Any Marines here?


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Hello and thank you for your service.

I am looking for feedback on the Marine Corps ;

Is it worth going in in 2024
Do you have any regrets in your time there?
How bad is the alcoholism drug use barrack fights? Drunk driving.?
Did it help you find a job after your service?

This is for a family member who is considering going in at the age of 17.

Thx !
Great for job training and direction for a 17 year old. Bad for being sent far from home fighting made up enemies and losing an arm, leg or half your skull! You see these commercials on tv with these mutilated veterans and you can just cry. No ty…
Basic Training and learning a trade skill.
Being away from home for the first time
Learning responsibility.

The armed forces is a good start for a young man that is not sure what is in his future.
It helps him grow as an individual. Helps him save some money if they are smart. Can
get into the GI Bill so they can get some help going to college after the leave.
Do not know about Marines but in the army you could do some college classes. There were
also a number of army courses you could take through the mail that helped to add skill points and could help when you were bucking for a promotion.
Hello and thank you for your service.

I am looking for feedback on the Marine Corps ;

Is it worth going in in 2024
Do you have any regrets in your time there?
How bad is the alcoholism drug use barrack fights? Drunk driving.?
Did it help you find a job after your service?

This is for a family member who is considering going in at the age of 17.

Thx !
Served 2001-2005 keep in mind old info

-What is your actual goal with your service. Marine Corps may not be what you actually want.

- I was MeuSoc. Its a QRF unit with similarities to the Rangers. 6 month training program than 6 months on a float. If you want to travel, and experience the world this is for you. OP's do have the potential to go worse than typical combat op's.

- We are peace time, but who knows for how long. If you go infantry (especially if you end up Meusoc) your experience can get you into some fed law enforcement without needing a bachelors. Marshals and some parts of DEA. However your DQ'd if you have more than 30% disability for PTSD. So doing enough real world could stop that if thats your goal

- I don't regret it. Even the bad parts. And the bad parts were very bad. My unti was the one that lost the helo between Fallujah and Ramadi in early 2005. 31 gone instantly. The bad parts are character building

- Drinking is a major part of the culture. DWI was a real problem. Dont get one because you will be charged both under civilian law and UCMJ.

Any other questions? Also down the line feel free to PM me
Basic Training and learning a trade skill.
Being away from home for the first time
Learning responsibility.

The armed forces is a good start for a young man that is not sure what is in his future.
It helps him grow as an individual. Helps him save some money if they are smart. Can
get into the GI Bill so they can get some help going to college after the leave.
Do not know about Marines but in the army you could do some college classes. There were
also a number of army courses you could take through the mail that helped to add skill points and could help when you were bucking for a promotion.
VA housing loans are a major benefit too

College course while in the Marines are available. Its doable if you are infantry, but tricky
Great for job training and direction for a 17 year old. Bad for being sent far from home fighting made up enemies and losing an arm, leg or half your skull! You see these commercials on tv with these mutilated veterans and you can just cry. No ty…
I look at this way:

Trade skills: Air Force, Navy

Law Enforcement: Marine and Army infantry. I always one simple question when people ask if they should go Marines or Army. "Are you afraid of heights". The best units in the Army are all airborne. In the Marines you can get into a special operations unit without Airborne.
Served 2001-2005 keep in mind old info

-What is your actual goal with your service. Marine Corps may not be what you actually want.

- I was MeuSoc. Its a QRF unit with similarities to the Rangers. 6 month training program than 6 months on a float. If you want to travel, and experience the world this is for you. OP's do have the potential to go worse than typical combat op's.

- We are peace time, but who knows for how long. If you go infantry (especially if you end up Meusoc) your experience can get you into some fed law enforcement without needing a bachelors. Marshals and some parts of DEA. However your DQ'd if you have more than 30% disability for PTSD. So doing enough real world could stop that if thats your goal

- I don't regret it. Even the bad parts. And the bad parts were very bad. My unti was the one that lost the helo between Fallujah and Ramadi in early 2005. 31 gone instantly. The bad parts are character building

- Drinking is a major part of the culture. DWI was a real problem. Dont get one because you will be charged both under civilian law and UCMJ.

