News: DC: Jerry Jones: Odd To See Rules Reward 'Bad Plays'

Reverend Conehead

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Jerry is totally correct for once. The special teams went all out for a block, got it and ended up with he offense getting a first down? Bull****.

He's totally right. I'm not slamming the refs because they correctly applied the rule the way it is now. You wouldn't want to ask them to change a rule on the fly. So, they did the right thing. I'm talking about following seasons. I think Jerry is talking about it being a bad rule, one that they should consider changing for next season. I agree with him. There are plenty of rules I'm glad they changed, for example, allowing the use of instant replays to correct bad calls. It also used to be that if the defense tipped a ball, the offense was not allowed to catch that ball. They changed that rule some time back, and the game is better for it, IMO. They also moved the goal post back to avoid players running into it -- another good change. The league has made some good rule changes (and some bad ones which I won't go into). But this change to require a team who's punt was blocked and has recovered it to advance past the first down marker to keep possession -- that would be another rule change that would improve the game. A lot of fans have been saying the same thing -- looks like Jerry agrees with us.

Reverend Conehead

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a block punt that hits a defensive player should just be dead on the spot.

That would work too. My thought was that the punting team could keep possession if the player recovered and advanced past the first-down marker. But your idea would make things simpler and maybe avoid some injuries. Not a bad idea.


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Don’t love a punt that was blocked then being considered a muff. I understand the rules and know it was a technicality but it’s a bad one.

of course it was 30-0 at one point so I’m not blaming the refs.
Except at that point it was 16-0 and the opening drive of the 2nd half. It would’ve been a huge momentum boost. Of course there was no guarantee the Cowboys score a TD there given the way the 2 teams were playing, but it would’ve been a different game had they. I knew at that point it just wasn’t our day.


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a block punt that hits a defensive player should just be dead on the spot.
If it hits a D player first, the O can try to advance it, and they get the ball no matter what, even if they muff it.

In this case, the O player hit the ball. Muffed punt return. Easy call.


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and the Cowboys touched it, possession changed to Dallas

Where else in the game is simply touching the ball equal to "possession"?

One team made a conscious decision to surrender possession via a punt. They should have to make a play of some sort to overcome that.

They shouldn't be rewarded for not even being able to surrender the possession via a successful punt.


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Catch the frickin' ball.

Listen, guys, as soon as the ball went past the LOS, it was a punt. The punt was muffed. Anyone can now recover it.

Basic stuff.

A blocked punt is about as easy to catch as lightning. That thing was twisting and twirling like a helicopter with a broken tail rotor. The smart play would have been to get out of the way but it happened so fast instinct said "grab the ball!" I don't blame Wright for missing that one. I do think it's a stupid rule that a team can get a first down without getting a first down.. but now that everyone knows this rule I think it's just a matter of time before someone devises a direct hit punting technique that basically whacks a defender upside the head and bounces so the offense can have a shot at the ball. And as soon as someone perfects it they will change the rule..


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'd say there is a 99% chance that rule (which makes no sense) gets changed in the off season.

Reverend Conehead

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A blocked punt is about as easy to catch as lightning. That thing was twisting and twirling like a helicopter with a broken tail rotor. The smart play would have been to get out of the way but it happened so fast instinct said "grab the ball!" I don't blame Wright for missing that one. I do think it's a stupid rule that a team can get a first down without getting a first down.. but now that everyone knows this rule I think it's just a matter of time before someone devises a direct hit punting technique that basically whacks a defender upside the head and bounces so the offense can have a shot at the ball. And as soon as someone perfects it they will change the rule..

Are you for reviewing this rule in the offseason? I am. IMO, they should at the very least consider a change. They can debate more than one possible rule change and then decide whether to change it.


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This might be one of the most idiotic statements that can be made. If you want the stadium full of Cowboys fans, and you are a Cowboys fan, but a ticket and cheer.

I have owned season tickets for close to 20 years. I go to the games when I can. When I can’t I sell them online. I have no idea who is buying the ticket. I do not get to ask them are you a Cowboys fan and reject them if they are a fan of the opposing team.

But even if I did, I would sell it to the highest bidder. If you want to be benevolent, buy yourself a bunch of tickets and give them to Cowboys fans.

Exactly, what the hell do they expect Jerry to do? People pay a lot of money to be season ticket holders. If they want to sell tickets that is completely their prerogative. Everyone can't make it to every game and some people just need to recoup some of the expense.


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It seems to me a reasonable change would be, if the defensive player touches the ball beyond the line of scrimmage, the offense can recover and try to advance the ball; however, they have to advance beyond that needed for the 1st down in order to retain possession.

