Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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Jerry is denying he’s her biological father. It’s going to be interesting to see if he’s willing to take a paternity test to prove it.
Do not try and speak logically about this situation. We want to tar and feather the guy. Only we can make mistakes in our lives and not be judged.

i dont want to judge him or tar and feather him, i just want him gone by any means possible at this point.
Jerry is denying he’s her biological father. It’s going to be interesting to see if he’s willing to take a paternity test to prove it.
LOL, right... he paid all that money and set up those trusts for a girl that isn't his.
What does all this mean? Well Mrs Jones (Jean or Gene however you choose to print it) will get to go shopping and buy lots more art work and stuff. Fat Stevie, Jr and little Charlotte will be reassured that this will have nothing to do with the trust funds and inheritances. Jerry's lawyers will receive a windfall. Ms Davis will get paid handsomely. And Jerry will have a couple (or more) very stiff drinks and forget it all. The man has no shame.
Jerry is denying he’s her biological father. It’s going to be interesting to see if he’s willing to take a paternity test to prove it.
Didn't they say the cheerleader dressing room and war room incidents didn't happen...... but paid 2.4M anyway?

How does he know he's not her father? He paid the woman so it's obvious they had a thing going at one time. Would have been a simple thing to have a paternity test back then and paid her nothing.

It seems with the Cowboys and this family that there is always some kind of fire under the smoke and they're up to a 4 alarm so far this off season. And very little of it to do with the game of football.
Didn't they say the cheerleader dressing room and war room incidents didn't happen...... but paid 2.4M anyway?

How does he know he's not her father? He paid the woman so it's obvious they had a thing going at one time. Would have been a simple thing to have a paternity test back then and paid her nothing.

It seems with the Cowboys and this family that there is always some kind of fire under the smoke and they're up to a 4 alarm so far this off season. And very little of it to do with the game of football.

He paid the woman but he was married so that can be used as an excuse to keep the relationship quiet. You can have all the evidence in the world but it’s ultimately going come down to DNA.
Do not try and speak logically about this situation. We want to tar and feather the guy. Only we can make mistakes in our lives and not be judged.

You're not speaking logically. You have an opinion like everyone else.

You proudly put money in Jerry's pockets every year. You don't question anything he does - those are your prerogatives.

Having seen first hand what happens to kids whose fathers abandon them my opinion is different than yours. Writing a big check doesn't make it all better.
I am not going crazy, he's worth over 8B and if she is his biological daughter, she is due. He sent his other daughter to an Ivy League school and gave her a job doing God knows what except posing as an upskirt model at drafts.
Do you understand what a trust fund is?
The kind of person he is? Look, I don’t wanna defend the guy—he’s a greedy, drunken, obscenely wealthy attentionwhore who is most responsible for our team’s 26 year drought of SB titles. But think about it. Imagine yourself, young, powerful, insanely rich, surrounded by beautiful women willing to do anything, and you give in. Bam, the girl’s pregnant. What do you do? What’s the right thing, the number one priority? Provide for the kid?

He wasn't providing for the kid. He gave her mom hush money for a non-disclosure agreement. Writing a check in exchange for anonymity is what rich guys do when they're more concerned with their own image than any people impacted by their actions.

So yeah, it tells me a lot about what kind of man he is. He didn't take responsibility for anything. He took action to hide his mistake. His number one priority was covering his own backside. Best of luck, kid. Just hope your mom keeps her mouth shut.
Can't argue with that. The mother knows a rich horny toad, when she sees one. Being the lowlife he is, Jones made it easy for her.

Being a flight attendant she could’ve also been fooling around with other men at the same time she was seeing Jerry. She might not be sure who the father is but naturally she’s going to claim it’s his to get money. It could very well be Jerry’s daughter but it’s going to take a DNA test to verify it.
Good thing she did not try to meet him herself ....... She is a pretty girl and he probably would have started groping her before she could tell him she is his daughter.
Of course.

However, this was referring to the agreement signed. She was a minor at the time, so the agreement would not cover her ability to go after Jerry.
From what I read, the NDA simply said they would stay quiet about Jerry being the father..... thats it. We have no clue what financial agreement Jerry made. Did Jerry agree to support her for life? or only up to age 26? The payment plan I saw reported showed a lump sum payment on birthday 22,24 and 26. Does that mean all moneys then stop flowing? If so, that means her last little payment is approaching.... which would be perfect timing for her coming forward now.
Good thing she did not try to meet him herself ....... She is a pretty girl and he probably would have started groping her before she could tell him she is his daughter.
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