The Pre-Season Uniform Thread No One Cares About!

I'm weird! The limited time I spend on a computer browser is spent on Cowboys Zone and - the greatest website ever created that is about nothing but sports aesthetics; uniforms, helmets, field designs, etc. As a die-hard Cowboys fan and uniform enthusiast, I anxiously await the time of year when Todd Archer posts the navy, throwback, and color rush games so I can get excited about seeing the best uniforms in pro sports (the navy jersey uniform) the 2, maybe 3 times a year we get lucky enough to see something other than the home whites.

I haven't found anything this year yet, so I'm curious if anyone knows when we're wearing alternate uniforms?

Yes, old man numb-nuts, I know you don't care if they wear pink as long as we win. I know Dak wears a pink thong under his pants. Yes, I know this thread will be buried after a few scathing replies. No, I don't care.

I DO, however, want to rant. I am SO SICK of seeing this white sock trend going on. Good uniforms have contrast. The most egregious thing Dak Prescott has done to make me resent him has been wearing white socks with every single uniform set last year. White socks with the silver pants/navy jersey against the Commanders? Horrendous! Doesn't that Louisiana hick know that a good uniform requires proper and complimentary contrast? Cut him yesterday! And now, that trend has taken off, as over half the players decided to forego blue socks for white in the most recent pre-season game. It looks terrible, especially the white tights with the home uni. And don't even get me started on the untucked undershirts, or the overuse of the all-white uniforms plaguing the league. CeeDee Lamb and Jourdan Lewis deserve the Presidential Medal of Honor for wearing navy socks with the color rush uniform last year. It was a bold, glorious fashion statement that should earn 88 a max contract.

Thanks for coming to this rant. Please ignore it and get back to blasting/praising Dak in one of the important threads. And remember, your entire self-worth in life should be based on your likes to messages ratio on your anonymous profile on a Cowboys fan forum.
I think the blue jerseys and silver pants look the best.
I think Dallas should use them as their main uniforms for a while.
I think the blue jerseys and silver pants look the best.
I think Dallas should use them as their main uniforms for a while.
Agreed. They have won almost every game they have played in the navy, color rush, and throwbacks the past several years, including the only playoff win since 2018. It's the boring ol' home whites that are cursed now, lol. Our home whites are definitely iconic, even with all their weird nuances (mismatched blues, weird color pants (though at least those aren't green anymore), just like the Yankees pinstripes, but the navy uniform is one of the best looks in all of pro sports and should be worn at least 2-3 more times a year than we are getting this year. I'd also love to see the color rush/double star jersey paired with the silver pants and navy socks like the triplets-era Cowboys wore in 1994.
Nah. We aren't the Giants, Colts, or Lions. Cowboys blue is navy and it makes us alot more unique than being another royal blue team. We'd look too close to the Lions.
Honestly, the navy is a more handsome color anyway.
Honestly, the navy is a more handsome color anyway.
Totally agree. Navy and silver looks better than royal and silver.

Fun Fact: The only reason Dallas used royal blue back in the 70's was that navy looked black on old TV's and royal looked navy. That's why the star/helmet was always navy. Same with the silver/blue pants, on old color TV's they looked like they perfectly matched the helmet. Then, Tex Schramm had a car with an interior that had the blue/silver/seafoam green color and loved it, so he made the pants the really weird seafoam green color they were for several decades. They finally have removed the green and gone back to the silver/blue pants that were worn in the Staubach era, and that looks so much better. The uniform purist in me would like to see them go with silver pants that actually match the helmet (even the silver pants worn with the navy jersey doesn't perfectly match the helmet, though they are way closer than the home pants) and use only navy blue, but at this point all of the weird nuances with the home whites make them kind of iconic. Just wish we saw the navy jerseys more.
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Totally agree. Navy and silver looks better than royal and silver.

Fun Fact: The only reason Dallas used royal blue back in the 70's was that navy looked black on old TV's and royal looked navy. That's why the star/helmet was always navy. Same with the silver/blue pants, on old color TV's they looked like they perfectly matched the helmet. Then, Tex Schramm had a car with an interior that had the blue/silver/seafoam green color and loved it, so he made the pants the really weird seafoam green color they were for several decades. They finally have removed the green and gone back to the silver/blue pants that were worn in the Staubach era, and that looks so much better. The uniform purist in me would like to see them go with silver pants that actually match the helmet (even the silver pants worn with the navy jersey doesn't perfectly match the helmet, though they are way closer than the home pants) and use only navy blue, but at this point all of the weird nuances with the home whites make them kind of iconic. Just wish we saw the navy jerseys more.
Lol, cool. The ocd in me has always wanted a perfect match as well. No matter, we still have the best and most iconic unis in pro sports, in my biased opinion.

I actually do like seeing the color rush too. I also like the white helmets, but prefer the star be outlined. It's just a cleaner look with the outline.
Why cant our color rush uniform be seafoam jerseys!
The navy blue should be the main home jersey, and the color rush needs to be switched to all navy-blue.
More of the blue jerseys in all forms…light blue, navy blue.

Speaking of Blue, think it was against the cards (could be wrong) but still remember TD and Drew running down the field slapping five to each other in those blue uniforms with the sun hitting them, what a beautiful sight. Lol

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