Under the above scenario, Dallas would’ve been awarded possession in the Denver game since Denver didn't advance it enough for a 1st down. And Dallas would’ve still lost possession on the Leon Lett play because that occurred beyond the needed 1st down marker.

it was like a muff punt - he shouldnt have touched it


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That’s the first time I’ve seen that rule in play. Trying to figure out why. I haven’t really heard a good explanation.


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Exactly, what the hell do they expect Jerry to do? People pay a lot of money to be season ticket holders. If they want to sell tickets that is completely their prerogative. Everyone can't make it to every game and some people just need to recoup some of the expense.
I think there’s probably more at play here when we have consistently tens of thousand season tickets holders brokering their seats out.

Are there any other venues around the league with these kind of numbers or just Cowboy fans who can’t make all of their home games trying to recoup their expenses ?


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If the defense can return a blocked punt for a touchdown, then the offense should be allow to try to pick up a first down. The only problem is they didn't get a first down off of the block. So it should have been a turnover on downs, Dallas' ball.
agreed that the bad part of the rule.

It shouldn't be a change of possession if no true possession was changed, it was their ball to begin with and never possessed by dallas like wright catching and running then fumbling, it grazing our player would not be deemed change of possession, so unless the ball travels past the original first down marker and then picked up by the offset and possessed should be treated like 4th down play say 4-6 and they got 5 on a fake or bad snap that was moved forward..still first down for the other team.

why is dallas always part of oddball rule and then later the rule adjusted, will be knows as the wright rule if adjusted lmao..didn't help us in those games but well we are forever famous for many rule changes..


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a block punt that hits a defensive player should just be dead on the spot.
So, if there's a punt and the defense just barely tips the ball, and it still travels 35 yards down the field, it should just be dead where it was tipped? Or dead where it was touched 35 yards down the field? No return?

How about...just don't drop the ball?


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agreed that the bad part of the rule.

It shouldn't be a change of possession if no true possession was changed, it was their ball to begin with and never possessed by dallas like wright catching and running then fumbling, it grazing our player would not be deemed change of possession, so unless the ball travels past the original first down marker and then picked up by the offset and possessed should be treated like 4th down play say 4-6 and they got 5 on a fake or bad snap that was moved forward..still first down for the other team.

why is dallas always part of oddball rule and then later the rule adjusted, will be knows as the wright rule if adjusted lmao..didn't help us in those games but well we are forever famous for many rule changes..
Actually, if it did graze a player on the return team, beyond the line of scrimmage, it is deemed a live ball/change of possession.

That's exactly what was ruled (not a graze, but a touch to be precise).

Just like any other muffed punt.

I've seen this happen before in a Chiefs game many years ago, so it's not like it's the first time. It's just rare.


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a block punt that hits a defensive player should just be dead on the spot.

I actually think this is a good idea. Obviously if the blocked punt is behind the line of scrimmage then it should be treated as a fumble that either team can advance.

A blocked field goal that goes past the line of scrimmage should stay the same as there’s a difference between the two plays (there aren’t players running downfield on a field goal like there are on a punt).

For everyone that keeps explaining the rule that it’s the same as a muffed punt by the returner: We know the rule, we just think it should be changed. Also, do you not see the difference between a punt returner who has plenty of time to decide whether he wants to catch the ball or wave people away from it and who has the opportunity to catch it cleanly compared to a player that has a deflection unexpectedly bounce right at him?


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Are you for reviewing this rule in the offseason? I am. IMO, they should at the very least consider a change. They can debate more than one possible rule change and then decide whether to change it.

Oh I absolutely think the rule should be changed. At least to the point that it forces the recovering offensive team to make the first down with the recovery or they don't get the ball back. The receiving team should have to have possession for it to be considered a turnover. Frankly to me if the ball doesn't hit the ground it's just a tipped pass and should be treated as such. The only difference is the limb used to send the ball..


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I think there’s probably more at play here when we have consistently tens of thousand season tickets holders brokering their seats out.

Are there any other venues around the league with these kind of numbers or just Cowboy fans who can’t make all of their home games trying to recoup their expenses ?

Ticket costs:
1. Las Vegas Raiders: $153.47

2. San Francisco 49ers: $139.71

3. New England Patriots: $131.45

4. Green Bay Packers: $128.93

5. Philadelphia Eagles: $127.06

6. Chicago Bears: $122.90

7. Houston Texans: $118.07

8. Seattle Seahawks: $117.86

9. New York Giants: $115.31

I haven’t a clue about licensing cost around the league. I know its quite expensive in Dallas though.

Other teams around the league have similarities. Look at how well we travel in LA for example. We've had massive road crowds. That doesn't happen if seats aren't sold after market.