is a huge Cowboys fan always goes to see them practice in Oxnard, he said Michael was one of the coolest players he's ever talked to. Him and Robert Quinn. He said both of them came to where he was to sign autographs and take pictures with anyone who wanted one. He said they both looked you in the eye when they signed their autographs. You know how Hollywood stars never make eye contact when signing their autographs, they just sign and move to the next hand who has a pen and paper. But not them. Those two seemed to enjoy interacting with their fans. So I'll never judge a person by media reports. I'll wait until I see the full report on the incident before I call him names like some are doing.
as much as I would be upset at the dude in my house the wife, the one married to you, is the one ultimately responsible. Just saying it seems attention goes to the wrong person in these situations lol

Redball Express

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His stock just rose in the eyes of our FO.
Absolutely. Now half the Forum will scream he will sign a team-friendly deal becuz of this..just making him come the incentive contract offers..and the hometown discount offers,too. Suck.:rolleyes:


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I guess fate leaves a message once again. Stay away from washed up Seattle Seahawks defensive backs.

First, Ear Thomas.
Now, Richard Sherman.

But some Cowboys fans will still want to sign him. It's just a flesh wound. Sigh.
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