Any other questions? Also down the line feel free to PM me
Great stuff and stone cold scary - what is w the Helio crashes ? 5 marines just died recently.

Do only infantry see frontline action ? Door 2 door ?

I’m very concerned about bullying - hazing - barrack brawls etc.

Sounds completely reckless
VA housing loans are a major benefit too

College course while in the Marines are available. Its doable if you are infantry, but tricky
I fear that’s the reason why he’s joining the VA loan ability and also the G.I.Bill.

Is the trade-off of PTSD worth it in my opinion absolutely not.
As a young man just getting into the Military. That is when you have the most power to choose what trade or school you want to take.
They will always try to get you to take the ones they want...infantry is a big one. But at this point you have the power.

It would be wise to find someone that knows the MOS Military Occupation other words what school you go to after basic training.

He can try to look at all the options and decide what kind of MOS he wants. There are some that are better to get that will make it easier to advance in rank. But also some that will serve him better once he leaves the military.
As a young man just getting into the Military. That is when you have the most power to choose what trade or school you want to take.
They will always try to get you to take the ones they want...infantry is a big one. But at this point you have the power.

It would be wise to find someone that knows the MOS Military Occupation other words what school you go to after basic training.

He can try to look at all the options and decide what kind of MOS he wants. There are some that are better to get that will make it easier to advance in rank. But also some that will serve him better once he leaves the military.
Excellent thank you - apparently Infantry is backed up because of how many actually want that life.
Bless them - to me the risk reward is concerning.
Great stuff and stone cold scary - what is w the Helio crashes ? 5 marines just died recently.

Do only infantry see frontline action ? Door 2 door ?

I’m very concerned about bullying - hazing - barrack brawls etc.

Sounds completely reckless
I wouldn't say only. Any MOS can be on frontlines. During GWOT if you were in country, you were doing convoys. Convoys were the biggest killer on both fronts. In the Marines, even if you are non infantry you can be part of an infantry battalion. Mainly supply, motor transport, and cooks. Intel and NBC too, but those shops are small enlisted wise.

There is hazing. Its really nothing that you couldnt deal with though. And really its to make you adaptable and not just to mess with you. The people that do it, legitimately care about. People that do it just to mess with you are typically on the lower end of the respect spectrum and are delt with. Publicly usually
I fear that’s the reason why he’s joining the VA loan ability and also the G.I.Bill.

Is the trade-off of PTSD worth it in my opinion absolutely not.
Both are very good benefits

Its hard for me to awnser the 2nd question. I went in for my own reasons. Not for benefits or to avenge 9-11( enlisted shortly before). Hard to explain really, but the best I can do is say at the time I need a new world for myself. I sure got what I was looking for.

You have to respect the risks. They are significant. Peace time is never something you can count on
Great stuff and stone cold scary - what is w the Helio crashes ? 5 marines just died recently.

Do only infantry see frontline action ? Door 2 door ?

I’m very concerned about bullying - hazing - barrack brawls etc.

Sounds completely reckless
Is he concerned about hazing, or are you lol
He just needs to realize that when he goes to basic training he will be tested.

They will have you try to do a task that should take ten minutes but want it done in one.

They have you doing stuff that they know you will not be able to do.

Even the simplest thing like making you do not have any strings hanging on your uniform turns into something to get yelled at over.

They will try to break you down and then build you back up.

At the end of basic you might have a day or two before leaving to go to your advanced individual training. Where the drill Sgts ease up a good deal. On of ours asked us what we wrote home about and I told him that I wrote to my mom that you looked like the damn devil. He kind of laughed but I think it hurt his feelings a tad.

Once you are out of basic...the schooling is not as hard but it still is regimented. But usually when you finish that and go to your first duty station...things chill out a great deal...of course that does not count if you are on the front lines but the stiffness of it all is much less. You start looking back and wondering why something so simple was so difficult in basic then you realize it was because that is what they wanted. To get you to work under pressure.

I remember talking with the Sgt Major once and in his office he had a sign. It war and combat are chaos...that is why the US Military is so good, because it is chaos all the time...or something along that line.
Hello and thank you for your service.

I am looking for feedback on the Marine Corps ;

Is it worth going in in 2024
Do you have any regrets in your time there?
How bad is the alcoholism drug use barrack fights? Drunk driving.?
Did it help you find a job after your service?

