This graph shows how the Cowboys season is going

Jerry's Not Making Any Trade Moves Is Very Telling That Jerry's In His Own Mind This Is a Sinking Campaign Strategy .
I see entertainment....that's all it is...the game is fun for me....guys that live vicariously through the Cowboys and think they make a difference or have answers that no one of importance listens too, that's entertainment too. Thanks for that.
I get it now. Have you ever competed on any level in any sport? Your above statement stands on its on no matter how you answer this question. I see why I ignored you several years ago. I was always friends in school with the band members but they never understood either.
I get it now. Have you ever competed on any level in any sport? Your above statement stands on its on no matter how you answer this question. I see why I ignored you several years ago. I was always friends in school with the band members but they never understood either.
Lol! You couldn't hold my jock strap with all my accomplishment in my over 40 year career as a player and coach. The Cowboys don't pay my bills, they are entertaining only. I don't cry about teams that I can't control! You frikkin jock sniffer!
BTW or band kids work their couldn't carry their jocks either...Now go back to your Madden game. You probably like losing their too. Losers, don't know any different
Lol! You couldn't hold my jock strap with all my accomplishment in my over 40 year career as a player and coach. The Cowboys don't pay my bills, they are entertaining only. I don't cry about teams that I can't control! You frikkin jock sniffer!
BTW or band kids work their couldn't carry their jocks either...Now go back to your Madden game. You probably like losing their too. Losers, don't know any different
First or second chair?
First or second chair?
Had to ask my wife what that meant, she laughed and said, that jock sniffer was in the band! Lol! I told her, no he's to much of a wuss to have handled those South Texas band practices.
Had to ask my wife what that meant, she laughed and said, that jock sniffer was in the band! Lol! I told her, no he's to much of a wuss to have handled those South Texas band practices.
I apologize. I did some research. Do you still have your 3rd place trophy on your mantle from your jr. high chess team?
I apologize. I did some research. Do you still have your 3rd place trophy on your mantle from your jr. high chess team?
I actually placed first on my junior high chess team. Damn proud of it, too.
Don't want one in Dallas...turned one down in SA recently. Gotta stay home and hang with my 89 year old dad. He doesn't like or talk football...just talk about the days down in his ranch in Mexico. How refreshing.
Enjoy that time. Seriously. Whatever our differences, you only get one dad.
That’s not a pic of your chess trophy. One of my granddaughters is 10 and she’s got over 20 of those. Am I suppose to be impressed?
I don't need to impress jock sniffers...but, I am impressed with your granddaughters 20 district and bi-district championships. I only won 12.....
I don't need to impress jock sniffers...but, I am impressed with your granddaughters 20 district and bi-district championships. I only won 12.....
Chess must have a huge following in your district. Do you invest in a company that sells jocks? You sure do reference them quite often.
I remain for the entertainment value, the combination of morbid comedy and never-ending drama. They are now a tragic satire. A caricature, if you will.

They will not win a Super Bowl again in my time. Their clumsy, clueless actions, quotes, and excuses will be my only amusement now.
Chess must have a huge following in your district. Do you invest in a company that sells jocks? You sure do reference them quite often.
I only played in Junior High, I actually like the game quite a bit. It reminds me of the back and forth I have here. I enjoy the zoners with thick skin that can take is as well as they dish it. Salud!
Losers want to lose....we can be 7-0 and some will still want to lose to prove their point...that's what I don't understand.
Some would argue that 7-0 is akin to fool's gold for these cowboys.
You think you have something, but turns out... it's bust come playoff time.
Hard to believe but the Commander are 4 games away from 10 wins. Its the cap that ALMOST guarantees a playoff........heard/read it from few coaches. Get 10 wins as quick as possible and focus on home field..........
Cowboys will probably help 'em out some.

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