Canadian Wildfires


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So, I am sure a lot of you are probably aware of this, but there are wildfires going on in Canada. A lot of us on the East Coast (in which, I include Ohio as I live in Cleveland, a meere 8 hours or so from NJ and about 3 hours from Buffalo, NY) and even as far west as Detroit, Minnesota, and Chicago are dealing with smoke and haze. The sun when it's been setting since Saturday has looked as red as an apple. Anyone else been dealing with any of this?


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We deal with it every year in the Mountain West. Mostly to a lesser degree than this, but basically all of August and much of September we'll have stretches where you can't smell anything but fire and the air quality is horrible. I have a coworker who moved here after he lost his house in the California fire that basically destroyed an entire town a few years ago. He still owns the lot and has had to maintain it by removing debris and whatnot, but he said it basically destroyed everything there.


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So, I am sure a lot of you are probably aware of this, but there are wildfires going on in Canada. A lot of us on the East Coast (in which, I include Ohio as I live in Cleveland, a meere 8 hours or so from NJ and about 3 hours from Buffalo, NY) and even as far west as Detroit, Minnesota, and Chicago are dealing with smoke and haze. The sun when it's been setting since Saturday has looked as red as an apple. Anyone else been dealing with any of this?
Yeah, I am here in NJ and I can't even see the sun. I see an orange haze. It looks really cool. I'm on vacation so I'm not even letting it bother me and I have asthma. I'm not under the bed or with the sheets over my head. It hasn't bothered me in the slightest.

Our Air Quality index is 216 right now. That's not good. I'd imagine lengthy exposure to that can become a serious issue. But for a day or two, I'm not going to worry about it. I've been out, and doing some yard work with some of my new toys. I'm not having any problems.


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We deal with it every year in the Mountain West. Mostly to a lesser degree than this, but basically all of August and much of September we'll have stretches where you can't smell anything but fire and the air quality is horrible. I have a coworker who moved here after he lost his house in the California fire that basically destroyed an entire town a few years ago. He still owns the lot and has had to maintain it by removing debris and whatnot, but he said it basically destroyed everything there.

Fur sure, and it's awful seeing the images and stuff coming out from wildfires. I have an aunt in SoCal, and she's had a few occasions where some fires were on the lower side of the mountain area she lives on. Some of the pics looked quite scary. Also, I've got a friend in Australia who showed me pics a few years ago from some of the fires there.


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Yeah, I am here in NJ and I can't even see the sun. I see an orange haze. It looks really cool. I'm on vacation so I'm not even letting it bother me and I have asthma. I'm not under the bed or with the sheets over my head. It hasn't bothered me in the slightest.

Our Air Quality index is 216 right now. That's not good. I'd imagine lengthy exposure to that can become a serious issue. But for a day or two, I'm not going to worry about it. I've been out, and doing some yard work with some of my new toys. I'm not having any problems.

Yes, I've heard that in NY, if you breathe the outside air, it's like smoking 6 cigarettes.


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I am in NJ too and the smell and haze has been awful. Yesterday was the worst. There was actually a visible smoky haze in the trees here. It was pretty awful. Today it is a bit better. You can still smell it but the sun is a bit brighter and the haze is a lot less. It has also been unusually cool up here for this time of year, possibly from the haze blocking the sun? I cannot wait for the real summer to arrive.

I read there is a large and slow moving low pressure area above New England moving west but the counter-clockwise winds are pulling the smoke down from Canada over the East coast. Once that LP area leaves we should see some clearing. It just shows how massive nature is and how puny we are to stop what nature brings on us.


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Fur sure, and it's awful seeing the images and stuff coming out from wildfires. I have an aunt in SoCal, and she's had a few occasions where some fires were on the lower side of the mountain area she lives on. Some of the pics looked quite scary. Also, I've got a friend in Australia who showed me pics a few years ago from some of the fires there.
Pretty sure this is the fire my coworker endured. Obviously, this isn't him but it's the same one in Paradise, CA.

That clearing at the end had to be so awesome to see.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I'm in Connecticut, and it's not too bad, but a bit hazy. My boss just text all of us drivers, to see if anyone is willing to go to NYC or Long Island tomorrow.
One of our guys is driving on the Long Island Expressway as I write this, and just said the closer he gets to NYC, the more he feels it in his throat...and that's through the AC and filter in the truck.


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Pretty sure this is the fire my coworker endured. Obviously, this isn't him but it's the same one in Paradise, CA.

That clearing at the end had to be so awesome to see.

Yikes, and yeah, seeing the end of that where it clears up must have been a wonderful sight to see. To know that the escapee is finally safe.


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I'm in Connecticut, and it's not too bad, but a bit hazy. My boss just text all of us drivers, to see if anyone is willing to go to NYC or Long Island tomorrow.
One of our guys is driving on the Long Island Expressway as I write this, and just said the closer he gets to NYC, the more he feels it in his throat.

Yeah, it seems, I presume, due to the wind, that it's mainly affecting areas between NYC and Chicago. I'm stuck pretty much right in the middle of those two in Cleveland. It's cloudy outside, as it supposed to be, but there's clearly smoke in the air too, and, as stated, the sunsets have been amazing to witness lately. We're supposed to get some rain next week so, assuming it's not acidic, we should hopefully be able to have some clear out (and hopefully, the rain will help put out some of the fires).


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That cracks me up. I smoke 6 cigarettes in 15 minutes. People need to stop being cats. It never got as bad where I am as NYC. I'm much further south. But damn, a whole 6 cigarettes? Good Lord.
Do people in NYC have any idea what they are breathing just walking down the streets? Busses emit a black particulate into the atmosphere that coats everything. People breath that in constantly. The same is true with car and taxi exhaust.


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Crazy the smoke is now blowing back on all of you back East now. It was looming over Boise for about a week or so and then it cleared out. We're used to it back here though. Fire season is a real thing here. It fits in regularly like the rest of the seasons. In fact, The National Interagency Fire Center is headquartered in Boise. It's a bit unusual that they are this on fire already though, as the more major fire season is usually a bit later into the summer. Either way, I hate to see it and hope they can contain it and that everybody stays safe.


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We deal with it every year in the Mountain West. Mostly to a lesser degree than this, but basically all of August and much of September we'll have stretches where you can't smell anything but fire and the air quality is horrible. I have a coworker who moved here after he lost his house in the California fire that basically destroyed an entire town a few years ago. He still owns the lot and has had to maintain it by removing debris and whatnot, but he said it basically destroyed everything there.
I was in montana during one of those big california fires. It was a strange feeling to walk outside and be able to look at the sun. It was the same size as a full moon but a different color


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Do people in NYC have any idea what they are breathing just walking down the streets? Busses emit a black particulate into the atmosphere that coats everything. People breath that in constantly. The same is true with car and taxi exhaust.
I guess there's no need to wear a mask for that. But 9 out of 10 will wear a mask outdoors.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Does it burn your eyes
Does it automatically make you want to cover your mouth and nose
Does it burn when you breath in
Does it make you cough
It is making your clothes stink and become visibly dirt

I would say that it is not good for you if the answer to any above is yes,
If the answer is no to all of the above, ignore health warnings as your a bad arse.

Also...I know some Canadians. This is just some kind of crap they would pull to try and make our true North America people suffer.