This is for a family member who is considering going in at the age of 17.

Thx !
Yes , it is worth it. At the time I hated a lot of the hard work, but it built me and made me a man, not just some clueless guy in life. It teaches you leadership, discipline, hard work, and life is not a bunch of freebies, shortcuts, and nothing is just handed to you. Everyday now I use the same discipline techniques at work & home. You will make friends that will be your brothers for life and they always have your back . Even now, we support each other. It's tough and it's not easy but you will be astounded what you can accomplish when looking back.. They're are alcoholics in there but keep your head about you be smart. Drugs? No because you're gonna be tested all the time and some are just random. Fights? Yeah like brothers fight time to time, but you all forgive and be friends again...
I got to see the world, where I might never have. I saw Asia and my whole life since then. I love and crush on beautiful Asian women.
Boot camp will be a very hard test. It's just like the opening scene from the movie " Full Metal Jacket" but it's to get rid of the idiots, mental defects,and Mama's Boys. It makes you a Man. I don't think they can hit you like in the movie anymore, but only the tough make it out. I got pushed around, had my wall locker thrown at me, but as long as he does his job, keeps his mouth shut, doesn't take any short cuts and doesn't get upset with his feelings hurt by being called everything in the book, he will be fine. Just encourage him, write him while in Boot Camp and tell how you are so proud of him.

87- 91 Operation Desert Storm
0331 Machine Gunner
Semper Fi
If he can deal with this , the world is a piece of cake.
Yes , it is worth it. At the time I hated a lot of the hard work, but it built me and made me a man, not just some clueless guy in life. It teaches you leadership, discipline, hard work, and life is not a bunch of freebies, shortcuts, and nothing is just handed to you. Everyday now I use the same discipline techniques at work & home. You will make friends that will be your brothers for life and they always have your back . Even now, we support each other. It's tough and it's not easy but you will be astounded what you can accomplish when looking back.. They're are alcoholics in there but keep your head about you be smart. Drugs? No because you're gonna be tested all the time and some are just random. Fights? Yeah like brothers fight time to time, but you all forgive and be friends again...
I got to see the world, where I might never have. I saw Asia and my whole life since then. I love and crush on beautiful Asian women.
Boot camp will be a very hard test. It's just like the opening scene from the movie " Full Metal Jacket" but it's to get rid of the idiots, mental defects,and Mama's Boys. It makes you a Man. I don't think they can hit you like in the movie anymore, but only the tough make it out. I got pushed around, had my wall locker thrown at me, but as long as he does his job, keeps his mouth shut, doesn't take any short cuts and doesn't get upset with his feelings hurt by being called everything in the book, he will be fine. Just encourage him, write him while in Boot Camp and tell how you are so proud of him.

87- 91 Operation Desert Storm
0331 Machine Gunner
Semper Fi
Excellent, excellent information and honesty. Thank you for your service.
He just needs to realize that when he goes to basic training he will be tested.

They will have you try to do a task that should take ten minutes but want it done in one.

They have you doing stuff that they know you will not be able to do.

Even the simplest thing like making you do not have any strings hanging on your uniform turns into something to get yelled at over.

They will try to break you down and then build you back up.

At the end of basic you might have a day or two before leaving to go to your advanced individual training. Where the drill Sgts ease up a good deal. On of ours asked us what we wrote home about and I told him that I wrote to my mom that you looked like the damn devil. He kind of laughed but I think it hurt his feelings a tad.

Once you are out of basic...the schooling is not as hard but it still is regimented. But usually when you finish that and go to your first duty station...things chill out a great deal...of course that does not count if you are on the front lines but the stiffness of it all is much less. You start looking back and wondering why something so simple was so difficult in basic then you realize it was because that is what they wanted. To get you to work under pressure.

I remember talking with the Sgt Major once and in his office he had a sign. It war and combat are chaos...that is why the US Military is so good, because it is chaos all the time...or something along that line.
Thank you for the information- I’m going to pass all this along to him- I’m still extremely nervous about him going, especially with things heating up in places like potentially Panama and of course the Middle East is always an issue, especially after we’ve pulled out of Afghanistan.
Thank you for your service Sir!

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