RELEASED Jaylon Smith released


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LVE, Brown, Watkins to name a few better get it together. And if you even thinking about getting hurt on defense. Unless you are Gregory, Tank. Parson or Diggs. Might not be a spot for you when you get off injury status. Just sayin..........


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Pretty crazy release. Especially since it's not related to an off the field incident.


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this guys literally cannot shed a block to save his life. he makes tackles 10 to 15 yards to pump up his tackle numbers. he cannot cover anything that moves. unfortunate that his injury took his ability to be a premier player but the cowboys did the right thing. they open up playing time for Cox and Neal. open up a roster spot for someone off the practice squad. its the right decision 100%. kudos for the cowboys for making this decision. good luck to Jaylon.


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Solid post PCF....some of the posts in this thread are just....kinda clueless. It's a business gents. They have MORE than enough man power to replace him and that 9 mil owed if he's hurt was bad biz too. The cherry on top? Holding a roster spot for him if he were to get hurt. This makes a ton of sense in every way but one: he was in fact a leader on this team. That's not conjecture or speculation. When I watched the game the other day who led the pre game huddle pumping everyone up? You guessed it, Jaylon was respected and if guys think he was discarded disrespectfully their could be a backlash. Hopefully this veteran staff doesn't make that mistake and let him down easy because no matter what some of you think of this guy, he was a lead dawg in that locker room. Again, I wish him nothing but the best and FWIW, I do think it was the right move. Big boy football........
I agree. I think it was multiple reasons and not because he was a trash player, which i don't think he was.

Money with the injury guarantee was most likely the biggest reason. 2nd, i think as a leader in the locker room it would be hard for Parsons to grow into that spot with Jaylon on the team. 3rd, i think Jabril might be ready to take on a bigger role as far as playing time and with Jaylon he holds back that development.

I think Jaylon will get picked up because some teams have really bad LB play, even in the division


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This is the perfect thread to update one's 'ignore' list. Easy to spot folks I wouldn't trust to tell me if the sun was shining.

To all the folks that think it's funny, I'd give $100 to see you get canned from your job and watch your co-workers laugh while you cleaned out your desk/locker.

Good lord.......
If I made over 31 mil like Jalen has, people could laugh and snicker all they wanted as I happily cleaned out my desk with a big frickin smile on my face.


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I’m so confused to why they did it now and not earlier. It has to be something in the locker room that happened.

I think they didn’t want to risk an injury because then his contract becomes guaranteed for next year.


The Labeled One
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Holy crap, this is strange timing.
Not really....if you suck....and there is no room on this boat to the Super Bowl. About damn time you see some accountability in Dallas...Thank you Dan Quinn for seeing what was obvious...and seeing it through.


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I bet he really is "pissed off" now, LOL. Jaylon said this while trying to fire up the team during the pregame activities of the Eagles game. And again he was in the middle of the huddle trying to fire up the team during the pregame activities of the Panthers game... this time w/o a mic. Did his release come out of the blue for Jaylon or did he have some warning? The Cowboys were trying to trade him but got no takers so as to not be responsible for his contract in 2022 if he gets injured, they just let him go. A move that confirms his contribution to the team was no longer outweighing the burden of his contract. In layman terms, the turd got flushed.