Greece & Egypt Travel


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My 4 targets a few years ago.

Now I'm on

Rome - Did it a few times.
Athens - Going in December
Egypt - Going in December
Israel - Did it in March

Booked a sweet place right outside the Pyramids of Giza for 3 nights, probably not enough time but i added it to the itinerary just last night.

I like to Travel in December/Holidays, will miss 4 Cowboy's games but that's how it goes, I'm used to it now.

Has anyone done Athens and or Cairo?




Well-Known Member
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My 4 targets a few years ago.

Now I'm on

Rome - Did it a few times.
Athens - Going in December
Egypt - Going in December
Israel - Did it in March

Booked a sweet place right outside the Pyramids of Giza for 3 nights, probably not enough time but i added it to the itinerary just last night.

I like to Travel in December/Holidays, will miss 4 Cowboy's games but that's how it goes, I'm used to it now.

Has anyone done Athens and or Cairo?


If I had the ability, there would be a little holiday inn sign and a door in one of the dunes by the people walking towards the pyramids


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Maybe you could use starlink to watch the cowboys games. I dont know about it, but I have heard people talk about using it


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Been to both places and both are absolutely amazing experiences if you have an interest in history

Regarding Egypt, just went last December. Perfect time to visit as temps feel 5-8 degrees warmer since its a desert. Shorts weather with need for occasional light jacket at night. People are very friendly. Lots of security around. Great great food. Youll have a blast


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Bumped from 2nd page, sorry but i always get crazy before i leave on long trips.

I'm ready for tomorrow night's game, i will miss the next two games after this one because of time zones and the itinerary will make it impossible for me. I will check the scores when i wake up the next mornings and post something on little to no info/highlights/box score. :huh:

I was looking at the schedule and i think i will be able to watch December 24th on my phone and maybe December 30, 31st for me 1:15AM start but nothing to wake up for early the next morning.

Athens, Giza, Paris, London!



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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I did 10 days in Egypt last year.

Half of that time was around Cairo and Giza and half was on a Nile river cruise in southern Egypt. The south is where a LOT of the history is. Luxor, Aswan, Abu Simbel, Valley of the Kings, etc. Don’t miss out on going down that way.
I even took a hot air balloon ride in Luxor.

It was a great trip. But be careful! My tour group had armed security with machine guns everywhere we went.

And the street vendors and shop owners are extremely persistent. They are the most obnoxious that I’ve ever seen in the world. They will hound you, say something is $1, put it in your hands or on your shoulder or head, and then demand that you give them much more than the agreed price. They can be relentless. Don’t talk to them or make eye contact unless you are truly interested in something.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I envy your travels.
Loved it as a young man but never got to go to Germany and the surrounding areas.

As far as the middle east. Only place in the middle east I would like to see is Egypt and just the areas of the pyramids and historical sites. Other than thank you to the middle east. And unlike someone else...I don't care what religion they have there.


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I did 10 days in Egypt last year.

Half of that time was around Cairo and Giza and half was on a Nile river cruise in southern Egypt. The south is where a LOT of the history is. Luxor, Aswan, Abu Simbel, Valley of the Kings, etc. Don’t miss out on going down that way.
I even took a hot air balloon ride in Luxor.

It was a great trip. But be careful! My tour group had armed security with machine guns everywhere we went.

And the street vendors and shop owners are extremely persistent. They are the most obnoxious that I’ve ever seen in the world. They will hound you, say something is $1, put it in your hands or on your shoulder or head, and then demand that you give them much more than the agreed price. They can be relentless. Don’t talk to them or make eye contact unless you are truly interested in something.
Only 3 nights in Egypt all in Giza. If I like it and go back I will try to get to Luxor. I’ve seen the Luxor site on TV, looks awesome.


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I'm not stepping foot in a Muslim country.
As someone who loves to travel and loves world history, it's freaking sad how many areas are off-limits now unless you want to take chances.

Wife and I are planning on digital nomad living in Spain next year, and we're right there next to all these places in the Mediterranean and the "Cradle of Civilization" but it seems like with the new conflicts in the Middle East, many of these areas are fool hardy to visit.

Love South and Central America too, but better make sure you know someone local you can trust, because kidnapping is a national past time in some of those countries.

Russia and especially China have some once-in-a-lifetime sights, but they will do whatever they want to foreigners in the wrong place at the wrong time.


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I envy your travels.
Loved it as a young man but never got to go to Germany and the surrounding areas.

As far as the middle east. Only place in the middle east I would like to see is Egypt and just the areas of the pyramids and historical sites. Other than thank you to the middle east. And unlike someone else...I don't care what religion they have there.
Agree. Other than Egypt I've never had a desire to see anything in the Middle East and like you I could care less about religion. If a country has to use heavy security to protect their tourists than I'm just not interested. I'll take a beach in the Caribbean and you can keep your world history thanks very much. That said, I hope Sarek has a great time and stays safe on his journeys.

The Fonz

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My next trip would be to South America mainly Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay