Member Appreciation Thread -- trickblue

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I thought it would be great to every so often recognize members of our community who have contributed something extra special to CowboysZone so that everyone can show their appreciation for how that person has helped this community.

The first person I would like to recognize is .. @trickblue

trickblue was an original member here and was also a moderator for a long time. While we could say that about other members, what makes trickblue's contribution to this community even more special is something he did long ago that we all still benefit from today.

trickblue is the one who came up with the idea of making animated Cowboys emojis (emoticons back in the day) and made several of them for the community to use.

So every time you see any of these ...

.. and possibly other emojis used on this site, you can thank @trickblue for making that possible!

Thank you, trickblue!!


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I thought it would be great to every so often recognize members of our community who have contributed something extra special to CowboysZone so that everyone can show their appreciation for how that person has helped this community.

The first person I would like to recognize is .. @trickblue

trickblue was an original member here and was also a moderator for a long time. While we could say that about other members, what makes trickblue's contribution to this community even more special is something he did long ago that we all still benefit from today.

trickblue is the one who came up with the idea of making animated Cowboys emojis (emoticons back in the day) and made several of them for the community to use.

So every time you see any of these ...

.. and possibly other emojis used on this site, you can thank @trickblue for making that possible!

Thank you, trickblue!!

A fantastic idea.

And I echo the sentiment, thank you @trickblue !

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