It wasn't bed bugs

Reverend Conehead

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You may remember my previous post in which I was frustrated about having been bitten up and down my arms and legs with bug bites. I thought they were bed bugs. Turns out, that's not the case. They were fleas. I have only one animal, a black and white cat. Her name is Rosie, and she's an indoor cat who does not interact with other animals. I figured that, because of that, she would not ever get fleas. Plus, I used to live in Denver, where the altitude and dry climate don't let fleas even survive. However, I had heard from a friend who works in pest control that bed bugs have made a resurgence, and so I thought it had to be that. However, when I threw out my bed (which I hated anyway), I inspected it thoroughly, there was absolutely no evidence of bed bugs. Then the man from the exterminator found no evidence of bed bugs. But something had bitten me!
So I put out these sticky traps to catch bugs. None got trapped in my bedroom. However, after about a week, I found a few bugs in the traps in my living room, where my cat often hangs out. They were tiny. I could only see them in detail with a magnifying glass. Then I looked up images of bed bugs, fleas, and ticks on the Internet. These did not resemble bed bugs or ticks at all. They looked like fleas.
So I treated my cat with this stuff called "Frontline Plus for Cats", and then I treated my whole place with this Ortho insecticide. I also have a fogger named "Hot Shot" that I was planning on using today, but I'm starting to think it may not be necessary. I haven't been bitten since I used those other methods. Plus, to bug bomb this place, I would have to disappear somewhere for several hours with my cat in the car, and it's snowing here. I think this might be enough. I gave her the Frontline treatment on the first of the month, and so I'll treat her with that again on the first of next month, just to keep the protection up.
In one since, getting bitten by those fleas was a blessing in disguise. I had no idea my cat had fleas. She didn't seem to be scratching herself a lot, and cats are unfortunately very good at hiding their suffering. So she was probably getting bitten, and was suffering, and I didn't know it. So, at least this alerted me that she needed my help. I don't know for sure how we ended up with fleas, but those little monsters are crafty. I did buy a used guitar amp, a used guitar, and a used boom box recently, so maybe they hitched a ride on one of those. They can also jump, so it could have been as simple as they jumped from one person and onto me at the grocery store. But I think they're all dead now. If they make a comeback, maybe I'll go ahead and bug bomb this place. I had a negative reaction to getting bit. I was short on breath until, at the urging of a friend, I took an antihistamine.
I hate these kind of bugs. It's a wakeup call to me to thoroughly inspect any hotel room, whether inexpensive or expensive, for bed bugs, fleas, and ticks. That's why I recommend to everyone to watch Youtube videos on how to inspect hotel rooms for these creepy crawlies. If you ever find a room with them, refuse to accept that room! Some of the Youtubers recommended accepting another room (after you inspect it), but I personally would demand my money back and would find another hotel.

I went through a flea infestation in late August with my indoor only cat. The fleas never bit me, but they did a number on her. Used the same Frontline for cats as well as oral medication, a fine tooth come to remove fleas and eggs, a similar insecticide spray and a few traps. None of that really helped. I had to rely on the Hot Shot bombs to really make a difference. That stuff is very effective, but a hassle of shutting down anything running on electricity, taking the cat away for a few hours, and then wiping everything down after bombing the place.
Fleas are nasty little critters and not easy to kill. I have indoor cats but they live in the cellar. What happens is if you have a yard and you go in it during spring and quickly go back inside the house without stomping your feet etc they will find the pet and multiply.

I use - Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade - on the cellar floor and let it sit for 4 or 5 days.
I use - Enforcer Flea Spray for Homes - everywhere else inside the house.
I spray the outside of the house mostly by the staircase with outdoor insect killer.
I spray the yard with outdoor lawn insect killer.

In 20 years i had them about 3 or 4 times. I've never gotten rid of them in one spraying, always takes a couple weeks of rinse and repeat, but they always die off if you keep at it.
Fleas are nasty little critters and not easy to kill. I have indoor cats but they live in the cellar. What happens is if you have a yard and you go in it during spring and quickly go back inside the house without stomping your feet etc they will find the pet and multiply.

I use - Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade - on the cellar floor and let it sit for 4 or 5 days.
I use - Enforcer Flea Spray for Homes - everywhere else inside the house.
I spray the outside of the house mostly by the staircase with outdoor insect killer.
I spray the yard with outdoor lawn insect killer.

In 20 years i had them about 3 or 4 times. I've never gotten rid of them in one spraying, always takes a couple weeks of rinse and repeat, but they always die off if you keep at it.
Thanks. I might have to end up bug bombing the place. I will if they come back. I've also considered having a vet take care of the flea infestation. However, it seems like that Frontline stuff has done the trick.
Thanks. I might have to end up bug bombing the place. I will if they come back. I've also considered having a vet take care of the flea infestation. However, it seems like that Frontline stuff has done the trick.
Getting the fleas off the cat is the easy part.

Killing the fleas in the house and vacuuming the possible larvae etc is the hard part.

Bombing never worked for me but i haven't tried that method in over a decade maybe it's better now.

I used to think my method wasn't working because they wouldn't all die in a day or two, I've learned that usually doesn't happen and to just keep at it and they will be gone in a like 2 to 3 weeks.

Would be good if you knew from where you brought the flea into the house and take care of that area outside, otherwise you might keep spraying inside and just keep bringing more fleas inside causing more delays in getting rid of them.
Getting the fleas off the cat is the easy part.

Killing the fleas in the house and vacuuming the possible larvae etc is the hard part.

Bombing never worked for me but i haven't tried that method in over a decade maybe it's better now.

I used to think my method wasn't working because they wouldn't all die in a day or two, I've learned that usually doesn't happen and to just keep at it and they will be gone in a like 2 to 3 weeks.

Would be good if you knew from where you brought the flea into the house and take care of that area outside, otherwise you might keep spraying inside and just keep bringing more fleas inside causing more delays in getting rid of them.
Great point. I could spray outside the apartment too. If I bug bomb, I also won't do only that. I'll spray this Ortho stuff throughout first, and then bug bomb.
My buddy's house got a bad flea infestation in high school. It was brutal hanging out at his house after school. Not fun. Glad you figured out what it was.
One problem is my vacuum cleaner (a Bissel, boo, hiss) is a piece of crap. It has good suction only if you're using the hose thing. The floor part has crap suction. I watched several Youtube videos on how to disassemble it and remove all the blockages, and that worked great ... for about 15 minutes. If I have to take my vacuum apart every 15 minutes, it's basically an unusable piece of junk. I want to get a Dyson V15. Reviews all over the Internet call it one of the best vacuums you can buy. But it ain't cheap. It's going for about $670 on Amazon right now. I'm debating just putting it on the credit card and being done with it. All the flea and bed bug pages say to vacuum thoroughly, but I can only do about a D-grade vacuuming job. Except for those first 15 minutes, this vacuum only picks stuff up and deposits it someplace else. I swear, I'm going to take a road trip all the way out to the Grand Canyon just to throw this vacuum in it. I hate it. But I hate the 4 most-recent vacuums I've owned. I've spent more than $670 on crappy vacuum cleaners. I'm starting to realize that a vacuum is just one of those things that you have to bite the bullet and pay a lot for a really good one.

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