My worst days as a Cowboys Fan


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
  • The worst days in my life as a sports fan:
    • Bears 44, Cowboys 0.
    • Erik Williams car wreck.
    • Romo stopped short of the goalline after the botched snap.
    • The Patrick Crayton Drop.
    • Keeping Doug Free and letting Parnell sign with Jacksonville. ;)
    • Travis Frederick retiring.
  • The worst things not directly involving the Cowboys:
    • Eli winning 2 Super Bowls.
    • Tom Brady being born.


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1) Hearing Jimmy Johnson was leaving.

2) Micheal Irvin career ending injury.

3) Dwight Clark in the back of the endzone.

4) Not drafting Aaron Rodgers.

5) Watching the Rams run for 200 yards in a playoff game.

6) The Dez caught it debacle.

7) Romo bobbles the snap.

8) Losing to Detroit in the 1991 playoffs.

9) Bill Parcells leaving.

10) Holding on to Garrett for so long.


Put Niland and Green in the ROH
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I was living in Champaign, Illinois when that Bear disaster took place. It was brutal. Surrounded by Bears fans with no Cowboys friends around. Plus, the Bears went on to win the Super Bowl and there was all of that "Super Bowl" shuffle stuff. I forget why, but before a playoff game the team stayed at a hotel connected to a mall two blocks from my apartment. Bears crawling all over the place. I was in hell.
My list:
1. January 31, 1967 The Ice Bowl
2. Each of the great Cleveland disaster playoff losses in 1968 and 1969. Brutal losses with a long off-season that followed. Back then the league did this stupid thing where the two first round losers played in "The Playoff Bowl", which was, of course meaningless. Dallas after getting embarrassed by the Browns again in the real playoffs got destroyed by the Rams in the Playoff Bowl 31-0. It was physically painful. I had to leave the house during the game because it was so painful to sit through.
3. Super Bowl V We was robbed.
4. Ninth game of the regular season in 1970. In what seemed like a must win Monday night game against the Cardinals Dallas imploded 38-0 Horrible to live through. Miraculously, Dallas, lead by a truly great defense, didn't lose another game until Super Bowl V.
5. Landry's firing.
6. Staubach's retirement.
7. The day Tom Landry died.
8. *Edit* The Dwight Clark catch.
And these aren't single events, but:
8. The Dave Campo years.
9. Watching that clown Barry Switzer stain the sidelines where Landry once walked.
10. A long list of Jason Garret failings, lead by the time that he iced his own kicker. I just sat there stunned for an hour saying over and over again "he iced his own kicker."


Put Niland and Green in the ROH
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1) Hearing Jimmy Johnson was leaving.

2) Micheal Irvin career ending injury.

3) Dwight Clark in the back of the endzone.

4) Not drafting Aaron Rodgers.

5) Watching the Rams run for 200 yards in a playoff game.

6) The Dez caught it debacle.

7) Romo bobbles the snap.

8) Losing to Detroit in the 1991 playoffs.

9) Bill Parcells leaving.

10) Holding on to Garrett for so long.
Oh, good one. The Dwight Clark catch. And getting to relive it a thousand times for years after on replays.


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Dacade+ of this goofball and the genius who kept him employed



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Stuff happens.....if you let a game make such an impact, how will you react when it happens to you or a family member? It's a game.....enjoy it...
This thread is not about how the game impacts someone's personal life. Its about the mishappings of a team we all love. This website was designed for us to share our thoughts and opinions with one another, so stop snarling and enjoy CowboysZone for what it is.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This thread is not about how the game impacts someone's personal life. Its about the mishappings of a team we all love. This website was designed for us to share our thoughts and opinions with one another, so stop snarling and enjoy CowboysZone for what it is.
We all enjoy it in our own way....if you don't like my way, then don't put your nose where it doesn't belong. Shoo fly!!!


Well-Known Member
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  • The worst days in my life as a sports fan:
    • Bears 44, Cowboys 0.
    • Erik Williams car wreck.
    • Romo stopped short of the goalline after the botched snap.
    • The Patrick Crayton Drop.
    • Keeping Doug Free and letting Parnell sign with Jacksonville. ;)
    • Travis Frederick retiring.
  • The worst things not directly involving the Cowboys:
    • Eli winning 2 Super Bowls.
    • Tom Brady being born.
Interestingly enough that bears 44-0 game was the first I remember actaully sitting down and paying attention to, I remember walking into 7-11 the next week and seeing the SI cover with some bear yanking on the sorry cowboy qb.

eagles 44-6
Skids Roy William personal foul face mask to give them another shot at winning
Dez non catch
A A Ron sideline toss to win playoff game
Bills crushing Dallas on turkey day
9ers playoff loss this past season
And finally ANY loss to the donkeys. Ima be such an *** when we finally beat them


Well-Known Member
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  • The worst days in my life as a sports fan:
    • Bears 44, Cowboys 0.
    • Erik Williams car wreck.
    • Romo stopped short of the goalline after the botched snap.
    • The Patrick Crayton Drop.
    • Keeping Doug Free and letting Parnell sign with Jacksonville. ;)
    • Travis Frederick retiring.
  • The worst things not directly involving the Cowboys:
    • Eli winning 2 Super Bowls.
    • Tom Brady being born.
I can't think of anything that tops walking out of the stadium in Houston, opening day 2002, and the crap I was enduring.

Tough to have any comeback when it's their first game ever.


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No, that was my paycheck...I still stay up at night second guessing myself. I had a great career, but losing to the number one team in the state Because of an inadvertent whistle still haunts me.
That's what I was getting at coach. I think that type of life experience allows you to let go of Cowboys disappointment easier than many others.

After your livelihood depending on this game, I can see how you can enjoy it much more once that's no longer the case.

It's all a matter of perspective. What it means within anyone's life. One thing I do know as a fan, losing hurts way more than winning feels great...if that makes any sense.

In the end, it's just entertainment but I can fully see how people could get lost within that one way or another.