News: Damontae Kazee Arrested


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wheres the facts ?

  • bac?
  • first offense? repeat offender?
  • where the real story not some tweets and pieces of the initial story.
until we have them get real...this isnt a big deal until it spinning out of control before one piece of evidence is posted.:facepalm::angry::popcorn:

facts? We shoot first and ask questions later in the CowboyZone


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Pulled over for DWI at 3AM on a Tuesday morning????? WTH is with these idiots? Good thing he was only signed to a 1-year deal but nice to see the Dallas tradition of idiots is alive and well.


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Of course they can afford Lyft/Uber. But they also probably own the car they have been dreaming about driving since they were a little kid.. and sometimes they just wanna go take that baby out for a spin.. I'm not condoning his choice.. Hell I don't even drink.. I think putting poison in your body is a stupid thing to do anyway but what the hell, a billion people probably took a drink while I typed this. I'm really just cautioning against acting like the guy is Charles Manson because he blew a .08 ...
Take the car out during the day for a ride. I just don’t understand taking a risk when you’re a starter on a professional team. That’s like me smoking pot and jeopardizing my security clearance.


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more snaps for malik hooker or donovan wilson.
jayron kearse has the other side.
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so what if his BAC is under .08 maybe .05 and the LEO made mistake..dont say it doesn't happen..lets let the facts come our and arrest is NOT a conviction...

I was in fact arrested for dui took 3 months for the blood to come back and guess what, IT was ZERO 0.0000000000000 got it..

so just because PO says he dont pass a Field sobriety test doesnt mean he knows for fact its called suspicion of a DUI until proven otherwise..

didnt we just have some semi famous person a woman on FB story arrested for this and they were 100% wrong..i believe so..

"Kazee was pulled over for a traffic violation shortly after 3 a.m. and told the officer that he had been drinking. He reportedly failed a field sobriety test and was detained."

The fact he admitted to drinking and driving regardless of BAC is reason enough to suspend him.


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No doubt that drunk driving is wrong. But at the end of the day he is still just a young guy and young guys make mistakes. I know that if I got the boot for every wrong thing I ever did when I was a kid I wouldnt have a rear end left TO BOOT. I strongly suspect much the same can be said for just about all of us here. I think we should all remember what we were when we too were young and try to not judge too harshly.
Sadly, the first thing I thought of was at least he didn't have a loaded unregistered weapon on his lap or a bag of white powder or green leaf in the console or a 15 year old women with a black eye crying in the seat next to him. With all that happens these days esp. with young athletes, he's probably looking at nothing but a hand slap. DWI is nothing to sweep under the rug. In my younger days, I was guilty of this more than I would like to admit and dodged a lot of bullets in the process. Now, I'm so conditioned to give my keys up or ask anyone to call a ride, there's not even a choice in the matter. It was a dumb move on his end and hopefully his last bad decision.


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The Policy on Substances of Abuse allows for a 5 game suspension for a DUI.

Recently, the League has been allowing the Justice system to run its course before suspending players. If that trend continues, he likely won't face suspension this season. Depends on how quickly these matters are adjudicated in the County the arrest took place.


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Really let the team down man. Wilson / Hooker's time to shine
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so what if his BAC is under .08 maybe .05 and the LEO made mistake..dont say it doesn't happen..lets let the facts come our and arrest is NOT a conviction...

I was in fact arrested for dui took 3 months for the blood to come back and guess what, IT was ZERO 0.0000000000000 got it..

so just because PO says he dont pass a Field sobriety test doesnt mean he knows for fact its called suspicion of a DUI until proven otherwise..

didnt we just have some semi famous person a woman on FB story arrested for this and they were 100% wrong..i believe so..
Ummmmmm, when did even talk about Kazee in my post? I was responding to the "it could happen to anybody" terrible, terrible take.

But to address Kazee situation directly, if he comes back with a 0.0000000 (whatever) breathalyzer, then good for him. No harm no foul. Stuff happens.

But if he blew anything close to the legal limit, it was still a bad decision that is inexcusable even if we was not "legally impaired". Doesn't mean he should be thrown off the edge of the world, but he should face the consequences for his actions and hopefully he learns from it.

I'm just not a fan for making any excuse that "normalizes" DWI.

Feel free to disagree, but we won't ever agree if your take is DWI happens all the time and it's fine.