Richard Sherman arrested, denied bail

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in fairness "real" journalists are now guys like dan orlovsky and skip and stephen a where they just say completely outlandish things for attention.
i subscribe to the athletic because to me they are one of the last bastions of actual sports journalism/reporting.
well said. Its a real shame whats happened to the art of real reporting and what passes for such NOW. Its disgusting really, and that's in news, sports, whatever.


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so the chance of signing him just increased. lol
I would say in all seriousness, its off the table for all 32 teams at this point. I think when an accusation of DV is in play, its bad optics and nobody wants to touch that with a ten foot pole.


Junior College Transfer
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with the lack of information, this is more click bait and a line in the sand to start an argument. If he did something he needs to pay his debt. If he didn't do it he deserves to have his name cleared. But society now it is almost worse to be accused then to be found guilt.

Bail denied is NOT click bait.
A domestic battery accusation is NOT akin to fishing without a licence, matey.


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true. On the other hand what warrants an arrest while disclosing "burglary domestic violence?". And I'm curious if anyone actually can chime in, how often are legitimate arrests like this dropped assuming no one was paid off?
We'll see


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real reporters are now we the fans. Most "reporters" have gone by the waste side.
Yup. Even re
Bail denied is NOT click bait.
A domestic battery accusation is NOT akin to fishing without a licence, matey.
In any state you can accuse anyone of DV and they get the Perp Walk and the free photoshoot. With zero information beyond the obvious its click bait.


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I would say in all seriousness, its off the table for all 32 teams at this point. I think when an accusation of DV is in play, its bad optics and nobody wants to touch that with a ten foot pole.
Even if he isfound innocent and all of this was made up. DV is the new Scarlet Letter


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"Records state he was denied bail, but a spokesman for the Redmond (Washington) Police Department told ESPN that is standard procedure for suspects of domestic violence until they can appear before a judge."
If this is true, the article is click bait.


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For those holding out hope for bringing him in.....

Wow! I never would've thought he would do something like that. He might be a loudmouth but he's a smart dude. Dummies like me don't get accepted into Stanford. Not much info is given. I'm going to wait until more info is released. If his wife was inside that house with another man and he broke into it and slapped her, I can't judge him for that because I might have done the same thing even though I've never hit my wife, or any women for that matter. Everyone is entitled to make mistakes in the heat of the moment. People have labeled his former teammates, Michael Bennett and Marshawn Lynch, as malcontents because of various reasons. Marshawn doesn't talk to the media. Heck I wouldn't either. Michael made a mistake in Las Vegas. But my cousin who lives in Ventura and is a huge Cowboys fan always goes to see them practice in Oxnard, he said Michael was one of the coolest players he's ever talked to. Him and Robert Quinn. He said both of them came to where he was to sign autographs and take pictures with anyone who wanted one. He said they both looked you in the eye when they signed their autographs. You know how Hollywood stars never make eye contact when signing their autographs, they just sign and move to the next hand who has a pen and paper. But not them. Those two seemed to enjoy interacting with their fans. So I'll never judge a person by media reports. I'll wait until I see the full report on the incident before I call him names like some are doing.
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"Records state he was denied bail, but a spokesman for the Redmond (Washington) Police Department told ESPN that is standard procedure for suspects of domestic violence until they can appear before a judge."

Thanks for letting me know. I just read it's being investigated as a Felony, so it sounds serious but I'll guess we will have to wait to see what the exactly he did for him to receive these charges.


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Even if he isfound innocent and all of this was made up. DV is the new Scarlet Letter
no doubt, your correct. It stinks that its that way, but its the day and age we are in. Facts be damned as they say. Look at the daily news cycle for example. Most of it is feelings and opinion by those providing us "the news" ..and its not factual. Its gone off the deep end. I hope Sherman is innocent then he can sue the hell out of the sports reporters and the virtue signalers on TV and radio for slander. My gut however, says he is likely done, his goose is cooked. We shall see.


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This would not make Jerry shy away if he wanted him. But other things? LOL.
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