The blame Dak mega Merge thread

America's Cowboy

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There isnt a QB on the planet that wins games with Oline and receiver play like that.

You can blame the QB all you want. Thats what fans do that dont understand football. If Dak lost the game, I would have no problem saying he did. The fact that you talk about nothing but the QB with all the other issues shows your agenda.


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Every QB has WR's drop passes. It doesn't matter if people are open or not. You got a clock in your head. Make your reads and get rid of it, throw it away. If you can't do that, you're holding it too long.

Now way buddy. QB's dont have WR's drop passes like that every week. And certainly Brady and Rogers dont have to deal with Oline penalties like that every week.


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I believe in him racking up big stats in the biggest of games when it’s too little, too late.
But stinking up until tat point

Gangsta Spanksta

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The fumbled hike was early in Romo's career, not after year 6. For gosh sakes, why keep bringing Romo up? Dak was terrible tonight as was the entire offense.
I bring it up because the Romo haters on this board like to say that Romo was not Clutch but Dak is and that Romo Chokes while Dak does not. I'm pointing out the reality that they can't make that claim anymore. And it becomes laughable when they start trying to blame Dak Team mates while maintaining that Dak did everything he should've done.


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Dak is the equivalent of a Acura in the NFL QB world.

Reliable and better than the average Camrys and Accords but he sure as hell isn’t a Mercedes or even a Lexus :facepalm:


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I would have taken Carr, Cousins and even Jimmy over Dak for this game

Dak is not even in the same galaxy as Carr. Carr has played under a garbage franchise, with multiple coaches and no consistency. This organization has catered everything to Dak for six years, with all-pro linemen and the same offensive coaching. Jerry had tried to give this man stability in every respect.


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So now it was the Refs fault for coming in and tackling everyone, instead of Dak's for not handing it to the Refs as the announcers pointed out he should've done. That was his Romo Seattle Moment, or McNabb not knowing there were ties in the NFL moment. That was full out choke and something fans of other teams are going to bring up to rub the salt into our wounds for years to come. Dak also had plenty of other bad moments that you would like us not to remember like horribly overthrown balls in critical moments. Dak does not elevate those around him, he is effected by the same calamities as his team mates.

NO it was one of the dumbest play calls I have EVER seen. I just thought it was hilarious that the ref came in and blew the play up like that. It was a fitting end.

The funny part is you acting like Dak was the one that called the play. Its shows your agenda. Comments like that destroy what little credibility you have.

Just look at your MO. The entire team plays like garbage and all you want to do is talk about Dak. Your just a troll buddy. Dime a dozen.

Dak didnt play well no doubt, but did he really have a chance to tonight? The Oline gave this offense no chance tonight.


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Good lord. You're right. Nothing was Dak's fault. Everything was on someone else. No other team in the league commits penalties either.

You are correct. No other team commits penalties like the Cowboys. #1 in the NFL actually.

Just broke the Cowboys record for penalties in the playoffs. True story.

As far as nothing being Dak's fault, those are your words, not mine.


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Dak isn't good enough to overcome a bunch of offensive penalties, the defense isn't good enough overcome a poor offensive play, and the offense and defense player talent is high enough to uplift what is average coaching. One and done again. Don't get me started on Jerruh and son.